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What is Your Weapon Loadout For FO4?


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Given that we have a limited amount of weight we can carry, it makes for an interesting choice about the weapons you might decide to use. Unless you are playing an easy mode or are "cheating" -what weapons you might take with you can certainly make or break you in any battle. Do you have certain ones that you carry all the time? Are there others you take with you for a specific location or to offset the extra weight of heavier armor? Tell us your preferences as far as light, medium, or heavy armor or PA and the weapons to complement your strategies.


Mine is almost always light armor for better speed and agility. My main weapons are pretty much the same to be effective in many situations and are as follows;


A fully upgraded automatic laser rifle with breeder ammo to conserve weight.

A QBU-76-20 "Black Shark" Heavy Anti Material rifle which fires 20mm Vulcan ammo (it is worth the extreme weight for the firepower).

A fully upgraded institute laser rifle that fires unstable alien blaster rounds (it is sorta like a plasma ball that explodes on impact).

A Necros- "Death Granter" sword with electric shock edge.

A Desert Eagle side arm

2 types of several grenades

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Depends on the character I'm using. Different characters get different loadouts. I do like to carry a couple of grenades or mines though. At least for the early levels. Mostly because I got enemy damage up to 4x... so if they start coming after me, I need to lure them into mines or I'm dead. :P


For melee characters I have two choices:

- Pickman's Blade for sneaky characters.

- Heavy Shocking Sharp Rocket Sledgehammer for the not-quite-as sneaky characters. :P


For snipers/riflemen:

- A sniper rifle. Don't really have a personal preference on one there yet, doing my first real sniper playthrough now, but I'm guessing I'll end up with Old Reliable from Far Harbor.

- Deliverer or Kellog's Pistol for close combat (possibly a knife, but I'm not sure).


For commandos:

- Splattercannon from Nuka World. (Think there's one you can get from the Pack leader as well, but I have no clue how, since I usually just kill the raiders.)


For gunslingers:

- ??? Probably Deliverer or Kellog's Pistol, but I really have no clue. Haven't tried to play one yet. :)

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an interesting question.

in FORPG/GURPS, your number one weapon is your speech/persuasion hehe.

though, for those times where persuasion fails...



for survival mode,

I carry a scrap "dirty harold" CSA that has been cannibalized,

it has a double-jacketed copper pipe with picatinny rail clamped, rivetted and welded to it...





"Dirty Harold" v 1,3... the present version has the proper optics system and rail depicted,

and a 200% dodgier trigger group assembly in the style of Nonesuch Systems implements...

it puts some truth to

"this might hurt me more than it'll hurt you, kiddo". hehe.


the fold-up sliding bar sight is zero-able to 100, 200, 400 and 600.

although sometimes I use holographic x4 sights.

20 rounds is considered "well armed", and of course, 'moon clip' hehe.




for other builds,

it's a Arsenal Arms "Strizhk b" with Savage 45ACP back and lower...

it has 'gutter-snipe' sights instead, and is heavily influenced by Savage and Detonics implements.


I also carry a "series b J2" thanks to the MiB parts packs.

and, "That-Gun" in 5.56 gallium.


Heavy Hitters.


I use "Goodman's Grue-Bleen Blaster" as a plasma/lazer 'pocketminigun"




Above: the Grue-Bleen beast, 81 shots at a time (or unlimited if you put legendary never ending),

this is very effective.


it's called Grue-Bleen, because the game can't tell what color the ash pile/goo pile should be,

sometimes if you're lucky, it'll be both hehe.




When you're in enclosed spaces, and you know there's no chance whatsoever of friendly fire incidents...

The Baker's Dozen is useful, when combined with the "wearable overcharge alt-fire clothing backpack"...

30 seconds of 'unlimited ammo full automatic".




above: when on standby, it also counts as a nightlight.

unlimited energy for this makes it kick like a mule, but it does a very high damage.

subsequent variants are also "Plasma crank" instead, so they do plasma damage too.


it'd be nice to have a proper "power pack" like ghostbusters, so as to shoot

rad-beings and whatnot in a themed teleport highjack homage mod...




not pictured is a Grease-gun.




