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NMM2 - Update and recruitment


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In response to post #47378955. #47379635, #47380245, #47380310, #47380615, #47380650, #47380665, #47380780, #47381010, #47381020, #47381085, #47381190, #47381300, #47381380 are all replies on the same post.

ShmooZ wrote: I say name it Nexus Mod Organizer!
Elianora wrote: +1
ThatDirtyShisno wrote: +1
TacticalAce wrote: NMO sounds like MMO when spoken, just saying..
nappilydeestructio wrote: +2
lued123 wrote: +1 because we can call it NeMO.
azraal wrote: Nah, the most important feature of mod organizer, the virtual file system, won't be here anyway, or so i read somewhere.
So it can't really qualify to be called in a similar way... :)

So instead, to make sure that even if Tannin is in the team, people don't get the wrong idea, how about NNMO which means NNMO is Not ModOrganizer (what? At least some of you will understand the joke. And maybe the joke inside the joke. But this one is common knowledge now).
lued123 wrote: I don't think we've heard anything about whether it will have a variation of MO's file system. I imagine it will, at least as an option. The whole point of this merger is to take the best bits of both, not to dumb down MO by removing its main advantage.
opusGlass wrote: +1 the community has already been calling it this anyway

And yeah I definitely expect a virtual file system, they did hire MO's developer to make it after all...
Dark0ne wrote: Just to nip this one in the bud so we don't get spammed with +1s, we won't be calling it Nexus Mod Organizer.

Mainly because I simply don't like the name "Mod Organizer". Nothing against Tannin at all!

So, consider that name vetoed.
opusGlass wrote: Darn okay. Any confirmation for/against a virtual file system, Dark0ne?
Dark0ne wrote: As far as I know, and don't quote me on this, we plan to allow you to pick how you want the file management to work from a number of options, but some might not be done by launch.

Similarly, we're making the software as open source and as easily extendible/extensible as possible, so if we don't do something, some devs could. Modding the mod manager, in essence. Modception.
inawe wrote: +1 My thought exactly.

Didn't see Dark0ne's answer before posting. Nexus Mod Organizer made the most sense to me. Oh well... as long as it is able to use a virtual file system like MO, I'll use it, regardless of the name.
Gribbleshnibit8 wrote: Seriously. This is the only thing that matters to me. While FOMM and NMM's installation method were OK, they were also awful, left (for Bethesda games) the game folder cluttered with files, and made it incredibly difficult to really get a handle on load order and precedence of loose files. Please do not steal from us the only good mod manager that has ever existed and replace it with something that isn't any better than the much older offerings.

How Bout

Mod Commander or ModCOM
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I think you should call it BOB. It doesn't stand for anything (though there are those that will make something fit it). After all, what's in a name , that which we call a rose would smell as sweet were it not called a rose.Therefore doff thy name . (sorry could not resist ) I am not concerned about the name and most of the quasi techno jargon is lost on me anyway but make sure when you do it that porting the mods from the current to the new is seamless, user friendly in the extreme and doesn't botch load orders or lose mods all together as some of your previous efforts have been wont to do. It would be nice if you tweak the system so when we delete mods we don't get crap from the deleted mod left in the game too. I think you guys have a great system going here and have had for years. It is nice that you pay attention to newbies but don't forget us oldies and don't assume we are technically oriented either. I sometimes think that the majority of users are not technically oriented but the ones who are are also the ones who post most often and so form a special interest group (yes, much like politics) and because you hear more from them you tend to cater to their whims. That isn't always a bad thing, a great many of us don't know what the realm of the possible is and so do not know what to ask for. I look forward to your next iteration though I cannot promise I will change, old habits die hard. Edited by NeoNord
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In response to post #47378620. #47381125 is also a reply to the same post.

lued123 wrote: It's great to hear that things are coming along.
Edit: And might I suggest you call it NEMO? NExus Mod Organizer? It's an appropriate name for a merger of Nexus Mod Manager and Mod Organizer, it sounds adorable, and it invokes the same "I'll use two letters if I want to," attitude that USLEEP had before it got ported to the Special Edition.
mattjus wrote: +1 for NEMO!

I dig NEMO +1
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In response to post #47378620. #47381125, #47382375 are all replies on the same post.

lued123 wrote: It's great to hear that things are coming along.
Edit: And might I suggest you call it NEMO? NExus Mod Organizer? It's an appropriate name for a merger of Nexus Mod Manager and Mod Organizer, it sounds adorable, and it invokes the same "I'll use two letters if I want to," attitude that USLEEP had before it got ported to the Special Edition.
mattjus wrote: +1 for NEMO!
Merkcy wrote: I dig NEMO +1

I really dig NEMO too, the logo could be a clown fish or a submarine, the default color scheme could be blue/orange. The name is also logical and seems to have caught on with the community a lot.

That said, Dark0ne vetoed it in the other comment thread on this article, so I don't think it's going to happen. Though I'm really curious what other name he has in mind. Dark, I think you're going to have to come up with something good quick before the community gets dead-set on NEMO. :) Edited by matortheeternal
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In response to post #47378675. #47379380 is also a reply to the same post.

Loveblanket wrote: Thanks for the update. I'm looking forward to the new site design and the new NMM (I don't think you have to change the name at all btw, NMM is fine). Please offer a "dark version" of the interface. Looking at that all white screen for hours kills my eyes.
lued123 wrote: They talk about the new platform's "themeability" and under the job requirements they list "A thorough understanding of how a user interface is essential to a smooth user experience."
I assume that means... well... a theme system. If it doesn't ship with a dark theme, it won't be hard to find one.

Is there one for the current NMM that you know of? That would be awesome.
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In response to post #47376645.

