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Probabl next time I log on - it seems me and Pezco's only RO are on totally different time zones, so there was a bit of trouble getting hold of him for an interview. That's all sorted now though, I'm just waiting for the directors to approve it, and then I'm in. :)


Unless of course they decide not to let me in for some reason.

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080329 2020


Have just been offered 1 million for $7.71


I had been hoping to hear from somebody. Had selected a far off area in the universe and set course. Am keeping a close eye on the security levels of systems. There was the welcome sound of the communication system. Instead of the Blackwolves wholeheartedly accepting me in their corporation, it was this shady looking fellow who wanted to sell me money. Wonder if such entrepreneurs should be reported to the authorities?

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CCP do not sanction the buying and selling of isk using real world money. I do not know how well they enforce it but accounts have been deleted etc. because of it.


Unlike all the other MMORPGs, though, they have an officially sanctioned system for "buying" isk. This involves buying an Eve time card (digital 30 day or 90 day codes) from one of the many providers and then using CCP's custom built system to sell the time card to others for isk.


30 day cards are $15 and go for about 180m isk.

90 day cards are $40 and naturally go for about 3 times as much.


They have a similar system for legally buying and selling characters.


While the system is a bit cumbersome it is a nice change from the norm; a developer that sees a problem and has a positive stance on fixing it.

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This person had joined a few hours before sending me the PM.


I like the idea of legally buying and selling characters (more so than legally buying credit). I do not mind people having a bit of easy fun, as long as the game balance does not tilt unfavorably. Most players would not indulge in this sort of counter-role play activity anyway.

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080329 1819


Got a message from my friend Lemming. He's a Minmatar, but we got along famously at the school. Got in trouble on his behalf a couple of times. More like got him out of trouble.


What wonderful timing- with me at a loose end (and about to contact Eve University again to beg them to accept me with the 10th mission incomplete). He had just finished training. I located him on the map. He was 20 jumps away. This was not an issue- but 4 of the in between systems were low security. Two 0.4 and two 0.3 systems. This was quite disturbing. I charted the route, and tried not to convey my anxiety to Lemming- who appeared to have full confidence in my ability to negotiate half the universe.





Wondering whether it is best to leave ship in a pod just before the shields give out- or whether it is better to go down with the ship, I engaged the autopilot.


I could feel the adrenaline rush as I jumped into low sec space a while later. Was in constant contact with Lemming- so that he could record my last words, should I perish.


The first 0.4 system was okay- no suspicious activity. Soon I was in 0.3 space and still no activity. In fact there was no activity. Maybe I chose the right time to travel. Maybe I just got lucky. Three more jumps and I was back in 0.5 space and started breathing easy. I do not want to tempt fate, but the experience was encouraging.






Met Lemming and had a chat about our future, while mining. I wanted to start our own corporation. People in corporations were friendly and all but we were friendlier (at least towards ourselves). A quick check showed that this required 1.5 million ISK. Even if we pooled our resources, we needed another 1 million. This may be a hurdle. Still I think this is the way to go. So what if we do not know anything? I figure that it will take me about 100 mining expeditions to get the funds. As I know of no other reliable means of making a living, am seriously considering this possibility. By the time I make the money I may have learned a thing or two.







Part of the issue may be that I am in Minmatar space. Am already getting messages that some of the items I am carrying are contraband (these were entirely legal before). Do not know how the locals will feel about me setting up home here. The stations are like nothing I have seen before. Huge, sprawling structures that shine with countless bright lights in the ever darkness. I miss the friendly patterns of stars at home.



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