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Fallout Multiple Episodic Epic


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FME: 1.12.1[12.1]

While the PaleOneMan studied the mysterious young man seemingly trapped inside the transparent cube, the TechVault101 PrimeOverseer pondered her gift of a cauliflower that had come from that one; had he mistaken it for a 'flower' and sent this to her by mistake or was there some hidden meaning to it? The former idea amused her and the latter had her mystified.

Shanz lay suspended in a special status-medical capsule being analysed carefully. The changes that had been taking place, in his body, were suspended. Jasmine staid close to him as did the others. They were in a big chamber now adapted more to meet the needs, wants, of the visitors. The nine K9 robots staid with Jasmine, Karina, Arnold, ElectricFred, SparkFred and the triplets as did the big, amazing, cat.

The Rani was ever busy, in a coldly ruthless manner, alongside some just as coldly ruthless associates.

FME: 1.13.1[13.1]

Stepping into the TARDIScore was to know at once that it was very different from the general TARDIS. The hallways, that they followed, were not of one standard appearance but varied more. Wood panelling became finely corrugated metal or softly glowing crystal slatework. Lighting was at one moment glowglobes floating close to the ceiling and then burning wall-torches that gave off no heat or crystalic formations growing over the ceiling like falsely fragile, elegantly beautiful, flat tentacles.

Suzanne frowned. "There is something... both familiar and disturbing... subtly disturbing about this place. Those odd smells, bits of background noise and other brief sensations that tease only to vanish before one can truly define them."

The Doctor responded. "You have been here before, more than once. Every time you leave, you forget because you agreed that this was the best way. Every so often you insist on learning the truth about your mother and I bring you here. Your memories are slowly-steadily returning."

They passed through a blackened area as if it had been badly burned and was slowly-steadily repairing.

Suzanne frowned. "Yes, the memories are returning! A great battle took place of timespace trickery and reality alteration. The two opponents were the WhiteGuardian and the BlackGuardian that are ultimately as one along with the RainbowGuardian and the GreyGuardian. They are deep manifestations of the universal balances. The first Timelord, of this wondrous TARDIS, was caught up in the battle and the damage was done that has been going through a repairing process ever since."

They passed through an area where the air was lightly misty with small, bright, brief sparkling patterns running through it. It was an area going through a rejuvenation-regeneration process. Crystallic chords flowed down the walls, from ceiling to floor, glowing with multiple colours.

Then they were in a very large area where TARDISorbs, a kind of floating very advanced robotic extension-avatar of the TARDISnet and TARDISmind, were very busy doing their own kind of repair work. While some hovered others moved from point to point, pausing briefly at each one and yet others kept moving; yet other TARDISorbs were in rest-recharge bays. There were 100s of them in that great domechamber.

Lasanna, or at least a version of her, stood at almost motionless at the very center of the domechamber wearing metallic globes of mixed golden, silvery and brassy macroplating. She was like an older version of Suzanne but her head was bold and eye eyes were dull, dark, silver of a kind of metallic organic nature.

Suzanne winced, just a little, as her memories kept returning of just what had happened to her mother but not just to her mother.

Edited by Maharg67
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FME: 1.14.1[14.1]


From seemingly nowhere, no time, he stepped into reality or at least that reality of the Washington DC Wastelands. He strode across the broken landscape in brightening, heating up, sunshine besides the great flowing watery power of the river. In the distance was the great dome of the 'Hill', now holed, where once had sat the three houses of Congress being the 13 Commonwealths Council, the Senate and the Represenate.


The Wander saw, heard, smelt and otherwise sensed much but his mindeye observed most of all.


Ghouls were long fled from the sunshine that made them dizzy and, if bright-hot enough, hurt them. With the had gone other ghoulified be they savagely aggressive or otherwise. In that great building lurked, mostly slept, many ghouls in their own strange manner.


The Wanderer mindeyed defensive-aggressive only rhouls also in the area but separate from the ghouls though ghouls would not attack them. With the rhouls were more passive yhouls that the rhouls guarded while the yhouls worked with other rhouls.


More intelligent ghoulmans sometimes came to them as traders to exchange scavenged, crafted, items for the stuff that the rhouls-yhouls scavenged or cultivated including lovely crunchy cockroaches, tangy muttfruits and softly luminous glowshooms.


The Wanderer turned and went that way. As he walked past wild plants they shimmered softly to become healthier, stronger and more likely to survive. The same happened to creatures from insects to small black scorpions and some radroaches.


The Wanderer followed no 'normal' quest or map!


The Wanderer just wandered but always ended up going to where the Wanderer was meant to go, where the Wanderer's purpose would be again fulfilled.

Edited by Maharg67
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FME: 1.15.1[15.1]

Lasanna she was and Lasanna she was not! The metallic eyed woman turned towards Suzanne and DocWho. She spoke with an oddly metallic voice. "Lasatta is my name, late of Lasanna, and observing TARDISorbs at play is such expression-receptive joy. Suzanne remembers I-us again and looks aghast upon one that is an aspect of her mother splintered when she so foolishly confronted the..." Then she looked puzzled. "What was I going to say, what was that fleeting thought in my mind?" Then she smiled again. "It was not important."

The Doctor spoke. "So, Lasanna did confront something here in the depths of TARDIScore that caused her to 'splinter' as you so put it. You have confirmed it at last. It is time that Suzanne no longer forgot about this place, about you and about other secrets of this place. Where are the others?"

Lasatta smiled. "There are legions of TARDISorbs swimming in the depthless pool of the TARDIScore."

The Doctor smiled. "Not them, my beloved daughter, but other aspects of Lasanna. TARDISorbs are wondrous and you have helped greatly to enhance-augment them."

Lasatta frowned softly. "Losoona has painted a great painting using protocolis dimensionality paints. She sleeps now, exhausted. I feel you need to see that painting and will want to have seen it once you have seen it. Beloved Suzanne, I hope you love my TARDISorbs and those delightful K9 robots."

Suzanne nodded, smiling. "Of course I do, beloved mother. There is a wonderful new robot come new to the DocTARDIS being known as a Claptrap type called ElectricFred; he chose the name himself."

Lasatta smiled richly as she trembled a little with excitement. "Please show him to me, now!"

It was Suzanne's gift to this splinter-aspect of her mother that she brought up a holographic projection of ElectricFred the claptrap robot. Lasatta was so delighted she hugged Suzanne and then the Doctor. Then she was racing off to study the claptrap's blueprints and other details.

The Doctor headed deeper into the DocTARDIScore. Three TARDISorbs moved with them to assist, and to help protect, the two Timelords.

Suzanne sighed. "We are going to end up with new type claptraps; will they be called TARDIStraps?"

The Doctor shook his head. "Something called TARDIStraps already exist and soon we will need to deal with one for each time one is dealt with there is a fair chance it will return somewhere else. Do you notice the obvious absence of somebody, of a certain voice. TARDISmind only comes here in what one could call a 'semiconscious' manner. TARDISclaps might be an option for a name."

Suzanne spoke. "Who set these TARDIStraps?"

The Doctor shrugged. "Truth is, I do not know!"

Edited by Maharg67
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