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Strange noises worldwide


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So, recent events have been stacking up over the last 3 days. They're noises that sound like trumpets. The thing is, this year a buch of weird things are happening with the earth, so people think this is magnetic sounds. However, other doubt it, and call it "the sounds of the end." Bible refrences match the events, and new headlines are being made.


I think it's caused by the magnetic shifts in the Earth. It happens people. Look in 2005, we had that. It's because the sun is attacking our power grid, and our magnetic pull is responding by shifting the Earth a little more than usual.


Back to the sounds, as I said, bible refrences match "the trumpets of the end" where the sounds of trumpets match the sounds being heard. And as I type this, I literally am hearing (just stopped) drumming noises from outside. Might be usual sounds from my college, but still.


If you need something to give you an idea (if you haven't lived through it like I literally have) head over to youtube and search "2012 strange noises" and you'll run into PLENTY of videos recorded in the past couple of days with sounds of a trumpet and drum.


Any ideas on what's going on?

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I am sure it's not the sound of 'the end' I've heard too many times in my short life. So I doubt it's something like that. Although things like these do scare me quite a bit. :P
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I just watched a OMFG 2012 NOIZEZ video, and was not impressed. We live on a big planet; there are always strange things happening. There have been, there are, there will be. The only difference is that some people are paying closer attention thanks to media hype, then proceeding to perpetuate said hype.


Also, those sounds don't sound like trumpets.

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In my opinion, they do. Or like harps. But it has happened before, but only in one place. This is happening worldwide, within the exact time of the second week of 2012. It's kinda creepy, and I HOPE it doesn't mean anything, but they have happened here, along with the drumming noises.
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I don't think it's any sort of "end times" thing at all, but I do think it is strange. I have heard it here once, but it was near the beginning of these events, so I didn't know what it was otherwise I would have recorded it. It happened at about 2:30 am and had me, my gf, our room mate out there trying to figure out what it was. A few neighbors were outside as well... maybe one of them got a video or sound recording of it, although a vid would be better.... I should ask around.
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All sorts of incredibly wierd things have happened, and that's why I love science so much. Not much excites me like reading about something totaly new.


Now, I have a few wierd theories bouncing around in my cerebellum and I'm just going to toss them all out here for the sake of an interesting discussion. For the sake of simplicity I'm going to use the catch-all term Anomaly for all sorts of strange things related to radiations, such as Ball-Aurora(floating orbs of shimmering light, often called UFOs, found anywhere you get aurora of unusual strength, combined with extremely dry weather.)


1: The big cycle.


The Sun constantly bathes the earth in Electromagnetic energy. This radiation-shower waxes and wanes, it goes in cycles usualy of a few years or so. Now, who's to say there aren't bigger, more "unusual" cycles, eh? What's say that every 2000 years the sun goes through a really intense radiological burst, causing rampant Anomalies. Now, us modern guys know that there's a thing called radiation, which is emmited by the sun and all sorts of other things, and that it's the interaction of radiation of varying wavelengths that cause many important phenominas in our life, from vision, to nerve impulses and thoughts. But we haven't always known this. Back in Mayan times we strongly suspect they didn't know anything of the sort-the fact they were sacrificing people to a sun god would be a pointer, but I find it quite easy to imagine some of the frankly wierd stuff caused in strong radiological fields, or other perculiar events, as being so alien to ancient people as to seem magical, maybe divine.


We know strange things can happen in nature, from perculiar lights appearing in the sky above major faultlines, to glowing orbs of light that move and change colour and have no solid form, to halucinations brought on by earthquakes. One thing we do know is strong electromagnetic fields can cause hysteria, panic, severe pain, and psychosis. When you also add in reccuring myths of floating orbs of light(one was encountered and scanned in Norway in 2006, found to be a ball of intense electromagnetic energy) such as the Min Min Lights, Seraphim, Spirits, Ghosts and more, you start to see what I'm theorising at here. One possibility is that at some stage in our early history we had a run-in with these odd effects, and characterised them in a way that fit our beliefs of the time, as spirits, or angels, just as we are re-catergorising them now to fit with our modern beliefs-as naturaly occuring radiological phenomina.


Footnote: Aurora is caused when charged photons from the sun hammer into our electromagnetic field. Electromagnetism is a fitting name for this form of radiation, it exists in waves, and is alternately electrical and magnetic in nature. One common, recurring mythical plot device are glowing balls of light. Now, we know lightning can form into slow moving, crackling balls of energy. Lightning is a form of electromagnetic rad. So is visible light. Maybe these orbs are simply a rare thing caused by goodness knows what, a ball of radiation just like ball lightning, but in a diferent wavelength. What is known about spheres is that they tend to occur either in the far north or far south, on very cold, ultra-clear, ultra-dry nights, usualy during major aurora events, and that the one ball that was analysed was emiting a truly immense amount of EM rad, belived to be made entirely of EMR.

Edited by Vindekarr
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Did a search... Found this.



Makes a reasonable argument in my opinion.


Show me one from a news organization... If it was "real" there would be you know... evidence which was recorded in happenstance and not just some random person recording footage out their window. You can't tell me that there was only one witness to these supposed sounds who happened to record it. And if there are two in reasonable proximity to eachother you could check timestamps or other factors to see if the sounds sync up.


I'd even settle for someone who suddenly has 1/3 of their family gone (make it 1/6) over night because of being supposedly 'raptured'. Not one huh? No celebrities, broadcasting personalities, public officials? Not even those who found large religious groups and television networks? Should tell you something.


As many videos as there might be, there are twice as many people who get their rocks off making hoaxes like this.



If the 'end' has some sort of religious connection... It is this:


Someone was right, everyone else was wrong. Thank God or whatever that we can finally have an answer and put all this silliness behind us and move on as a species. It is not the end, but the beginning of the next chapter.

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