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Which Skyrim Version Should I Buy?


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Hi all.


I've just come back to Skyrim after being away for several years. I have a brand new computer that should be able to handle it along with some decent modding. Something I didn't have way back when I first played.


Which version of Skyrim should I buy? Which one are most modders working on at the moment?


I'm most interested in being a mage with phenomenal cosmic powers (balanced of course) with a decent amount of survival mods added in. (thirst, hunger, sleep, etc.)


Any tips on where I can begin? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you so much!

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I agree. Get both if you can afford it. Right now SE is only $20. Vanilla Skyrim (or "Oldrim" as a lot of us call it) is nearly $40. but that includes all the DLCs.


Of course, we're only about five or six weeks away from Steam's infamous Summer sales. You can probably get both versions for a total of $25. then.


But if you want one now, and you can afford only one at the moment, I recommend SE.

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Ahh, excellent! Thank you guys. This is just the information I need.


I see that SE is on sale right now in Steam but it looks like the DLC's are not included. Do most of the mods for SE require the DLC's?

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I gave a try to SE and mods, but I still play Legendary + mods. I will maybe switch to SE, but not earlier than SKSE is out with proper mods.


Its hard to recommend really. But I would go for first play with SE + all DLC. After Vanilla for Legendary + SKSE + mods.

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Skyrim SE comes with all the DLC. It's a more stable platform, has a good number of mods. There are a few I miss from Oldrim that required the script extender, but the game experience on the whole has been much better with SE.

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Hmmm... after some more poking around it seems like Legendary would be a better bet, no? It supports more mods, does it not?


I've been out of the loop for a long time so please forgive my ignorance but is there a difference between Skyrim + DLC's and Legendary? I bought Skyrim when it first came out and then got sucked into Minecraft not long after that. I don't have any DLC's and am now wondering if I need to buy the Legendary bundle or if I could just add on the DLC's.


Thanks for all the advice guys. It's a great help. XD

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