aidenboyjon Posted May 20, 2017 Share Posted May 20, 2017 This is a rant so you might as well ignore it because everyone seems to ignore when I ask for help. I feel like I'm an outcast of some sort of circle of users who all know each other and hate outsiders and new users like me. I used to use a laptop so I figured that was why my game looked and behaved the way it did when I would mod it but this is no longer the case and can no longer be an excuse. My new rigEVGA FTW GAMING ACX 3.0 GTX 1070 8GB GDDR5240GB WD GREEN SSD 2.5" SATAIII 6.0 GB/s3TB HDD 3.5" SATAIII 7200RPM 6.0 GB/s 64MB CACHEMSI Z270-A PRO CROSSIFRE SATA 6 USB 3.1 LGA 1151 M.2WINDOWS 10 HOME FOR HIGH END DEVICES DIGITAL LICENSEOEM INTEL CORE I7-7700K 4.20GHZ 8MB INTEL SMART CACHEADATA 8GB DDR4-3000 XPG Z1 MEMORY x 2 = 16GRAM My rig should be more than capable of handling high end mods. What I need is. A sort of guide on how to the ins and outs of modding from enbs to nifscope and texture blending etc. I also need to understand wryebash etc. I know basic stuff like installing mods, but through my searching for almost a year and a half now, no one seems to be able to answer my questions or is willing to help me mod my game. So I've pretty much stopped caring. Here is a list of mods I tried using on my new pc before I had to clean install it again. I won't list it because I don't consider it a mod but I have SKSE as well.Climates of TamrielClimates of Tamriel Winter EditionProject ENBPure WatersAll Immersive Wenches Mods & their requirementsXPMSE - by GroovtamaRacemenuShowracemenu precachekillerhdt physics extensionUNP HDT-PE BBP TBBPRealistic Ragdolls and Force - High ForceSkyuiFair Skin ComplexionEthereal Elvin OverhaulFgems Female Orc TexturesDimonized UNPWinter is Coming - CloaksChaos Dragons - Which I tried removingDangerous Dragons - Which I tried removingDeathwing Replacer for alduinBook of UUNPUNP Spice Gear CollectionUNP Minidress CollectionImmersive Citizens AI OverhaulRelationship Dialogue OverhaulOpen Cities - Which I tried removing but didn't help at allskyrim flora overhaul - Which I tried removingVerdant - A skyrim Grass Plugin - Which I tried removingUnique Flowers and Plants - Which I tried removingRealistic Aspen Trees - Which I tried removingBodyslide & Outfit StudioFNISSexlab FrameworkA LOT of Clothing & Follower mods Non of which caused problems in my game on my laptopImmersive Amazing Followers TweaksDolls - Children ReplacerUnofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition PatchCutting Room FloorSkyrim 2K Texture PackEdhildils statues - every single statue replacer - I tried removing all of themI also had a lot of cosmetic mods for eyes lips hair and such. Here is the crazy part. I had over 300 mods on my laptop despite my game still looking like s#*!. Now I can't even run 200 on my new high end pc. Not only this, but my characters seriously look like s#*! compared to what these mods are supposed to be doing. I don't know what I am doing wrong because I have yet to get help. I would probably benefit more from a guide on what mods to install and how to install them. Not just simply being a dick and saying download and click activate because I well know this isn't all there is to it. If anyone decides to read this and maybe help please and thank you because you'll pretty much be the first to actually try.For an example of how I wanted my characters to turn out, I'll provide a link of my favorite armor mod I was able to use on my laptop. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iXenite Posted May 20, 2017 Share Posted May 20, 2017 If you're trying to ask for help, you're posting in the wrong board. If you just wanted to rant about Skyrim modding, you're still posting in the wrong board. Just saying. You can find all of the appropriate Skyrim boards at the Nexus forum for Skyrim. Skyrim Nexus Forum:,419 With that said, if you need help making your Skyrim beautiful there are countless guides all over the internet for that. I suggest making your Skyrim completely Vanilla again and then following one of those guides. I'll link a pretty thougrough guide on overhauling the visuals in Skyrim, as well as a guide on how to make Skyrim Vanilla again. Make Skyrim Vanilla Again: Skyrim Ultimate Modding Guide: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted2041124User Posted May 21, 2017 Share Posted May 21, 2017 I'm fairly new to Skyrim modding myself but I've put the effort into reading a lot. I would have liked a heads-up early on so here's what I'm seeing so far. It seems you are still unsure about which mods to have and with the beasty machine you have I would forget about Skyrim and just use Skyrim SE. I doubt you would miss the SKSE-based mods as it seems you are looking more for meshes, textures, reshades and maybe ENB's for the best-looking game possible. SE is 64-bit so it can access more main memory, has higher res textures and is much more stable (probably from having no memory issues, possibly because no SKSE-based mods yet). From comments I've read quite a few people are now completely