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You know what i like?


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Well, Mos doesn't get the prize. Silly Mos with his threats and things. And I might like living with the Adoring Fan...free organs! Or I could buy earplugs and make him like...find me some mudcrabs that I could watch...by myself...away from Mos's's's's'''ss's' silly threats and things.


You darned skippy me silly.

....heh...."things".... *I like* Canadian things.... :wub:

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I like that I can't understand Mos's's's's's first sentence.

I like that I'm typing on three different forms of communication at once. Two of them are about things I like.

I'm scared by Mos. I'm Canadian too, you creepy old man.

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I like Sarya, she rocks!!!

I like Sarya too...but...then i had to go and bring up the whole 'bear' issue...and she's never spoken to me since. <sob>...shall just have to play with sticks, i guess.


Toan...I like your list, especially as i got two mentions in it. I like it when i get one mention...but TWO! Though i cannot guess what the answer to your puzzle is. Hope that we shall all be put out of our collective misery, soon. I dont like collective misery, I like personalized misery.

I like that the Canadians have managed to overcome their vile freezing climate sufficiently to be able to breed. Toan makes three outed Canadians that i know of, now.

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Okay...ahem...I like to do what i am told...by a certain person who tells me to do things, so... aherum...I fekkin love Lisnpuppy! Satisfied!? See what you made me do...again!


...and before anyone reports me for 'fekkin' usage , it is a perfectly decent, or daiscent word in constant use in Ireland, even by the clergy... or is that just in sitcoms?

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I like that Chesto does what he is told. Har Har.....I like when I get attention..even if I have to forcably point it out to people.

I love you too Chesto!




You get dancing Easter Bunny!

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I like it when people like things I make. And unless you can unravel my mysterious mystery of...vague-itude, then I will have to personalize the collective misery so that it individually torments each and every...5? of you. As a group. Sort of in a collected way.

Our climate isn't vile or freezing, and I don't like that. Cold is fun. Actually, if the climate was vile and cold, there would be more breeding...by the way, have you ever heard what they say during curling? The hole thing is one big euphemism. I bet it's because of the French. But they make good maple syrup. All us anglo-thingy-doowhaps can do effectively is ramble aimlessly. Though I can speak French, which I like being able to do, but I don't like French. Stupid language. Has rules, of all things. And I am not thre-...wait...*counts self*...oh. I am three. Damn.

I think I know why Sarya won't speak to you. She's actually a member of the bear cavalry and is afraid you've found her out. Though the bear cavalry is really only one step away from this, and when that happens, watch out for these guys. I think you should get one of these for safety's sake. Just so you know.


Here is a clue: my mystery involves guns. And shooting. And shooting guns. And guns shooting. And activating trigger mechanisms to set off small explosive charges so as to propel metal slugs from the barrels of long-range, hand-held weaponry. And four, lots of four. OH! And British people.

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