This has to be my favorite




Above: this has 10 attachment slots, and has 3 legendary effects, not pictured.

It is Pickman's Blade, Shem Drowne's Sword, Krenvmh's Tooth and electrified stunning VATS enhanced.

it does something like 310DMG + 115 electric, it has a chance to stun per attack, and it makes attack based on the Rippers attack rate...


It "Transformers" when you draw the weapon, the blade folds up to the front.

in use, the blade reciprocates which is hilarious.

however, this would be a noisy weapon, and in survival mode, you need Mr Handy fuel to operate it...

still, one of the most damaging weapons,

it's right up there with the supersledge!




alternately, the "bubblewrap coated Claw Hammer" or "Ballpean"

is also a nice melee sidearm. it also makes for a humorous

"Shiv's of the Wasteland" muzzle affixment.

Edited by montky
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10mm railroad pistol

sniper rifle with med scope

alternate pistol for alternate ammo use

sometimes a nice gauss rifle for severe sniper damage

grenades and mines

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I'm fairly vanilla with mine, as I find most weapon mods that provide increased damage to be a bit "cheaty" for my tastes.


I tote around two modded up legendaries.

The first is a VATS enhanced laser rifle with overcharged capacitor, improved sniper barrel, marksman's stock, long recon scope, and fine-tuned beam focuser. That's my go-to weapon for little stuff... bugs, molerats, most raiders, most robots, etc. 165 damage with a decent fire rate and good range, using common ammo.

My big gun is a VATS enhanced gauss rifle with shielded barrel, recoil compensated stock, capacitor boosting coil, long recon scope, and compensator. 441 damage at long range with a decent fire rate, plus if I can get more than one baddie lined up, it's really fun getting a multi-target hit.

Took a good while to find a VATS enhanced gauss, but well worth the time spent. Obviously, every time I meet a merchant, I'm checking to see if they have 2mm ammo for sale, and I've got an eyebot out there looking for more as well. Thankfully, my fully-staffed settlements provide a constant flow of caps, so I can afford to buy every 2mm I find for sale.


The VATS enhanced on both of them goes well with my maxed-out VATS-related perks that make it so that I can spray the battlefield with crits and headshots, and the range makes it so that I usually can do it before the foes ever get to me.

Against the tougher ferals, I also enjoy kneecapping them, because I usually have Cait following along behind be armed with Throatslicer, and she loves chopping them into bits while they're still moving.

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So do some people prefer to stick to vanilla weapons as opposed to some more fancy modded ones? For instance I sometimes use a Star Trek phaser just because it adds something different. Another that I like to use early in the game is the SCAR assault rifle because of its unique firing and loading sounds. Also the Hunting shotgun comes to mind from FNV that really sounds wicked. One more would be the Fusion gun because of its uniqueness even it is a bit OP. :smile:

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Melee: Shishkebab

Wetwork: Silenced 10mm SMG semi-auto

General shooting: A short-barrel laser rifle with a reflex sight (it has an incredibly tight hipfire grouping)

Reaching out and touching someone: Gauss rifle

Ohh we're in a s#@$storm now: Plasma rifle with my custom "carbine barrel" mod

Goddammit stand still flying bug enemy: Wazer Wifle with auto barrel


I have a number of really heavy weapons I keep stored in the Castle arsenal room for special occasions, as they're a tad too weighty to lug around normally.

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So do some people prefer to stick to vanilla weapons as opposed to some more fancy modded ones? For instance I sometimes use a Star Trek phaser just because it adds something different. Another that I like to use early in the game is the SCAR assault rifle because of its unique firing and loading sounds. Also the Hunting shotgun comes to mind from FNV that really sounds wicked. One more would be the Fusion gun because of its uniqueness even it is a bit OP. :smile:


Vanilla all the way. Well, okay, not all the way. But in terms of weaponry at least. :P


Too many slots to use on other stuff, can't take up all that valuable space with weapons. (And for the most part modded weapons are too OP for my taste, might just be me though. I just feel like it's rare to find a balanced weapon mod.)

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