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[WIP] Atvir Dres: The Last Prince of Tear


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Holy mother, there have been a lot of comments since I was last here.


First off, let me apologize for my unannounced absence. One of my projects ended unexpectedly, and I decided to take the opportunity to vacation overseas. I am very happy to be back, and equally pleased to see that so much enthusiasm for the project has been building in my absence.


Secondly, I want to assure you all that the project is moving ahead at full-speed. My current focus is wrapping up the scripts for Raylin Dreylin's dialogue (an old retainer of the Dres, introduced in the next update) and sending those off to lomekian, a talented and experienced British voice actor who has graciously agreed to lend his talents to the project. The versatile and enthusiastic Arctous nzz074797 (EDIT: sorry, credited the wrong person) will be providing the voice of a bandit watchman who appears in the same quest.


Viltuska has built the cells which will be used in the content update, and his work has already been integrated into Atvir.esp. The first content update will introduce two new areas:


Windpeak Cellar: A subterranean addition to the Windpeak Inn in Dawnstar. Raylin, now a simple dockworker, makes his home in these dark and musty chambers. However, a careful search may turn up clues that hint at a secret double life...


Hjorri's Grotto: A cave complex outside Dawnstar. Once thought abandoned and inaccessible, the cave has been cleared of rubble and now houses a small but well-defended bandit lair. Rumor has it that a new leader has seized control of the outlaw band - a ruthless and enigmatic Argonian, who has far more than simple banditry on his mind...


It's also worth mentioning that I'm currently discussing collaboration with a professional composer and musician who has expressed interest in scoring the project. While I had engaged in some similar discussions with another artist several months ago, those talks ended inconclusively, and I was forced to continue the search. Though nothing has been agreed upon yet, I am very hopeful that we'll be adding some unique and beautiful compositions to the mod in the not-too-distant future.


Now, to answer those questions that were brought up earlier...


Will Argonian players be able to develop a friendship with Atvir? Absolutely (though romances won't be possible). Among the most prominent themes of this modification are racial/cultural tensions - both in terms of how they develop and how they may be overcome. Atvir's blind prejudice is just the starting point in terms of his character development, and Argonian players will be able to develop a rapport with the Prince that may, in time, encourage him to re-evaluate many of his previous beliefs.


Atvir seems kind of overpowered - will this be addressed in future updates? Balancing NPCs is always a tricky game, because of the countless mod combinations that can have an impact on game difficulty. That being said, I agree that he is currently too powerful in relation to the player. I intend to remove some of his combat perks prior to the next update, and may move to a menu-driven system at a later date to give the player more control over his abilities.


I want to give Atvir heavy armor - what are his skills? I can't recall Atvir's exact skill set off-hand, but SongbirdLorelei was correct in assuming that Atvir was designed as a thief. Light armor is his speciality, but he can equip anything you want him to using his "Here, put this on." dialogue option. It's also worth noting that Atvir is pretty good at lockpicking, and if he has lockpicks in his inventory, he can be commanded to unlock chests that the player is having trouble with (though for some reason he has problems with doors). In the future, I hope to make Atvir's thiefly background more pronounced - you may even find that he ends up getting arrested once or twice.


I'm having "X" problem with Atvir's AI! Atvir's brain is a web of interlocking AI packages and factions, and sometimes wires do get crossed. Strangely, I haven't encountered any of the problems that have been reported, which has been holding back my investigation somewhat. The UFO dialogue problem is surprising in the extreme, as I'm running UFO without issue (though, come to think of it, I may not be using the most recent version), and Atvir isn't part of the vanilla factions that are used by that mod. You didn't add him to any factions through the console, did you?


Lastly, I want to mention that AD was recently featured in Svaalbard's Skyrim Mod Showcase, Issue #15. I'll provide a link below - AD is reviewed at 03:00, A big thank you to Svaalbard and the anonymous user who recommended AD to him!


Edited by JanusForbeare
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Afraid not - at least not yet. I left a message in the comments on Herman's download page, but I haven't heard back yet. I can't recall whether or not I tried messaging the author, but I'll give that another shot in the near future. Hopefully there's room in his inbox... :laugh:
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I was the anonymous user :D Username: 0320407 (It's my school ID lol) And you sir are very welcome :)


Also no I didn't add him to the followers faction. I was able to easily fix the problem by just uninstalling UFO, saving, then reinstalling UFO. Boom no problem :D

I can't wait till the update is here! It's going to be so damn awesome.

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If this mod isn't dead i would like to report some bugs(hope they get fixed because i rlly like this follower)

after i gave him some new armor he randomly swithces back to his leather and back to the armor i gave him. and now i have the problem that he walks away after i ask to follow me...


anyways, this mod is really epic btw.

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I was the anonymous user :D Username: 0320407 (It's my school ID lol) And you sir are very welcome :)


Also no I didn't add him to the followers faction. I was able to easily fix the problem by just uninstalling UFO, saving, then reinstalling UFO. Boom no problem :D

I can't wait till the update is here! It's going to be so damn awesome.



As a side note, I was having also experiencing epic problems for Atvir after starting a new game-only to realize that I deleted a single script! *facepalm*. All is fixed now!


*edit* Also-since the 1.7 patch, there is a bug with custom dialogue. To fix-save, exit, reload, enjoy!

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