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What is Your Weapon Loadout For FO4?


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1 - Knife - Survival Knife - For the stabby-stabby.

2 - Pistol - Silenced P220 - For the sneaky-sneaky.

3 - Rifle - IF-54 Battle Rifle - For general combat situations.

4 - Sniper Rifle - IF 54 Beowulf AP Rifle - For (extremely) long-range sniping.

5 - Shotgun - IF-88 Tactical Shotgun - For those all-too-close encounters when you need a little more punch.


This has always been my load out for every modern Fallout game. Not really a fan of big 'n' heavy nor Power Armour.

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I like to use ( custom real world ) assault riffles or shotguns.( energy weapons is to much fantasy more me when they turn into ash, why not just burn and turn black Bethesda ?)


I like to treat em a lot of bullet holes instead of one big MF hole in the head .


But mostly I like to...blow em up... and see them flying

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1 - Knife - Survival Knife - For the stabby-stabby.

2 - Pistol - Silenced P220 - For the sneaky-sneaky.

3 - Rifle - IF-54 Battle Rifle - For general combat situations.

4 - Sniper Rifle - IF 54 Beowulf AP Rifle - For (extremely) long-range sniping.

5 - Shotgun - IF-88 Tactical Shotgun - For those all-too-close encounters when you need a little more punch.


This has always been my load out for every modern Fallout game. Not really a fan of big 'n' heavy nor Power Armour.

got a link for that Beowulf?? i am a big fanof Long range shooting and i would like to check it out

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I try to keep it different with each playthrough. Keeps things fresh...

First I had a guy that didn't believe in exchanging caps for ammunition, so was stuck shooting whatever he had bullets for. I don't play him much anymore but it was a good way to familiarize myself with what the game had to offer.

I've got one that's almost exclusively stealth. Sniping (fully modded sniper rifle) and stealth melee (bladed knuckles.) Does traps too (mines.) The idea being to never let anyone know what killed them. I used a deadly combat mod at higher levels because having raiders still walking around after you've shot them twenty times in the face with the best sniper rifle in the game kind of kills the whole "i am deadly assassin" vibe.

Another is strength based. Melee (shishkabob) and heavy weapons (gatling laser and napalmer) with the occasional kaboom (rocket launcher, grenades, molotovs.) Plus I have a mentally handicapped synth in X-01 power armour (Danse) to tank all the damage and say nice things about me. Kind of good for those days when you want to win but you don't want to have to actually work for it.



After that I started getting bored of Bethesda's lame combat systems so I started finding ways around it.

In one case I just upgraded Ada, like, a lot. Like, chainsaw hands and a face that's firin mah lazor. That way I can just kick back and watch while she shreds/incinerates/vaporizes everything in sight.

In another case I kind of sort of abused console commands to get impossibly high luck and perception stats, combined with vats-enhanced six-shooters (the western pistol delivers the best damage after modding.) So all I do is press Q and this dude is basically an aimbot that does 200 damage per shot. The I gave MacCutie an overpowered gun so he's also an aimbot that does 200 damage per shot. Really nice for getting those "go to the place and kill the thing" missions over with quickly.

Edited by TheSpaceShuttleChallenger
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  • 2 weeks later...

I tend to use the same load out in all of my Fallout games. I've tried different assault rifles, or types of firearms, but I always seem to end up with the same types of weapons.


For up close I typically go with a .44 revolver, it hits very hard, and with only 6 shots you really have to make sure of your aim and line up the shot right. Luckily on my latest character I got a .44 with a legendary effect that never runs out of bullets. It's my go to for enclosed spaces as well. I also tend to carry a sawed off double barrel for those pesky bugs that creep me the hell out. The Widow shotgun is not only very effective but it looks sweet as hell. Again, have to be careful with aiming because with just 2 shots if you miss, well, your in trouble.


And for silenced work, It's the beautiful 1911A1 added by Stabcops/Doombased. It's what I used IRL when I was in the military, it's ultra-dependable, it hits pretty hard, and you can make fast follow up shots, so I can pump a lot of rounds out fast if I need to, or go with using stealth and line up those head shots. Also a great weapon for double tapping feral ghouls.


For long range, I find I always seem to end up with either a sniper rifle or an assault rifle and am always swapping out which one I carry depending on where I am traveling. In Boston, I'll carry an assault rifle, but outside of that, I'll go with a sniper rifle. Longer ranges and more accurate fire coupled with the longer ranges you can engage at. It also uses less ammo than an assault rifle.


My personal favorite is the M-14 EBR mod, it hits like a ton of bricks, fires reasonably fast and is effective as both a sniper and medium range weapon. It can fire fast enough to be effective firing from the hip as well. Another personal favorite is the Spetsnaz Rifle - Standalone Rifle mod. Again, great as a sniper and can pump out a lot of rounds real fast when firing from the hip. it also carries a ton of shots with the extended magazine, and 5mm ammo is pretty easy to find.


For assault weapons, I try to avoid the M4 family, because quite honestly, the thing is too finicky and requires way to much maintenance IMHO to use in a Fallout type game. Again, I've used the thing IRL in the military, and if given the choice, would have gladly swapped it for an AK. Rather carry an AK-47 in 7.62X39mm that hits harder than the 5.56mm anyway. Yeah, it's heavier, but it's worth the trade off. And you just cannot beat an AK-47 for durability and dependability. The thing is a beast that just fires no matter what you do to it. When I was stationed in South America I'd be constantly cleaning my M4 because of the wet/humid conditions and then I'd look over and see guys cleaning their AK's with motor oil, and they still fired every damn time. try that with an M4, lol. The AK also gets a bum rap as being inaccurate which is BS. I've seen troops consistently hit man-sized targets out to 800 meters with an AK and at any range where you are going to be using an assault rifle at anyway, it is very accurate.

