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You know what i like?


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I like being retirement age.

I like reviewing my past, finding stories that inspired me to live to this ripe old age, and reviewing the family fun.

I like walking on the tightrope, walking the thin line, in the middle of clouds to the highway on my way to the stairway to heaven. :ermm: :dry:


I will like it if I ever get tired of playing video games; that is. :laugh:

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You know what? I'm irritated. I don't even like anything right now. I don't like blender, I don't like meshes, I despise textures, and the creation kit can die. DIE. Someone please link me to the "You know what I hate" thread, I know there must be one.


*deep breath*


I do like kittens though. So there's that.

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I like the fact I made another Espresso' today and it is as good as the one I made yesterday.


I like the fact I found parts for my car when the person whose job it is find car parts mind got shocked and drifted away because they saw all the extra work that appeared to be daunting them and didn't feel the extra work was worth it.


I like the fact that my car won't be going into the hands of a junk dealer who could probably sell it's parts for a pretty penny when I could have all that fun myself. And maybe with the money I get I could even afford a Tesla X, Tesla S, or the up and coming Tesla Family car which will cost about $35,000.00.

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*I Like* that in the over 57,000 posts in "The Last Poster Wins" thread, only about 3 can be blamed on me.

*I Like* having better things to waste my life on than posting in the above said thread.

*I Like* this post is going to annoy some people....

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*I Like* how so many noobs first post is a request for people to find them certain items

*I Like* that those twits do not know how to do a search or are just too lazy to try

*I Like* that I'll be dead when those kinds of people are running the world

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I like that I did search for ways to find what others modded before making a new post requesting a mod.


I liked the fact I almost always found a mod like I was thinking about making before I even got started modding. There were so many times I found one that worked almost exactly like I wanted. I found them because I used the search engine first to to see the idea I got was on anyone else's mind.


I would find myself fired up about a part of the game that needed some adjustment. I realized the emotional flaming wars on the internet were often ignited because the games weren't perfect. I realized if I wanted the game to have a modification, or a code cure that would aid a video card; I could write down what I thought needed attention. I could write the words describing my idea and, I even decided if I could not find the idea, I would bravely begin to learn to mod myself. And I did learn to mod.


I just kept finding others mods which almost were exactly like I was thinking more often then not, so I didn't make many mods, and didn't succeed at making a complete mod I was proud enough of to share it.


At least; I have some of the bits and pieces I made as I learned how to work with the modding kits. I even began fancying I might actually be able to make a good mod!

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I like breaking rules. But not the really important rules, just the ones that annoy the impatient people around me.


I like using italics and bold print to hammer home my point. I only ever UNDERLINE in very serious Situations. And don't make me pull out my strike through.


I like (and require) very patient teachers :smile: mostly due to my penchant for rule thwarting.



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*I Like* remembering my first computer was a 8088, with no hard drive,

just two slots for 5 1/4 inch floppies, a CGA monitor that was like the

old tube TVs, had a turbo button so when you pushed it, the cpu

speed went to the astounding speed of 8, and the memory was 620, not

the wimpy 512

*I Like* when I finally got a hard drive for the above said computer. It was a MFM,

as big as a child's lunch kit and stored an amazing 20 megabytes of info !

*I Like* even though the graphics were kak, the games were entertaining for days

and days, and there were NO mods. People played unaltered games, right

out of the package ! Amazing how things have changed....

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there were NO mods. People played unaltered games, right

out of the package !


84% of teenage girls "can't even" right now.


I like spilling paint on things.


I like munching on bbq pork skins and drinking beer straight from the can.


I like The Legend of Zelda.

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