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DX9 VRAM has been fixed!


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If you have access to the most recent Insider/development build of Win 10, it's available now.

I wish I did! At least I don't have s long wait, though

To optimize my game will I need to make a lot of changes to enblocal.ini?

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Just when I'd convinced myself that SE was the way to go, now I have to reconsider after seeing what you guys are experiencing.


Well, at least until SKSE 64bit gets to a stable beta and most of my favorite mods get ported over...


Still, it's essentially going to be a win-win for those of us with both editions. Choices are nice when they're good choices.

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OMG!! The difference it has made is unreal...! No more game shuddering. It runs so incredibly smooth now



Damn, have you actually played Skyrim for a bit with it enabled? It's that good? :p

It really is good. I haven't dropped below 55 FPS nor had any crashes.

But get this: I DL'd ALL of Gamwich's mods and installed them and WOW! I swear it even looks bettter than SE (I have SSE as well..)

No joke! I had to donate to him after how insane it looks and run

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Hey guys i have the windows build 16299.15 and getting 16256 memory size with the test. Though when i hit about 4100+ memory on afterburner testing everything i get a crash to desktop. Anyone hitting over 4k memory could you post your enb local so i can see if i am missing a setting. Any advice would be helpful.



i7 7700k


16gb ram

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