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Trump launches military strike against Syria


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Oooo, a politician altered his position on a topic by a tiny bit, and that makes him a 'hypocrite'. Well, I guess all presidents are hypocrites then.

That's right now you're catching on.Good on ya.


So, if all of them do it, and on a fairly regular basis at that, why single out trump for it? Not a single politician has stated a position, and then never varied from it. So why does it seem you think it a capitol crime for trump to do so? Or is it only OK when the dems do it?


It doesn't matter to me if it's a democrat or republican i'm apolitical all i care about are the issues that concern most Atheists and Humanists anyone that opposes those concepts are the enemy.

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Oooo, a politician altered his position on a topic by a tiny bit, and that makes him a 'hypocrite'. Well, I guess all presidents are hypocrites then.

That's right now you're catching on.Good on ya.


So, if all of them do it, and on a fairly regular basis at that, why single out trump for it? Not a single politician has stated a position, and then never varied from it. So why does it seem you think it a capitol crime for trump to do so? Or is it only OK when the dems do it?


It doesn't matter to me if it's a democrat or republican i'm apolitical all i care about are the issues that concern most Atheists and Humanists anyone that opposes those concepts are the enemy.


That's gonna leave you with an awful lot of enemies......


In all reality, I think we are taking the wrong side in Syria. It has already been more than adequately demonstrated, that we flat out SUCK at nation building. Not a single one of our efforts in the middle east has bore any fruit. Unless, you count what basically amounts to civil war as a 'good' outcome...... In every single instance where we have stepped in to overthrow the 'evil dictator', the country has plunged into faction warfare, chaos, and anarchy. What makes us think overthrowing Assad is going to be any different? And it's even worse in Syria.... Instead of two or three major factions, we have a whole slew of minor ones that we ostensibly 'support'. If Assad is gone, all we are going to see happen is all those factions start fighting amongst themselves for power. It's going to be Iraq all over again. We aren't ending a civil war be deposing Assad, we are only shuffling the combatants. We don't seem to have figured out that the populations in those countries have ENTIRELY different cultures/goals/ideas than we do. And it seems are politicians just can't fathom folks having different values than they do. So, we continue to repeat the same mistakes over and over again, for the very same wrong reasons.

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Oooo, a politician altered his position on a topic by a tiny bit, and that makes him a 'hypocrite'. Well, I guess all presidents are hypocrites then.

That's right now you're catching on.Good on ya.


So, if all of them do it, and on a fairly regular basis at that, why single out trump for it? Not a single politician has stated a position, and then never varied from it. So why does it seem you think it a capitol crime for trump to do so? Or is it only OK when the dems do it?


It doesn't matter to me if it's a democrat or republican i'm apolitical all i care about are the issues that concern most Atheists and Humanists anyone that opposes those concepts are the enemy.


That's gonna leave you with an awful lot of enemies......


In all reality, I think we are taking the wrong side in Syria. It has already been more than adequately demonstrated, that we flat out SUCK at nation building. Not a single one of our efforts in the middle east has bore any fruit. Unless, you count what basically amounts to civil war as a 'good' outcome...... In every single instance where we have stepped in to overthrow the 'evil dictator', the country has plunged into faction warfare, chaos, and anarchy. What makes us think overthrowing Assad is going to be any different? And it's even worse in Syria.... Instead of two or three major factions, we have a whole slew of minor ones that we ostensibly 'support'. If Assad is gone, all we are going to see happen is all those factions start fighting amongst themselves for power. It's going to be Iraq all over again. We aren't ending a civil war be deposing Assad, we are only shuffling the combatants. We don't seem to have figured out that the populations in those countries have ENTIRELY different cultures/goals/ideas than we do. And it seems are politicians just can't fathom folks having different values than they do. So, we continue to repeat the same mistakes over and over again, for the very same wrong reasons.


Indeed we Atheist and humanists are surrounded by enemies. Hehe..

Wonderful post my brother.If we can't diplomatically find a way to remove the noncombatants from Syria then we should leave Syria alone.What choice do we have?If Trump had attempted to use his influence with Putin who knows what he might have been able to achieve?He screwed any possibility of a diplomatic solution by his self-serving knee jerk attack.

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Oooo, a politician altered his position on a topic by a tiny bit, and that makes him a 'hypocrite'. Well, I guess all presidents are hypocrites then.

That's right now you're catching on.Good on ya.


So, if all of them do it, and on a fairly regular basis at that, why single out trump for it? Not a single politician has stated a position, and then never varied from it. So why does it seem you think it a capitol crime for trump to do so? Or is it only OK when the dems do it?


It doesn't matter to me if it's a democrat or republican i'm apolitical all i care about are the issues that concern most Atheists and Humanists anyone that opposes those concepts are the enemy.


That's gonna leave you with an awful lot of enemies......


In all reality, I think we are taking the wrong side in Syria. It has already been more than adequately demonstrated, that we flat out SUCK at nation building. Not a single one of our efforts in the middle east has bore any fruit. Unless, you count what basically amounts to civil war as a 'good' outcome...... In every single instance where we have stepped in to overthrow the 'evil dictator', the country has plunged into faction warfare, chaos, and anarchy. What makes us think overthrowing Assad is going to be any different? And it's even worse in Syria.... Instead of two or three major factions, we have a whole slew of minor ones that we ostensibly 'support'. If Assad is gone, all we are going to see happen is all those factions start fighting amongst themselves for power. It's going to be Iraq all over again. We aren't ending a civil war be deposing Assad, we are only shuffling the combatants. We don't seem to have figured out that the populations in those countries have ENTIRELY different cultures/goals/ideas than we do. And it seems are politicians just can't fathom folks having different values than they do. So, we continue to repeat the same mistakes over and over again, for the very same wrong reasons.