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Boxing glove for max style points.

Ripper for safety.

Throatslicer for things that don't allow for style points, but also take too long for rippering.


And since sometimes you simply need a gun, i go with whatever heavy weapon suits my fancy. Usually flamers.

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  • 2 years later...

I always try to follow real-life military doctrines when playing shooter-heavy games. What that means is that I would assume a role (e.g. Infantryman) and stick to their real life weapon load-outs. This limits my loadout to a single main weapon, a sidearm and a few supportive weapons (grenades and mines). Role playing is heavily emphasised.

In my current play-through I am a desert ranger-esque soldier, drawing heavy inspiration from Fallout New Vegas. Real-life inspiration are the German infantry from WW2.

Main Weapon: Hunting Rifle

Main Weapon (Urban): MP40

Sidearm: Deliverer

Supportive Weapons:

Ammo: 60 .50 shells or 120 10mm for Main Weapons, 24 10mm for Sidearm.


- This means that my main weapon is my trusted hunting rifle for medium to long range engagements. Little supportive weapons as I can find favourable positions to pin down panicked enemies.

Considering that I play with mods that ramp up damage enormously, firefights are usually short and deadly, meaning automatic weapons are not a necessity when travelling throughout the Commonwealth. I emphasise stealth and agility over raw power. Real-life inspiration is the standard German Schütze from 1939.

- When going on missions in heavily urban areas, I switch to the MP40 (mod from the Nexus). While sporting a measly 10mm caliber, the slower rate of automatic fire and amazing recoil control are a deadly combination when navigating the horrors of Boston. Also, I carry more supportive weapons but leave my hunting rifle back at home. Here I drew inspiration from the Urban sieges of WW2.

- The âDelivererâ gets me out of those âOh shitâ moments. Due to the high damage and wonderful silencer mod, it is my preferred sidearm.

- Supportive weapons: Frag grenades are wonderful for clearing out bunkered-in enemies. I carry at most 4 and 2 Frag Mines which I would use to cover my rear should enemies sneak up on me. My companion usually is forced to lug around a missile launcher with 2 missiles (Totally not copying the Panzerfaust here).

So there you have it. Masochism and tactical preservation of ammo.

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I always try to follow real-life military doctrines when playing shooter-heavy games. What that means is that I would assume a role (e.g. Infantryman) and stick to their real life weapon load-outs. This limits my loadout to a single main weapon, a sidearm and a few supportive weapons (grenades and mines). Role playing is heavily emphasised.

In my current play-through I am a desert ranger-esque soldier, drawing heavy inspiration from Fallout New Vegas. Real-life inspiration are the German infantry from WW2.

Main Weapon: Hunting Rifle

Main Weapon (Urban): MP40

Sidearm: Deliverer

Supportive Weapons:

Ammo: 60 .50 shells or 120 10mm for Main Weapons, 24 10mm for Sidearm.


- This means that my main weapon is my trusted hunting rifle for medium to long range engagements. Little supportive weapons as I can find favourable positions to pin down panicked enemies.

Considering that I play with mods that ramp up damage enormously, firefights are usually short and deadly, meaning automatic weapons are not a necessity when travelling throughout the Commonwealth. I emphasise stealth and agility over raw power. Real-life inspiration is the standard German Schütze from 1939.

- When going on missions in heavily urban areas, I switch to the MP40 (mod from the Nexus). While sporting a measly 10mm caliber, the slower rate of automatic fire and amazing recoil control are a deadly combination when navigating the horrors of Boston. Also, I carry more supportive weapons but leave my hunting rifle back at home. Here I drew inspiration from the Urban sieges of WW2.

- The âDelivererâ gets me out of those âOh s***â moments. Due to the high damage and wonderful silencer mod, it is my preferred sidearm.

- Supportive weapons: Frag grenades are wonderful for clearing out bunkered-in enemies. I carry at most 4 and 2 Frag Mines which I would use to cover my rear should enemies sneak up on me. My companion usually is forced to lug around a missile launcher with 2 missiles (Totally not copying the Panzerfaust here).

So there you have it. Masochism and tactical preservation of ammo.

I have real issues giving companions area of effect weapons, particularly grenades, molotovs, and missile launchers.... They invariably kill me. :D

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Cool necroing. :happy: But the question is always interesting, of course. I'm also carrying the hunting rifle a lot, backed by a sawed-off double barrel shotgun for close quarter, and a machete. Ammo is rare in my game, and I get most ammo from turrets which partly are .308, so my rifle is in .308 (I got in total 16 .50 rounds till now, lvl 43, not enough for firefights). Against several enemies, especially robots or big patrols, you look bad with a bolt action, so I often carry an automatic combat rifle (5.56 in my game) instead, if I have enough ammo. I carry some molotovs, grenades and mines, just a few as they are quite heavy in my game.


I agree with HeyYou, never ever a companion gets an area of effect weapon. As they are dumb as a stumb they kill you with it, sooner or later (mostly sooner). They really shine with automatic guns, if you can afford the ammo.

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