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Do Girls Like To Play a "Hardcore" FO4?


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I have to wonder if girls enjoy a "hard" FO4? Sure, girls like to run around, shoot guns, and maybe blow s#*! up. But do they really enjoy the hard, gritty, fights that make guys want to do a primordial yell? Do they feel like a bad-ass when they single-handedly take down a couple of Deathclaws? Do they brag about it later to their friends? I doubt it. Given the posts by females that I have read so far, I would say that they don't. I've heard more along the lines of " OH. I don't like a game being that hard! ". I doubt many of the ladies play in survival mode. One I know likes FO4, but, doesn't play on survival because it's too hard (and she is squeamish about Ghouls). So is there a definite gender gap when it comes to the different styles with which we play FO4? I mean no disrespect. But, for posterities sake. Tell it like it is. :kiss:

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I am female and I only play FO4 in survival mode. Would not play it any other way. When they introduced survival it changed the entire way I play the game, it made me slow down and enjoy it far more. I wish they had introduced a survival mode when they released Skyrim SE.

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Taking down a couple of deathclaws is a piece of cake in this game..


I have a mod that makes them somewhat tougher. :happy:


I wish I had the same thrill I'd have seeing the matriarch in 1 or the random encounters in 2. Utterly terrifying even at high levels.

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Taking down a couple of deathclaws is a piece of cake in this game..


I have a mod that makes them somewhat tougher. :happy:


I wish I had the same thrill I'd have seeing the matriarch in 1 or the random encounters in 2. Utterly terrifying even at high levels.



You mean like this:http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13822/?

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I know several girls who play using survival. I also know that they agree on the vannila survival being garbage.


Please let me clarify. I meant heavily modded survival to make it harder. Much harder. :yes:( Although I know some people who refuse to mod their game.)

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I know several girls who play using survival. I also know that they agree on the vannila survival being garbage.


Please let me clarify. I meant heavily modded survival to make it harder. Much harder. :yes:( Although I know some people who refuse to mod their game.)


doesnt change my post. they all play modded games

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:devil: I am female and I only play FO4 in survival mode. Would not play it any other way. When they introduced survival it changed the entire way I play the game, it made me slow down and enjoy it far more. I wish they had introduced a survival mode when they released Skyrim SE.


What kinds of mods for survival do you use? I added a mod to quick-save. Other than that, the rest that I added make the game quite a bit harder. :ninja:

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