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From what I can gather, one of the BoB Directors (Haarkenen or something I think, not 100% sure though) had become disillusioned, and also happened to have an alt in goons. He decided he'd prefer to be a part of goons, so after talking with the Goonswarm leadership, they devised a way for him to go out with a bang :P


This basically involved stealing all the assets belonging to the corp he was a director in (and any other assets he could get hold of I gather), which apparently included 500m isk, a large quantity of cap ships, and various other odds and ends, before kicking every player he could out of his corp, then kicking every corporation in BoB out of the alliance, including his own, thus disbanding it. This meant that BoB lost sovereignty over all their systems... and as the majority of their defences which had given them an advantage up until now required a certain level of sov to use (jumpbridges, cynojammers, etc), along with all their capital ship production arrays, they became sitting ducks - in complete disarray, no longer able to access each other's POSes, no defences, etc etc. (Apparently, they also had at least one Titan in production - I'm not too sure on the game mechanics here, either it was paused, or it was lost completely, including all the minerals theyd put into it)


Then, to add insult to injury, Goons created a new corporation called band of brothers, with the BoB ticker - meaning noone else can use it, and forcing BoB to find a new name. I think they've already reformed under a different name, but I don't know what it is.


So now there's a massive power vacuum down in Delve, everyone's rushed in to try and grab as much of Bob's territory as they can - according to a friend of mine in 0.0, having your fleet ambushed while attempting to ambush a fleet waiting to ambush someone elses fleet is a common occurrence :P


This probably wont affect us high-sec people too much... but theres gonna be a BIG market for ships and fittings down that way very soon, if not already, moon mineral prices have skyrocketed - ferrogel in particular, what with the recent shortages anyway - and will soon be followed by T2 items... again, if they havent gone up already. A good time to be a trader if you have enough isk to afford all those things, though if you havent taken the opportunity already, you've probably missed most of it.


So thats pretty much everything in a nutshell... a very big nutshell, but then again its a very big event :P


Eve has exciting times ahead of it... there are calls for CCP to roll it all back and declare it cheating, but I doubt they will, and don't think they should tbh. Though they should look at the alliance game mechanics carefully - being able to disband an entire alliance, destroying years of work by thousands of people in just a few mouse clicks, when it takes 24 hours just for one corp to leave seems a bit absurd imo

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having your fleet ambushed while attempting to ambush a fleet waiting to ambush someone elses fleet is a common occurrence :P

lol - just too funny

Eve has exciting times ahead of it... there are calls for CCP to roll it all back and declare it cheating

exciting times no doubt - with all that has been happening (the exploit), and with a new update in the wings and skill queuing...


There is no doubt that what happened (and thanks for the detailed review) will never be termed cheating, and should not be termed cheating as espionage/moles/sabotage is part of the game. Though I agree that some game mechanics like being able to disband entire alliances and years of work on one person's whim could be looked at.


I had such a busy week in RL last week that I have had no opportunity to take any advantage market-wise. In fact I have missed out on all such opportunities and will continue to do so in the future. Even though I make all my money trading, I end up doing it the hard way. Just hope Charon's haven't gone up in price, as I get Caldari Industrial V in a couple of days. Will also be able to fly transport ships, and can get all your stuff from low sec for a very reasonable fee :)

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I doubt Charon's will go up in price... unless theyre T2 ships (I don't actually know), in which case they undoubtedly will. T2 requires moon materials to be produced, which can only be mined in 0.0, by a specially set up POS - so supply has fallen drastically with such a huge chunk of space thrown into turmoil.


Also, Dark0ne, Theta, A Reaver... I'm curious to hear your opinion on all this, living in 0.0 and all :P

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Heya all! Been a while since I've posted anything here!


Samroski, I've got an alt with a freighter in empire if you ever need help moving large bits of Tritanium around. It can be a real pain in the butt to haul Tritanium since you need so much of it for production! My Hauler alt is 'Bella Lynnese' feel free to eve mail or convo me in game.


The BOB Breakup was crazy. They're going to have to fight hard to re-establish their Sov levels and get their space secure again, though I can't say I'm too sad to see them get brought down by their own tactics! And I'm also glad I don't live out in Sov holding 0.0 space!


And I'm finally glad the Alliance Tourney is over! My Alliance made it to the quarter finals, and we're not a big alliance. It's quite a bit of work behind the scenes getting ships and fittings together. We were basically still getting ships fit down to the last minute before the GM teleported our ships to the Arena.

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Lazytanker- thanks a million for your offer. Got 2 days left for Cladari Industrial V- and hopefully should have a Charon soon after that. The experience of trying to gather ore for making one was quite sobering, and underlined the need for someone to have a freighter around for all the crazy hauling.


Saw a couple of Alliance Tourney matches- but I am far removed from these and BoB/Goons politics. Maybe after another year or two of eve playing...

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The BoB demise... puts the GHSC heist to shame for sheer scale. ^^


I hadn't really been paying too much attention to exactly how it happened as I headed for Delve to check out the situation and look for the capital shipyards as soon as I logged on on the Thursday.


It wasn't until later that afternoon - when I got a convo from a former corpmate to ask whether I'd heard that our former corpmate, Haargoth Agamar, had killed BoB - that I looked into how it all had happened. I find it incredibly funny that Haargoth could have become a BoB director ;D


Tbh, it couldn't have happened to a more deserving alliance - given the metagaming, the cheating, etc. One common sentiment expressed seemed to be 'let's see CCP bail you out of this one!'


Apparently Pandemic Legion immediately headed for NOL, and after taking the station renamed the 'Alamo' to 'LMAO'. ;D



Meanwhile in Querious and Delve there is a mad scramble going on for station systems, tower superiority and taking out the CSAAs. Corp and alliance logistics people are pretty much working around the clock to get everyone and everything to the right place. There is a strong sense of urgency as the anti-bob alliances are making the most of this window of opportunity before Sov 3, and with it cynojammers and jumpbridge networks, can be regained.



BoB have already formed a new alliance called KenZoku - the alliance formerly known as BoB now being commonly referred to as 'Kenny' - and they already regained Sov 1 in a lot of systems.



Fighting currently seems to centre on their former Sov 4 constellation in Delve, and the J-L capital yards. On Saturday night, numbers in that system exceeded 1100 - which was roughly equal to numbers in Jita at that time. The battle in that system went on for hours, lasting long into the night (I am told 8-10 hours), with losses/kills on both sides hard to tell as the lagmonster ate many of the killmails (I have as yet to receive a lossmail for the geddon I lost that night).


More fights on that scale are only to be expected :)


WTB: cheap, disposable geddons in Khanid :happy:

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Gettin that racial industrial V skill is quite a chore! I'm busy training up a second account to fly T2 haulers and Freighters so I have to do it a second time. Ugh.


I had a friend build my freighter for me, so I didn't have to do any of the hauling or gathering of materials for it which is nice, but I've built a few battleships for my PVP character, and just that is a chore, I can't imagine gathering the minerals for a Freighter, to be honest!


I'm pretty far removed from ex-bob and goon politics, living in Syndicate. It's sorta like living in low sec, but no gate guns or sec hits and some good small gang pvp, and none of the drama of POS warfare or big alliance politics. It's great! :D


Lately though I spend most of my time in empire trading and trying to make more iskies. It sure beats mission running and ratting for making money, that's for sure!

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