Indeed we Atheist and humanists are surrounded by enemies. Hehe..

Wonderful post my brother.If we can't diplomatically find a way to remove the noncombatants from Syria then we should leave Syria alone.What choice do we have?If Trump had attempted to use his influence with Putin who knows what he might have been able to achieve?He screwed any possibility of a diplomatic solution by his self-serving knee jerk attack.


There isn't going to be a diplomatic solution. We are WAY beyond that stage. I expect that fighting will continue there, for the foreseeable future.... There simply aren't going to be any winners.

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all i care about are the issues that concern most Atheists and Humanists anyone that opposes those concepts are the enemy.






What are you saying there bro,spit it out.Hehe...Who are "us" you got a mouse in your pocket?

Edited by gandalftw
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There isn't going to be a diplomatic solution. We are WAY beyond that stage. I expect that fighting will continue there, for the foreseeable future.... There simply aren't going to be any winners.


No, not now but pumpkinhead and Putin had a little bromance going on who knows where that might have led,diplomatically?Leave it to pumpkinhead to screw that up.No no winners but it would be nice to have a few more survivors.

Edited by gandalftw
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There isn't going to be a diplomatic solution. We are WAY beyond that stage. I expect that fighting will continue there, for the foreseeable future.... There simply aren't going to be any winners.


No, not now but pumpkinhead and Putin had a little bromance going on who knows where that might have led,diplomatically?Leave it to pumpkinhead to screw that up.No no winners but it would be nice to have a few more survivors.


So you admit that no one knew what could happen, and in the next breath, 'trump screwed it up'........ Hhhhmmmm...... Where did you ever get the idea that US goals, and Russian goals, had anything at all in common? "We", apparently, want assad ousted. Russia does not. They feel strongly enough in that regard, that they are taking direct military action in support of him. The missile attack is the first time that we have ever actually directly gone against Russias wishes. We have been playing on the sidelines, supplying weapons to our 'allies'.... (and I use that term VERY loosely.....) and bombing various ISIS locations. Quite frankly, I don't see any common ground between us and Russia, and certainly nothing to imply that we could reach any sort of agreement, that would satisfy both sides. Trump lost nothing by firing missiles. He DID, however, send a clear message to the world in general, that the days of us sitting back, and doing nothing, when folks cross our 'red lines', are over. Let us hope that Lil Kim takes note of that.

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There isn't going to be a diplomatic solution. We are WAY beyond that stage. I expect that fighting will continue there, for the foreseeable future.... There simply aren't going to be any winners.


No, not now but pumpkinhead and Putin had a little bromance going on who knows where that might have led,diplomatically?Leave it to pumpkinhead to screw that up.No no winners but it would be nice to have a few more survivors.


So you admit that no one knew what could happen, and in the next breath, 'trump screwed it up'........ Hhhhmmmm...... Where did you ever get the idea that US goals, and Russian goals, had anything at all in common? "We", apparently, want assad ousted. Russia does not. They feel strongly enough in that regard, that they are taking direct military action in support of him. The missile attack is the first time that we have ever actually directly gone against Russias wishes. We have been playing on the sidelines, supplying weapons to our 'allies'.... (and I use that term VERY loosely.....) and bombing various ISIS locations. Quite frankly, I don't see any common ground between us and Russia, and certainly nothing to imply that we could reach any sort of agreement, that would satisfy both sides. Trump lost nothing by firing missiles. He DID, however, send a clear message to the world in general, that the days of us sitting back, and doing nothing, when folks cross our 'red lines', are over. Let us hope that Lil Kim takes note of that.



Yeah. He "took note" alright....and then directly challenged the US in any form of war. This while China sits back and watches. Playing with fire I say. The fact is that we have CIA operatives that could probably take these people out. Wonder why they don't?

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There isn't going to be a diplomatic solution. We are WAY beyond that stage. I expect that fighting will continue there, for the foreseeable future.... There simply aren't going to be any winners.


No, not now but pumpkinhead and Putin had a little bromance going on who knows where that might have led,diplomatically?Leave it to pumpkinhead to screw that up.No no winners but it would be nice to have a few more survivors.


So you admit that no one knew what could happen, and in the next breath, 'trump screwed it up'........ Hhhhmmmm...... Where did you ever get the idea that US goals, and Russian goals, had anything at all in common? "We", apparently, want assad ousted. Russia does not. They feel strongly enough in that regard, that they are taking direct military action in support of him. The missile attack is the first time that we have ever actually directly gone against Russias wishes. We have been playing on the sidelines, supplying weapons to our 'allies'.... (and I use that term VERY loosely.....) and bombing various ISIS locations. Quite frankly, I don't see any common ground between us and Russia, and certainly nothing to imply that we could reach any sort of agreement, that would satisfy both sides. Trump lost nothing by firing missiles. He DID, however, send a clear message to the world in general, that the days of us sitting back, and doing nothing, when folks cross our 'red lines', are over. Let us hope that Lil Kim takes note of that.



Yeah. He "took note" alright....and then directly challenged the US in any form of war. This while China sits back and watches. Playing with fire I say. The fact is that we have CIA operatives that could probably take these people out. Wonder why they don't?


I think that had more to do with us sending another carrier into the area. :)


According to theory, the US Govt. decided that assassinating 'heads of state' was a bad idea, and vowed not to do it. There might even have been some variety of treaty involved, but, I don't remember. I think that stemmed from the botched attempt to whack Fidel dead, back in the late 50's, early 60's....... Granted, technology has improved.... and it would likely be a simple matter to remove lil kim from the picture....... but, the consequences of getting caught are pretty dire.

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