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You know what i like?


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I can take or leave Okra. We don't get her show here, unless one has satelite. She seems harmless enough, and seems to do some good some of the time. So... neutral on Okra.


I like that my son has only one more final exam. I like that it requires only a dull knife to cut tension with. I like that I have ONLY one child and will not have to go through this for, at least, another three years. I like that the world didn't come to an end in a screaming nuclear holocaust all those years ago when I had prayed that it would, when i was sitting my finals.

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I like pickled ginger

I like chips 'n' curry. I really miss that, sure you can go to an english style pub here, but it's not the same as in England at a chippy stand. I didn't like the deep fried haggis. :sick:

I like fresh wood fired bagels. (mmm....seasme seed)

I like eggplant, well every kind of veggie.

I like french toast in the morning with cinnamon and real maple syrup. Oh... yah, that hits the spot. (never mind in the morning I always have a hankering for french toast.


I like to make french toast with cinnamon in the batter. (If you want some for breakfast, should I call or nudge....?)

I like medium rare prime rib since I'm omnivore.

I like okra...NOT !

I like Bailey's Irish Cream and chocolate milk.

I like some of the tricks I just learned to do some strange screenies to post.

I like having my number 2 back from his vacation so I don't have to work extra.


I'll give up my coffee and have tea if your going to make me french toast. You don't have to call or nudge, you can poke, especially first thing in the morning... I like getting...Oh! I can't say that here.


I like shoes

I like it when my cat is hopped-up on nip, but then she get's cranky when she crashes.

... never had okra is it anything like fennel?

I like fennel. Mmmm... fennel in salad. There's a party in my tummy! Say yummy! Say yummy! Jeepers! I need adult interaction, bad.

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I like icecream.

And what's Okra?



I haven't had ice cream for about 6 hours. I like ice cream so much, I may have some later.


Okra is plant that bears pod like fruit about 2-4 inches long, full of seeds and a slimy liquid. Some people like it, claim it's good, but I like to believe they are lieing.

Best way I can describe okra is to have a bad cold, cough or sneeze, then swallow the mucus. But okra has lumps due to the seeds. It's nasty stuff, as far as I'm concerned. I like to stay away from it.

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Okra is plant that bears pod like fruit about 2-4 inches long, full of seeds and a slimy liquid. Some people like it, claim it's good, but I like to believe they are lieing.

Best way I can describe okra is to have a bad cold, cough or sneeze, then swallow the mucus. But okra has lumps due to the seeds. It's nasty stuff, as far as I'm concerned. I like to stay away from it.



I feel very new here, and slightly out of place in this thread, but, it looked more promising than the , "Things I hate" section.

But putting my qualms aside, I must vouch for the above satement.


Okra is terrible, even worse tasting than mort flesh...


Anyway, things I like are forthcoming, just had to support this dude.



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I like newbies.


Welcome to Tes and the forums.


I know okra is nasty because I tasted it again a few years ago to make sure I still didn't like it.

Hey, I give things a fair chance.

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Things I like:


Oblivion, by far one of my favorite games...else I wouldn't be on a forum dedicated to it...


Midas Magic Mod, that guy is a genius, I eagerly await more from him. I would love to make more content based on it, but, I lack the knowledge...for now.


Taking something apart, memorizing each peace at you go, then cleaning it all and making it work better when you put it back together.


Swords. I know, they fall short when compared to the pen, Might-wise at least, but they're still pretty dang awesome...


Lemons: I actually don't really like these anymore than the next person, but they have a certain etheral value to me...deal.


Playing guitar


Playing drums


And, that's all for now folks, ask me if you have any questions!


Sorry if I interrupted your flirting, all....



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I like people who hate Okra...and kale....and anything mushy

I also like real maple syrup...and poking..(feh)

I like my home in the Autumn....it is heaven



I like poptarts

I like Ferrari

I like Star Wars...the first 3--with Luke!

I like silk and flannel just the same


I like when it rains at night in the summer and I can smell the honeydew flowers outside my window.

I like my dogs and cats..living together..mass hysteria

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NO! OKRAH... think i may have spelt it wrong. Okrah Winfred...the black Jersey Spooner..you know..on the telly.. gets fat...gets thin...get fat again...Okrah...not Jersey...dont know about Jersey's weight flux's. What is everyone going on about a vegetable for?!


I like... late night chat... and who I get to chat to...when I can't sleep...or something interrupts my sleep, like the track crews outside my window in the wee hours. Doesn't matter which side of the tracks you live on... the track crews are purely democratic in their disturbing ways. Hmm...should take this over to the 'Hates'...but as I was here already...


I like that Carah and Mos are so subtle in their all encompassing dislike of each other. You could almost be forgiven for thinking it was the other way round, entirely. Very mature behaviour...good example for the young'uns, guys. :whistling:


I, especially, like... that certain ladies, here, have come out in their full glory, with their uptodate photies. All my girl 'chars' are going to have that age slider moved up a bit , from now on...way sexy than the young bimbettes that one has fixated on heretofore. OLDER RULES!...nuff said. :thumbsup:

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