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You know what i like?


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*I Like* Lisnpuppy being a non-moderator, so I can now say "Feh" at her :laugh:

*I Like* the time for changes is only about 70 days away :thumbsup:

*I Like* Carah :wub:

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I like strawberries and creme; when my dog yodels and sounds like Chewbacca; playing with swords/knives/dangerous objects while running; large cylinder, short stroke V-8s (vrrooom, vrrrrooommm); loud bass; long, teetering guitar riffs; long slow deep wet kisses that last for hours :blush: ; Red Beer with Steak, Pilsner with brats, and dark shallow coffee for breakfast.

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I like the new giant mural wallpaper forest photograph thing I finally had the energy to put up in the bedroom; I only had it lying around for 9 months ><http://i.imgur.com/0vUw7Sm.jpg

I also like that it isn't like 37C out today.


I like reading the skyrim mod request forums and see people ask for modders to practically rewrite the game engine or invest 6 months to a year of modding time on a vague half-notion of an idea while mentioning they have zero modding experience but they're pretty sure it's easy to do.


I like reading the forum rules and warnings section and seeing how dumb people can be.


...I like lamp.

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*I like* acidzebra's huge picture because it makes me feel like I'm there. :blink:

*I Like* my new license plates for my Jeep :laugh:

*I Like* Carah :wub:

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*I Like* finally getting my Jeep paid off :dance:

*I Like* getting closer to a certain calendar date... :yes:

*I Like* Carah :wub:

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I liked watching Grosse Point Blank with my 17 year old daughter this weekend. I like that she loves it as much as I do. :)

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I like this thread it makes me feel cheerful.


I also like

- Horses. Like, a lot. I don't even really care about riding. I like petting soft horsey noses. And brushing horses. And giving them snacks. And taking elderly horses that need to move but can't be ridden for foresty walks. It's like walking your dog except it's not a dog but a horse.

- Cats. There is one sleeping right behind me and she is making the cutest little noises, oh my God. Brb petting her.

- Hiking. Hiking, hiking, hiking. I'm saving up for a trip through either the lake district or a part of Scotland next year.

- Dogs. Whenever I walk past one I always hope it wants to be petted.

- Painting. It relaxes me. Most kinds of drawing and painting do.

- RP-ing. And writing in general, but there is something about making a story with other people that I greatly enjoy.

- Dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are cool.

- Giving my own game characters all kinds of backstories, that motivate what I have them do in their respective safe file.

- Pretty jewelry, both trendy things and very old looking things.

- Smiley people. Friendly people in general. I'm a bit shy, so whenever I happen to have a nice chat with a random stranger, it makes me happy.


So much more, but I'll probably post again sometime : D

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