uninstalling classic Skyrim (aka LE, Legendary Edition or Oldrim) and just using SE. If you go this route, the best thing I can suggest is to use the SEPTIM guide found here That guide takes you from start to finish. Make sure you check the comments section, over 4000 so plenty of people are there with problems and solutions. Also check the LOOT posts for people's load orders. Learn to use the search function if you have issues, it helps. The SEPTIM guide is 6 months old so could use an update but if you have a look through the first few pages of posts there you can find links to other people load orders which show more or different mods. Now, reviewing your list of mods I do see sexlab framework which I assume is SKSE-based. If that's important to you then you may want to stick with Oldrim and follow the info in DaddyDirection's post. At this point I would say start again with SE, clean install and follow that guide. Expect issues as mods change and conflicts can happen. But search for answers before asking. Most of all, learn, learn, learn. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aidenboyjon Posted May 22, 2017 Author Share Posted May 22, 2017 I'm fairly new to Skyrim modding myself but I've put the effort into reading a lot. I would have liked a heads-up early on so here's what I'm seeing so far. It seems you are still unsure about which mods to have and with the beasty machine you have I would forget about Skyrim and just use Skyrim SE. I doubt you would miss the SKSE-based mods as it seems you are looking more for meshes, textures, reshades and maybe ENB's for the best-looking game possible. SE is 64-bit so it can access more main memory, has higher res textures and is much more stable (probably from having no memory issues, possibly because no SKSE-based mods yet). From comments I've read quite a few people are now completely uninstalling classic Skyrim (aka LE, Legendary Edition or Oldrim) and just using SE. If you go this route, the best thing I can suggest is to use the SEPTIM guide found here That guide takes you from start to finish. Make sure you check the comments section, over 4000 so plenty of people are there with problems and solutions. Also check the LOOT posts for people's load orders. Learn to use the search function if you have issues, it helps. The SEPTIM guide is 6 months old so could use an update but if you have a look through the first few pages of posts there you can find links to other people load orders which show more or different mods. Now, reviewing your list of mods I do see sexlab framework which I assume is SKSE-based. If that's important to you then you may want to stick with Oldrim and follow the info in DaddyDirection's post. At this point I would say start again with SE, clean install and follow that guide. Expect issues as mods change and conflicts can happen. But search for answers before asking. Most of all, learn, learn, learn. It isn't that I want sexlab or mods relating to it. I want SKSE. I want to be able to wear the armors and have the physics that come with it. Sexlab is more of a requirement for some mods that I like I just remember it because it's a pretty famous mod. I like a little eye candy when I'm killing things. I like the bounce. I have played SSE, however without SKSE, the primary mods I want to use will not work on it, and will most likely not be ported to SSE even after SKSE has been released for it. So I am stuck using an Archaic version of Skyrim to enjoy what I want in it. I primarily use character texture replacers and custom armors. A set of mods i refuse to play without is the Wenches mods. I like that it vastly increases the difficulty, violence, introduces new mechanics, and not to mention has a little eye candy. I hate medieval games personally but Skyrim has way more to offer than just being a dungeons and dragons style videogame. I tried the STEP guide and game would crash before load up, every single time. It seems like no one person who has written a guide yet even knows what they're talking about or is just intentionally trying to mess people up and get them to quit playing skyrim. It's either that or no one even plays Oldrim anymore, and no one is making any mods I prefer for SSE primarily because SKSE isn't out yet and probably never will come out by the looks of it. Which is a bummer. A bigger bummer is that they had to change so much from the original that even if they got SKSE working for SSE, all the mods I love and want to use now, won't even work or be ported over. If I could understand how to mod this game, I probably would be fine. I tried installing an ENB for the first time and I couldn't see underwater. When I tried uninstalling it, I experienced CTD's every 5 or so minutes in the game. Even after following the uninstall instructions to a T. Had to clean reinstall the game. I accidentally installed a mod that heavily conflicted with character textures, and I got the grey face texture along with 5 minute CTD's forcing me to clean reinstall it yet again. Honestly I just want very heavy snow storms, fogs, and