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Curies Voice


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You can either make her completely mute, or you can live with the accent, or you can simply not recruit her. Those are your options. I'm not aware of any mods that currently exist that delete her voice files - but I can assume it's possible.

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If you're not recruiting her for the voice you're loads better off with literally any other companion because of her garbage stats.


who knew taking over the body of a brain dead vegetable would lead you to being s#*! at combat.

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There might be a way, but you would have to make it yourself. Switch the language of the game, in theory it should swap the voice files for all the npcs. Then you would just have to create a mod that uses those voice files.


Sure its not English, but if you want a real french speaking npc, you should be able to do that.

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I dont want a french speaking Curie I want her stupid accent to go away so that she speaks english for example but without an accent (like Piper or so) And furthermore Im not a modder, I know how to install mods via NMM and thats basiclly it lol

Edited by Foxie01
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I dont want a french speaking Curie I want her stupid accent goes away so that she speaks english for example but without an accent (like Piper or so) And furthermore Im not a modder, I know how to install mods via NMM and thats basiclly it lol


Unless someone takes the time to find a female voice actor and they record all Curies lines, pack them into a mod and upload it - you are stuck with the options given - don't recruit her, put up with it or learn to mod enough to swap her voice files with blank ones so she's mute.


Muting her would mean that you'd need to play with subtitles on to interact with her though, so you know what she's saying.

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while I would disagree and have a nuance that

CVRIE's accent is part of her overall character and charm,

(she sounds eerily reminiscent of Cmdr. Devereaux from WC IMHO)

I can understand wanting customization options

and can point to some options.





there's "Charlie Brown" or "Simlish of the wasteland" -

this replaces all the audio with coughs, mumbles and musical noise.

you've got options for the jibberish too -

chesty cough, mucus-y and so on.

It's reminiscent of the FO1, FO2 and proposed side-scrolling Fallout games, not to mention J-RPG/J-FORPG.



there's "better regionalizations"

which, you can use to replace companions audio,

such as CVRIE.

there are different English regionalization options, for different accents and dialects,

though there's also other languages too - cyrillic-russki, esperanto, klingon, francais, thai angnahmur, deutsche-sprache, nihongo all kinds of languages.

this is partly how 'passive learning' can happen post-structurally in games...

this really makes your game come alive!

it's probably best used with the NPC overhaul

the .jp threads "Iron Ironchef Takahashi" adds a lot more lines for Takahashi for example,

or 'alexi' for cyrillic with the borobov brothers at diamond city.


there's "Musical Wasteland" -

everyone is replaced by sing-speaking, as if its all a musical at a theater.

testing this with "Klinger of Starlight city" made for some humorous wtf moments.

this one is a little expensive for a fan-made mod, but it's worth it as it's exceptionally well done,

and I think AIChestBreach is really the inspiration behind that.

proper amateur musicians and opera folks sing the lines, so it's pretty cool.

use it as a total replacer, or only for 'bards and storytelleresses' at your settlements


there is also then, 'AGI chatbot soundboards" as an ongoing sub-component of

the embeddable aural nodes project, and the AGI - FORPG Games Master overhaul/project.

the idea being, making 'community resource' AGI voice-boards possible as a stand-in or option.

can't afford or find that 'voice' for the character you're looking for?

use this as a stand-in prototype until you can find the voice actors hehe.

expect this area to flourish in the near future now that CreationClub is live hehe.

it's like "What if SIRI or Winston read the lines?"


last, but not least,

there are 'better robot autotune vocalizations" -

there's a "Dick Tufeld" soundalike replacer for automatrons

a really good 'dalek-esque' replacer,

and several awesome female voices, such as "SunBunz" the gamer-mod-reviewer Youtuber.

perhaps one of these would be appropriate for a robot synth?

(perhaps a 'damaged' loudspeaker variant)


the sounds of silence though, for CVRIE,

'selective muteism', I wouldn't blame her...

she's been trapped in V81 with only mole rats for company for nearly 70 years.




good luck finding the audio customization you're looking for,

and I'm hopefully we'll see a lot more mods in this area to come in futures.

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