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You know what i like?


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I like to a glass of cool water to drink.

I like fresh water with no additives to drink.

I like to drink 8 ounces of fresh cool water when I wake up.

I like to drink a glass of cool refreshing water every couple of hours, if I can do so.

I like the clouds that bring enough rain to clear the dust from the hot air, because it cools me down on a hot day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

*I Like* sitting on the porch, reading a good book.

*I Like* having a glass of sweet tea close at hand.

*I Like* watching the females walk by....

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I like learning a word I didn't know. I found one that is about a game I learned as a way to pass some time when I was a child. We could do it on a day when there are big white puffy cloud above us. I didn't know they had a d word for that. It is called, "Pareidolia".


I like the kind of cloud that we can watch to see if we can see shapes which we think resemble something we know.


I like the fact those kinds of clouds provide shade and keep the air cool on a hot day.


I like it when it rains. So I don't need to use city water to water the yard and garden spaces.

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  • 3 weeks later...

*I Like* books by Ken Follett.

*I Like* my super groovy awesome Gorilla lug wrench.

*I Like* red 18650s better than the green ones....

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  • 3 weeks later...

*I Like* knowing all my friends in Texas made it through Hurricane Harvey.

*I Like* none of them them were physically hurt.

*I Like* the one that lost 60% of her house due to flying trees was

smart enough to have home owner's insurance

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I don't like anything... *sweeps hair back and sits in shadows*





...screw that, it's lonely there. What do I like...


I like horrible puns, like the kind that makes people cringe.


I like good food and drink with a healthy bit of variety, some healthy dishes, some not.


I like walking around in circles outside, helps me think/relax.


I like overcast days around 50 degrees fahrenheit, with some light wind, and a bit of rain here and there. Thats a perfect day in my book.


I like cold showers.


I like.............uhhhhh.......should put some moar stuff.....tekken.......haven't played any tekken games in like 10 years....but i liked it then...

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  • 2 weeks later...

*I Like* Averna

*I Like* the spell "detect virgins"

*I Like* all the laughs I am having, finding out

which NPCs have not yet done the nasty....

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