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Ubisoft PC activations track hardware changes


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Makes little difference to me, I stopped buying Ubisoft games when they first insisted you needed to be constantly connected to play.


Ironically, it seems so did everyone else. Ever since uPlay came into being, Ubisoft's PC game sales have dropped an astonishing 90%.


Worst part? They're blaming it on piracy.


If you ask me, Ubisoft is looking for a cheap excuse to stop developing for the PC entirely.


I thought their sales would be down, you only have to look at Steams boards when one of Ubisofts games is on sale to see what people think of their DRM, however 90% is staggering. Surely they must be reaching a point where they're not making money from the PC?

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If you ask me, Ubisoft is looking for a cheap excuse to stop developing for the PC entirely.

after they required a 100+mb patch (download) just to play one of their games

(disk wouldn't run without it)


may their wish come true.

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It's stupid because if your mate wanted a free copy they'd just pirate it, not borrow your legit one with crazy DRM. DRM that only expects you as a paying customer to go around pirating. But by definition you're a paying customer and not a pirate... so.. :psyduck:
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Yeah, one of the reasons I'm glad I was lucky I installed new ram before I got the game. You shouldn't be punished for upgrading your PC to let a game run better or to replace parts :rolleyes:.
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Yeah, one of the reasons I'm glad I was lucky I installed new ram before I got the game. You shouldn't be punished for upgrading your PC to let a game run better or to replace parts :rolleyes:.

but they are asking you nicely


to take your business elsewhere

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Why do people not employ, oh, say, Serious Sam 3's method of DRM? Or, since it seems that graphics are the biggest draw for several games, why not something like what Garry's Mod did? Most pirates have no idea what to do about things like that and complaining about those problems are only going to reveal their true nature...


So yeah, no more numbers and online connections, just make the game play and look like crap if it's pirated... You know, I'd go as far as putting an eyepatch, hat, and parrot on the player character, maybe even replace vocal and text lines with just "Yarr!" and "Arr!" XD

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