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Ubisoft PC activations track hardware changes


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Nah, that would do nothing. There would have to be a whole managerial switchout for anything to change - Where one CEO would be thrown out, another person on the board with the same intentions would take his place. A complete throwout of the board and top managers would be better odds for a change in method and goals for the company, and how to achieve them. If anything, I think the stockholders can demand a management consulting firm to come in and analyze the situation, and chances are that they might suggest the same thing I did.


And by the way, if such a thing happens at Ubisoft, can the same happen at EA? Because, you know, they've been needing that for nearly a decade now.

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This Anno 2070 game that people are referring to looked cool, but all of this bad DRM protection scared me away. It's not like their DRM even works because there are already torrents up for it and they are not even that hard to find. If any game company wants to remain competitive, they need to learn to put the customers first and drop their prices by at least $20 for the $60 games. I'm pretty sure that there can be no effective DRM protection, since there are always people with the skills to code it away. I have no idea how they do it, but they do it. Otherwise, you wouldn't be hearing all of this boo-hooing over piracy.
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The whole DRM thing is crazy, by it's very nature it only causes issues for paying customers, the pirates never see it. Punishing people for buying the game is lunacy, do they really think making the retail version inferior to the pirate version is the way to tackle piracy? I don't know what the answer to piracy is, maybe they'll just have to accept a degree of thievery much like the stores do.
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Nah, that would do nothing. There would have to be a whole managerial switchout for anything to change - Where one CEO would be thrown out, another person on the board with the same intentions would take his place. A complete throwout of the board and top managers would be better odds for a change in method and goals for the company, and how to achieve them. If anything, I think the stockholders can demand a management consulting firm to come in and analyze the situation, and chances are that they might suggest the same thing I did.


And by the way, if such a thing happens at Ubisoft, can the same happen at EA? Because, you know, they've been needing that for nearly a decade now.


It already happened at EA and look at the overall quality of games that they release since 2007 (excluding EA sports). Besides, I think EA has learned it's lession and now is trying to emulate Steam's and Blizzard's successes in their long term goals. Usually when a new CEO comes to chair, their entire business model trinkles down the management. Apple is an example of a massive overhall in management culture when Steve Jobs became CEO once again in 1998, now it's one of the leading manufactures of MP3 players, smartphones and tablets, as well as having one of the biggest shares of DD music market. So a change is possible if they obtain the right CEO.

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Over intrusive DRM, yep that's the way to go.



That won't bother legit customers one bit.


They won't mind having to jump through hoops to install and play the game.


They won't mind having to use third party software.


They won't mind having to fork out for constant high speed Internet access.


They won't mind us mining their hard drives for personnal information.


They won't mind us making a balls up of their registries.


They won't mind paying top dollar for games because we waste so much of our resources on coming up with this nonsense that we have to hike the prices of our games.



No, they won't mind that one bit, but wait, what ?


Where did all our customers go ?


It must be the pirates, we need more DRM




Intrusive DRM, creating new pirates everyday.

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he switched graphics cards only to be met with an activation prompt and subsequent message that he had used his entire allocation

When he explained his predicament to Ubisoft, its Dutch division replied: "Sorry to disappoint you - the game is indeed restricted to three hardware changes and there simply is no way to bypass that


What ??? Are these people trying to go out of business ? Nothing they can do to bypass this? Are they kidding after all they programed it to do that in the first place.

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Or maybe they are out exactly to test the user base complacency and acceptance level...


As I see it, some corporations take upon themselves the task... Ubisoft at the DRM side, Sony at hardware side and Intel once and again try to implement a little piece of TC ideology in their CPU or standalone chip (the last one I recall was that named Fritz after an illuminated congressman or something in the line, not surprisingly in a model of Sony Vaio notebook), let's not talk about MS since I believe everyone know what it has been doing since XP era and even before.


PS: The thing got to the point HDCP is "sold" as desired feature on video-cards and coming soon to more devices directly or adapted (translate it by Hardware level DRM and link it to TCG willings and you can't be that wrong).


For now there are legal barriers for what can be censored and remotely controlled in your (the user) side. But like you must be aware, those legal barriers have been strongly tested too, just look up to the SOAP... sorry, I mean SOPA and PIPA threads and answer yourself what could be when these advances in "protection" of corporation's properties will not become controlling "what you can have in your machine".

Edited by nosisab
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For now there are legal barriers for what can be censored and remotely controlled in your (the user) side. But like you must be aware, those legal barriers have been strongly tested too, just look up to the SOAP... sorry, I mean SOPA and PIPA threads and answer yourself what could be when these advances in "protection" of corporation's properties will not become controlling "what you can have in your machine".


You do realize that the majority of these publishers who use DRM actually stood up AGAINST Sopa, right? Very few of them actually advocated it.

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Or maybe they are out exactly to test the user base complacency and acceptance level...



Unfortunately, the test is on the current game - most customers buy it not knowing about the new DRM until after the fact. The testers see that it has barely affected their sales. Then when they bring out the next game - many of those who were duped by the last one pass it by because of the problems with the previous one. And the pirates, who were not affected at all, take the blame. :rolleyes:

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