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502 Bad Gateway errors


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All's well where I am. The DNS nodes here in Germany still have the correct routes to all the Nexus servers. What happened on your part(s) of the world that there's no stable route from your home(s) to the servers anymore?

Not for me. Also sitting in Germany and Skyrim Nexus is dead for most of the day.

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All's well where I am. The DNS nodes here in Germany still have the correct routes to all the Nexus servers. What happened on your part(s) of the world that there's no stable route from your home(s) to the servers anymore?

Not for me. Also sitting in Germany and Skyrim Nexus is dead for most of the day.



for me too. Forum works, nexusmods is down since hours :(

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Dear lord people they're having a problem with the server and you act like they killed your parents. Almost every site has problems, especially ones with high loads during times of stress (They were moved to a new server system, which did not work, then moved back) so chill out and be patient instead of complaining like someone stole your sweetroll.

Edited by Syfr
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I've been getting these on and off for the last week. Oddly enough, it started shortly after I upgraded to Premium to support a site in which offered me a lot. I wanted to show my appreciation for the site, as well as donate to modders whose work I've come to enjoy in-game. Sadly, the problem has only gotten worse where it has been nothing but Bad Gateways all day today in the States. I don't regret upgrading to a Premium Membership, but it is rather annoying, nonetheless. I hope it is fixed soon. A week of this growing problem is a bit disappointing.

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