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Dragons appear in real life...


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All this nonsense about missiles and jets and the big metal boats that fling them. I think some people forget that Dragons have MAGIC! Our puny WMDs pale in comparison to these winged lizards!


Nuke > Yol Toor Shul


I raise.


Meteor Swarm > Planet earth

Edited by Silvaner
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I probably wouldn't make it. Fat people don't run very fast, don'tchaknow.


On the other hand, I'd also probably save all your lives, because if it tried to eat me, I'm fat enough to get stuck in its throat and choke it to death.

someone needs a confidence booster...


you're beautiful :cool:


I'm confident in my ability to take down a dragon, postmortem. That'd be a hell of a way to die, if you think about it. And who knows? I don't think dragons know the Heimlich maneuver. On the plus side, that'd be a cool way into history. "Dragon - Asphyxiation by Blubber Nugget."

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Anyway, jet fighters and missiles >> dragons.


To think of it, what humanity has achieved today, makes all the former folklore and mythology look like nothing.

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

As for me, I would attune my Machines to their Reptilian Harmonics, and I would proceed to disrupt their molecular stability: first, by making enough of them explode so as to get the attention of The Big Ones, and then, I would enslave their minds by harmonizing with their brainwaves, until I, I would be the first Dragon Lord and Humanity would bow down...to me!




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Easy, I tell him about that ridiculous guy wearing horned iron helm claiming to be dovahsumthin who went north boasting to slay every gecko fool enough to cross his path. All the while keeping myself inside the vault DR460N_PR00F, just in case the dragon not being silly enough to believe me.
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All this nonsense about missiles and jets and the big metal boats that fling them. I think some people forget that Dragons have MAGIC! Our puny WMDs pale in comparison to these winged lizards!


The way i see it , if there were dragons in the world we live in they would be bound to the same limits that we are. Which means no magic. We live in a non magical world .


Now i'm definatly not saying that dragons would be defenseless against our missiles , it may very well take more than one missile to take down a dragon , depending on their size and the thickness or their scales but i still beleive we would have the upper hand.


If magic realy did exist in our world , i'm sure that most humans would've gone towards magic rather than technolgy in order to sattisfy their everyday needs.


Now to try and explain the way i see it , let's imagine there is a portal between our world and a Magical World . If we went to that world, we could decide to learn how to use magic and after many years of practice and study we could eventualy become wizards. But if a powerful wizard decides to come to our world, he would simply lose all of his magical abilities simply because there is no magical energy to draw upon anywhere. He could still try and do the incantation for a fireball but the result would probably be nothing than a small puff of smoke and no damage whatsoever.


Now of course thats my opinion on the matter and i'm fairly certain that not everyone shares my point of view but i'm just trying to see things as ligicly as possible. And the OP asked what we would do if Dragons appeared in our world . He never said to imagine that we lived in a magical world.

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Using Reign of Fire as a base line of what it could be like, It would be a pretty terrifying encounter. The speed of flight, scale armor plates and ammount of heat energy in the breath would be enough to thwart most attacks on it. OVer time, find its weakness, like the time between dawn and dusk (in the movie) and somehow use it against the beast. Who knows, if intelligent and Paarthenox like, it might not actually be a bad thing.
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I would find a massive rock walled gorge, paint the walls red and erect a huge golden >R< at the end of it.

The two legs of the letter >R< would be easily big enough for a dragon to land between.

Then I would roast some >R<abbits and bag them up. (the smell of roast rabbit of course would be enough to pique a dragons curiosity)

Then all the way down the valley toward the huge golden >R<..

I would place huge signs advertising roast rabbits and a bonus toy human figure.

For only 1 dragon soul each baggie :biggrin:


Dragons are stoopid too aren't they? :whistling:


Edited by Cranksthus
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