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You know what i like?


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I'd like for everyone to lay off me, or I'll sick the Dread Sheep on you.

I wouldn't like to battle Tyreil, partially because I have no problem with him, but mostly because a blood stained sword is hard to explain to the cops.

I like that I have some choice words for Carah, such as: "It was a joke", "It's all in good fun", "I don't consider Mos to be creepy or old in a bad way, or any way beyond what he considers himself", "I find Mos to be quite likable and a pretty decent guy", and "I'm only saying these things because what you said couldn't have been a joke; everyone knows that the internet is serious business". There. Everything solved, and no taste of foot in my mouth.

I like that Carth's "too early" is my mid-afternoon.

I like spending most of my afternoon wandering aimlessly (or, more accurately, to a specified place) around town with a girl, then coming home to teach her to play Halo.

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*I Like* the weekend of 19-22 September

:banana: :bunny: :woot: :wub:



EDITED to change date.

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I like to say that I have had enough of your petty insults, Toan.

I like to say consider yourself blocked, but I know it doesn't matter to you, but I don't fekking care.

I like to think I'm a lady, and I am well mannered, but if we were face to face I do have some choice words for you.

Well, you have to admit that what that guy posted is kind of creepy, but I don't know what relationsip you two share, so i cant say i see the big picture.

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I like it that, dim as i can continually be, i get toan's ( with a capital 'T' ) consistently, irritatingly humourous bouts of Canadian ( is it Redoilyneck , Alberta? ) irony.

I like it that a certain pair of nesting birds of the subtly affectionate kind, dont. I lmfao like that.

I like it that Timi ( just not sure which size 't', yet ) has yet to figure out that he has now drawn fire from at least one of the two, or more, fronts from which toan ( with a capital T ; Prairiefarmersinfestation, B.C.? ) was previously, and will continue to do so-ly probably, and that he now has Boudica on his respective butt. Word of advice, T.or,t.,...never draw fire from someone who has started a war on more than two fronts.


I like it that, whatever else some folks on this thread think they are doing, we are all making rampant, incredible love to one another... the kind which requires no removal of articles of clothing, exchange of bodily fluids or any other kind of physical contact whatsoever, nor even an exchange of phone, or fax numbers... or tyre sizes, however subtly it is done. I really, really, fekkin like that.


I like it that sitebot and my ISP have finally admitted their deep carnal attraction for one another, have done the deed, and now collude to hamper my continuing efforts to bring sweetness and light, and cheese, to a needful world. What will their love-child be like, i shudder to wonder? I q2-um]


jetb =53i0=53y15yv, like that! Here fell...!

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Well...umm...the fek? Actually, I was going to praise (t/T)imi for being apparently on my side, but figured "Hey, war on two fronts here, I need my mouth free of feet and my feet on the ground." Though really, I wouldn't classify an arena match and choice words to be war...whatever.

I like that I had to read through Chesto's post more than 5 times to write that, and I still don't get it.

I like that I have at least one (two?) neutral party in my battle, even if he is more of a journalist.

I'd like to know what Boudica is...

I like that Chesto thinks there are farmers and/or prairies in BC. HAH!


@Chesto: their love-child will be a nexus of horrible powers, and they shall call her Tes.

@Carah: in all seriousness, I meant no harm. I hope you can find it in your heart (you're Canadian, you have one) to forgive me. That is, if you're not joking. If you are, try adding <sarcasm> tags.

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I would like to think that someone's rightly concerned father still checks in here from time to time. And that he just might be considering having another think about perhaps revising his original, valid, decision about whether or not this is a good place for someone to visit, and play. I would really , fekkin , like to think that.
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I like it that the silken bindings are shiny and bright, after their last clean, and that fell hound has been fed and watered, and is raring to go. Because we have a bit o' the draggin' to do, if Aerynn and myrmaad dont get their respective resplendent butts back her, stat.


I still like it that the girls here stick out. And even some of the girls not here.

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