BlindJudge wrote: Back in October Dark0ne announced the recruitment of Tannin and the subsequent development of a new Nexus Mod Manager. Since then, we've been working extremely hard and while things might seem a bit quiet on our end, I assure you, we're moving at a great pace! I apologise for the lack of updates but, in between the site redesign and the new mod manager things have just been rather busy here at Nexus Mods HQ.

Today I would like to give an update on the status of the project and also to reach out to our community for possible assistance, but more on that a bit further on.

The new mod manager (name still yet to be decided!) has been in development since the beginning of August 2016. The initial process saw us spend extensive time researching which platform we should use to develop the application on. After a lot of deliberation, we have decided upon Electron. Electron made sense due to its cross-compatibility with Windows, Linux and MacOS; the 'themeability' of the platform and because it is open-source and widely known. Its usage of Chromium and Node.js allow the utilisation of HTML, CSS and Javascript to write the application, and this will then give us the ability to use additional frameworks such as React and Bootstrap. That may all sound a bit gobbledygook if you don't speak 'developer', but to provide a TL:DR - it's easy for us to develop on and ticked all of our requirements far more than other potential platforms.

Around mid-September, we began coding, and by mid-October, we had a very early, pre-alpha "internal release." This was a quick proof of concept to answer some questions that we had - will this platform provide us with the power to create an amazing mod manager? Will it be able to be expanded upon by the community? Will we be able to add new games into the mod manager quickly? Well, the answer to all of these is a resounding "yes".

At the end of November, we began to add in game specific features such as plugin management for Gamebryo games and LOOT integration. DuskDweller shifted his work full-time to the new manager after working mainly on the legacy NMM up to that point.

Over the past couple of months, Tannin and his team have released some early versions for the rest of us here at Nexus Mods to try out and while it is beginning to function nicely, it is still unstyled and sparse of content - looking more “Hello World!” than powerful mod manager.

Up until now, the look, style and general user experience hasn't been our primary concern. Not because it isn't important, but because extensive time and effort has gone into the underlying logic of the mod manager rather than the user interface or user experience. It's now time to bring that underlying logic all together into what we hope will be an extremely newcomer friendly UI and intuitive user experience for initial and beginner users, while also providing extensible advanced functionality for the more hardcore modders out there. A piece of software that caters to newcomers and experts alike.

This is where you all come in.

Like we did for the website, we would like to recruit from within our community a UX/UI designer. This person will assist the team in making the software not only function incredibly, but be a pleasure to use, intuitive, and great to look at. Below you will find the position we would like to fill and the requirements needed to fill it.

Details on how to apply are below.

UX/UI Designer required
We are now after an experienced, passionate and driven User Experience / User Interface Designer (UX/UI) to work with our Nexus Mod Manager team on a paid freelance basis (to be negotiated), helping them to create an intuitive and robust system that will provide our users with not only incredible functionality but also be simple to navigate and instinctive to use. This particular role will require the applicant to have an understanding of design principles, user personas and of course, the various current mod tools that are available to users.

Work with our team to create the UI for our new 'Mod Manager' from wireframe to implementation. Provide visuals such as concepts and journey flows. Provide advice and ideas to enhance the User Experience. Provide own ideas while also adhering to team requirements. Produce HTML and CSS for primary interface and additional themes. The creation of a Nexus Mods UI style guide.


  • A team player with a sense of humour
  • Previous professional experience within a UI/UX position.
  • A thorough understanding of how a user interface is essential to a smooth user experience.
  • Excellent knowledge of HTML, CSS and Javascript - including experience with either SASS or LESS.
  • Be an expert of known design packages such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator or Sketch and prototyping tools such as Balsamiq, Marvel or Invisionapp.
  • Excellent organisational skills.
  • Strong communication skills both verbally and written (English).


  • Experience with React
  • Experience with Bootstrap
  • Lives in Europe, east coast US or similar time zone.

To Apply:
In order to apply, please send an email to [email protected] with the subject of "UX/UI Designer Application" detailing why you would be suitable for the role, attached to this email we would also like:

  • Your up to date CV / Resume 
  • A quick wireframe, sketch or mockup example of your vision for the 'Mod Page' in the mod manager. The "Mod page" is the page that displays all the mods the user currently has installed or downloaded (the mods tab in NMM). 

"Lives in Europe, east coast US or similar time zone."

East coast bias, just like sports, ha!
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In response to post #47378675. #47379380, #47382975 are all replies on the same post.

Loveblanket wrote: Thanks for the update. I'm looking forward to the new site design and the new NMM (I don't think you have to change the name at all btw, NMM is fine). Please offer a "dark version" of the interface. Looking at that all white screen for hours kills my eyes.
lued123 wrote: They talk about the new platform's "themeability" and under the job requirements they list "A thorough understanding of how a user interface is essential to a smooth user experience."
I assume that means... well... a theme system. If it doesn't ship with a dark theme, it won't be hard to find one.
Loveblanket wrote: Is there one for the current NMM that you know of? That would be awesome.

The way Electron works is such that all you need is a different CSS stylesheet for themeing the application. It should be pretty easy for them to do (Atom does it).

The current NMM has no themeing system. There is no Dark Theme, sorry Loveblanket. (Current MO has a dark theme though! ) Edited by matortheeternal
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In response to post #47380435. #47380720 is also a reply to the same post.

indycurt wrote: I'm sorry, but I'm one of "those people" that like NMM the way it is. It works perfectly and always has for me. It's easy, comfortable, uncomplicated and snug like a favorite blanket. Why you have to go and screw with it is beyond me. New is not always better.
lued123 wrote: If you like NMM the way it is, then... stick with it maybe? It's in a finalized state, so you can safely turn off automatic updates and never use this.

The application they're making is totally separate. You can keep using old NMM, though you aren't going to get any new functionality that way.
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