rains. Thick forests, and I MEAN THICK, with dark nights and dark dungeons (I have been trying to use CoT)(Supreme Storms)(Supreme fog). I want to use all the immersive wenches mods along with their extra content, and all the armors I have collected over the last 2 or so years I have looked all over the internet to find these. I want to use fair skin complexion with adorable faces, even though my characters still have potatoe faces despite what they should look like. Even on the rig I have now, my characters still look crappy compared to some of these other peoples characters I've seen. A lot of the menus that are supposed to have full functionality don't. I still don't know the difference between MO or NMM or which one I should use. I want a large diverse pool of dragons to fight rather than just "Dragon". I have a small collection of weapon mods I like so far, but there are very few outrageous looking weapon mods. There are very few interesting race mods so I rarely use them. This is basically what I can't for some reason understand and can't get to work if that helps people understand what I am trying to do with my game. Basically this is my criteria for skyrim. (Deadly, Difficult, tastefully sexy, beautiful, Weather heavy). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skagens Posted May 23, 2017 Share Posted May 23, 2017 Always read the description before you install a mod. This is a principle that everyone should follow. Certain mods are not compatible with other mods and you can often find which ones is/isn't compatible in the descriptions. Authors will often post solutions or guides to many issues that may arise. Read thoroughly and carefully. This is especially important for the larger and more complicated mods out there. SKSE for SSE is being worked on, but a release date hasn't been set. Do understand the people behind SKSE are few, and they have real lives with real jobs to take care of. If you wish to follow the development of SKSE, you can check out the official website or this forum post.Also, just because the guides didn't personally work for you doesn't mean they don't work. S.T.E.P and G.E.M.S are both great guides in how to make your game both stable and beautiful. Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) is the most popular mod manager because it isn't especially complicated and is fairly easy to use. The reason why some people (myself included) prefer MO (Mod Organizer) is because NMM tends to install your mods in the Data Folder, which can cause several issues if you want to uninstall a mod mid-game. MO instead installs the mods in a separate folder and leaves the Data Folder clean. This makes it possible to uninstall a mod mid-game, often without any issues. The trade-off is that MO is a bit more complicated to learn, which is why I highly recommend Gopher's video tutorial on the subject. He's dedicated an entire video series for just MO. I understand this can be frustrating, but I urge you to cool off and start over again. Learn the mod managers, read the guides and read the descriptions. I too was overwhelmed and frustrated at first but if you keep at it, it will be worth it in the end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frankfranky Posted May 25, 2017 Share Posted May 25, 2017 Skagens is putting you on the right path. Go see uncle Gopher. Have him help you install Mod Organizer, skse, FNIS, actually just watch his 10 or so vids on Mod Organizer and do everything he does. By the time you get through those you will understand how it works. It's not hard. Now google emb boost. Uncle Boris is going to set you up with a system memory cache that will allow vintage skyrim to use more than 2GB. Don't worry about the graphical stuff with emb at this stage. You just want the emb boost part. (warning, you need to read stuff) Now you are up to installing all your graphics mods. If you find the realvision enb nexus mod page there is a great list of things that will make your game look awesome. Good place to start. Next step is to visit with uncle Michael. Google Gamer Poets. Ask him to call his mate Sheesen and the two of them are going to get you DYNDOLOD (stuff looks better at a distance) AAANnnnd now, you are ready to skankify your beautiful world. I will leave you to work that out on your own :) (from the frustration evident in your op, I am guessing you have screwed everything up quite royally. I would remove all traces of skyrim from your system and start completely from scratch) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ymf331 Posted May 26, 2017 Share Posted May 26, 2017 alternately, you can learn everything you need to know from this: it will take you from setting up all the tools you need to making specific mods work (you don't have to install all or really any of them) to stabilizing everything so it doesn't crash. from there you'll have all the knowledge and tools you need to install any additional mods your heart desires. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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