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Can't Delete Mods Due To Access Being Denied


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Hey all. Let me just start off by saying that I'm not well versed when it comes to modding by any means. Fallout 4 is brand new territory for me when I've mostly been modding Sims for the last few years. Regardless I still was able to download mods and work the Mod Manager enough to play the game for a few days. However, things kind of took a dive when I went to download an ENB. I downloaded the Photorealistic ENB, and was not able to start up my game. I figured "Well, okay. My laptop probably isn't the greatest thing in the world, so I'll just delete that file and maybe download another one and see if it works a bit better."

I went to do that, and I could not delete the ENB file, nor could I move it to a different place. My computer kept telling me I needed permission from MSI/timel to make changes to it. I uninstalled the game, and then later uninstalled Steam hoping maybe that would get rid of it. I can't even reinstall Steam now due to that file having to be empty. I swear it's like the ENB has just anchored itself down now.

I doubt it's actually the mod's fault, but I was wondering if anyone has had any similar experiences, and how you managed to resolve it if you did. I've tried a host of programs and methods, but nothing is working. I've had the whole computer-telling-me-I'm-not-an-administrator-when-I-am issue happen before, but never on this scale.

Edited by TimeyLurdJeddur
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its an operating system issue


your operating system is not giving you permission to change files


you have to find how to give yourself permission to edit/delete files where you have installed the mods

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I just got this laptop the other day. Fresh off the shelf.

And yeah that's what I've been trying to do. I downloaded a program to transfer ownership of the files, went into the file Properties to adjust the security. Nothing worked. Everything was fine until this one file decided to be a dick. I've had this problem since Windows 10 came along but it hasn't actually caused any major issues until now.

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You can try running Ccleaner on it (http://download.cnet.com/ccleaner/). It will run down orphan files in the System Registry that can be left behind when uninstalling a program and more especially just deleting it as you appeared to have done. It couldn't hurt.



The Rabbit

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I just got this laptop the other day. Fresh off the shelf.


And yeah that's what I've been trying to do. I downloaded a program to transfer ownership of the files, went into the file Properties to adjust the security. Nothing worked. Everything was fine until this one file decided to be a dick. I've had this problem since Windows 10 came along but it hasn't actually caused any major issues until now.

Even with a "fresh off the shelf" machine, the first thing you might want to think about doing is nuking the installed OS and doing a fresh install yourself. You never know what you are getting as bloatware (or other surprises), and if I have problems they are much easier to narrow down because I know what I put onto the machine, rather than guessing what it came installed with.

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Gotta 'love' Windows10. Pretty much everyone who has had issues like this has been using that OS. Makes me glad I never downgraded from Win7.

- Try unchecking the 'read-only' box in the folder Properties.

- Make sure you didn't install Steam into Program Files x86. If you did, move it out of there. Having stuff PFx86 was known to cause permission issues due to the AUC years ago, but only for a few people. Could be that problem has returned. Of course, the people I said about this to never responded, so I have no idea if this was their issue/fix.

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you could try this

not sure if you can run a bat file as administrator, but if you can, that might do the trick.

if that doesn't work, you could try installing Steam to your C: drive and not putting it in a folder, especially not PFx86.

it won't get rid of that enb file, but you should be able to play fallout again.

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