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You know what i like?


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I like the fact that Moz is a smart as*. I also like Carahs new little Dancing bunny rabbit.........Now if only it had fangs and blood running from its chin.

I like ein's humor....to the point & enjoyable. Keep 'em coming, ein. :thumbsup:

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I can't find photo's from you at least not from your profile but....I was reading your personal info and I think I split a side muscle I just reported you cuz something that funny has to be illegal (By report I mean I gave you a kudo)


PM sent. *I like* to annoy people on the personal level and not for public view

Thanks for the ...what ? kudo ?! I thought you said *kiss* ....whew....

I like that Mos doesn't have a photo...it would scare the crap out of all of us. ha ha ha


I'd like to scare you with a photo of me. I've gone beyond butt ugly.... I'm totally frightening.

You think *I like* getting arrested for "public ugly" ?

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I can't find photo's from you at least not from your profile but....I was reading your personal info and I think I split a side muscle I just reported you cuz something that funny has to be illegal (By report I mean I gave you a kudo)


PM sent. *I like* to annoy people on the personal level and not for public view

Thanks for the ...what ? kudo ?! I thought you said *kiss* ....whew....

I like that Mos doesn't have a photo...it would scare the crap out of all of us. ha ha ha


I'd like to scare you with a photo of me. I've gone beyond butt ugly.... I'm totally frightening.

You think *I like* getting arrested for "public ugly" ?


I seen what you look like, and your not ugly.


I like letting the girls loose, and putting on my PJ's after a long day of work. Ahhh... sure I'll have a glass of wine, babe.... tanks.

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[quote name='Lisnpuppy'

I like that Mos doesn't have a photo...it would scare the crap out of all of us. ha ha ha

* * *

I'd like to scare you with a photo of me. I've gone beyond butt ugly.... I'm totally frightening.

You think *I like* getting arrested for "public ugly" ?

I seen what you look like, and your not ugly.

I like letting the girls loose, and putting on my PJ's after a long day of work. Ahhh... sure I'll have a glass of wine, babe.... tanks.


<kicking whiny dog out> *I like* that. <makes sure dog is gone>

It's fun to watch the girls. While enjoying the wine, I should give them a nice hug and kiss. Oh, and I should feed the cat befofe it gets too late or it'll be restless all night.

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I like being a bartender, I think i'll make good money doing that as i had a bar full of women tonight................First time for everything i guess. Ahhhh if only i wasn't in love with my wife. I could tell you i wouldnt be typing this right now. 65 bucks in tips and the town i live in only has about 50 people living in it.


The ladys musta got word i am bartending.


It probably helps i am not scary ugly like moz.


Edit: I also noticed buddahs new thingy above his name, Official old Fart...................I like that too.

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I like men that can make good drinks.

I like giving tips to cute bartenders.


I'm not a bartender, but I like to give a beautiful woman a sloe screw...

I also make a good tequila sunrise.

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The Pure Pwnage series and FPS doug BOOM HEADSHOT. Just found them yesterday pretty funny stuff. I also like well made Machinima like The Grind, Azerothian Super Villians, and of course Red Vs. Blue.
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