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You know what i like?


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What is Mos doing with a Russian keyboard? I like the way that the US security services are so on the ball that civilians can have Russian keyboards. Or... was that another era? So easy to lose track of who our enemies are now....


I like that I dont let my essential vagueness interfere with my ability to survive. Some would call it luck. I would call it...ah...the other thing.


...and I still like older women...and reading books.

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Listen here my limy (Chesto) friend don't make me come over there and speak canuck to you. Trying to one up us while were sleeping. you sneaky.


I think older rules, to, and even though I don't know what they (2 in particular, and one especially) look like they still rock this forum.


Who's this Mos, person you keep associating with me? I haven't the slightest clue what you talking about. Eh! (see canuck)



I like Yanks.

I like yanking.

I would like to yank a Yank.




... I really like laughing at myself.

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I like doing combined posts, replying to different people. I like it when they have to figure out which reply is to who.


Sarya discovered my secret. Used copy and paste. Tried to translate тусовщица into English, and all Google did was show me a picture of Xenia Sobchak. Babe, if you will, PM me and let me know what is a тусовщица. I could not get a translation on it, and the only guy I know that speaks Russian is not in the country.


I like women. "Oh, what kind ?" "Yes."


I (would) like to hear somebody speak Canuck. I can speak English, Spanish, Texan, Southern, Cajun, and am extremely fluent in gibberish. All I know in Canadian is "Eh?".

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I like that Sarya thinks that i would know what copy/paste is. You have made an old man even happier, you little tovarich ( gender?) you.

I like that Carah gets to run amok amongst us more restrained folk here, and that no one can stop her...or wants to.

I like Lisn. There. Said it. And who told you about my teeth?

I like that Mos doesn't know that Canadian, spoken, is wannabe ScotsEnglish, updated a couple hundred years. Bit like USian, only tighter. With a tendency to snap things off. If provoked. Wotchyerstep, Mos,

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I like that the men here can recognize the Goddesses in their midst...and bow down appropriately.


I like you too Chesto.

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moszibby, that's hardly a big secret. "Тусовщица" means something like a "female party person", slightly slang. "Тусовка" (tusovka) - "party (meaning synonymous to celebration)" or "group of individuals who gather and do nothing useful like drinking beer, chatting, having fun and so on". I don't have an exact translation, but there's hardly any as it is slang.
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