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New Nexus Mods design launched


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In response to post #54671943. #54672703, #54677478, #54678053, #54681883, #54683388 are all replies on the same post.

Pegasix wrote: Can we please just have an option to stick with old layout? I personally just don't like the looks of this design.
SharraShimada wrote: Maintaining 2 Designs is a waste of time, because its work, that wont repay in any way. So, the old design will perish some day. And yeah, its always hard to change to something different, and leaving style, used, and attached to, behind. And yes, the new design looks... boring? Just another flat, tile-design, as seen on nearly every other crap-site in the internet the last 2 years.
But i must admit, the primary function of a mod-page is to deliver info. And they come in form of pictures most of the time.
You may explain, what your armor-mod does, how it looks, and where are the belt is attached... but no one will really imagine int. Put a picture on it, and kabooom.
And thats, what this design is made for.
Personally, i would had made some stuff the other way. But i´m not in charge. If have to, and i can, live with that.
pintocat wrote: I don't mind if they don't maintain the old one, I'll use a buggy one until the new one is fixed
Jokerine wrote: I personally understand that maintaining two different versions of the site may be too much work, and this will probably be an "adapt or die" situation. But, well, if the site is switched over for good and we're all forced to use the new redesign I'll most likely stop using the site altogether, or only visit very, very rarely. I have a choice in this matter, thankfully. I'll just take death :laugh:
kn1ghtfall wrote: Once again I have agree with Jokerine.
Foxia wrote: HEAR, HEAR!!! I must agree with Jokerine myself. Death it will be as well for myself.

YEAH! Everyone over to Bethesdanet!

Oh wait...
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In response to post #54683458.

rik2236 wrote: if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Sigh

"Naturally this redesign is a massive change from the current design and it's going to take some getting used to. The last time we changed the design in such a massive way was all the way back in 2011. I'm pretty used to the sort of feedback we receive during these times -- lots of people take to the site comments instantly to express their disgust and vent their frustration, phrases like "why did you try and fix something that isn't broken" gets thrown around a lot. I ask that you stay calm, relax, use the site over the next couple of weeks, get used to it. Things have moved, things have changed and I understand this can be frustrating, but stick with it. You'll learn the new site soon enough. If you feel you have something particularly negative or disparaging to say then do me a favour and hold off for a little while, give it some time, and if you still feel the same after a few weeks then by all means, share your constructive criticism."
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Congrats on the release


But there are lots of issues and things that haven't been fixed or addressed that need attention. Old and new. I can't figure out why quite a few things that were sorted are now broken... odd.


And prototype JS still being used when it needed to be rewritten :/

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In response to post #54682423. #54683243 is also a reply to the same post.

CaporegimeMarcus wrote: The main thing I suggest you get fixed is the links for all the mods. I lot of mod links have been posted on reddit and youtube and plenty of people will get annoyed that they no longer work. Now I know that the redesign is essentially still in testing, so the address isn't the same as the old site, so this might not actually be an issue. Aside from that, good job!
HomicidalGrouse wrote: The rd is just a subdomain. When the redesign replaces the old site, the rd won't be added to the urls. All of those will be the same.

Unfortunately, though, the links and downloads are broken for Fallout 4 so CaporegimeMarcus has a point in the short term. I am fairly irritated that I cannot download or look at mods I was interested in before I went to bed, and that I will not be able to until they fix what they accidentally borked.
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I see that I am a minority in here, but I really like the new layout. It is very intuitive (for me) and I had no trouble downloading. Although I am old-school and I always install manually.


Some of the links to various mods seem to be broken though, which has to be addressed.


And I have another problem: I don't seem to be able to see/find the name of the Mod-Author when looking at a mod. Could you please make this more prominent? I often stumble upon a previously missed mod, and then have a look at the other mods by the same author.


But thank you for your work.

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In response to post #54683838.

deadmanreaper13 wrote: would have liked you guys to spend some time polishing the new site before gutting the old one.

please for the love of god use the old links for redirects, its painful to click on a link, then manually change the address each time so i can actually get to the linked page.

This isn't happening for every game's links. I know Fallout 4 is having that problem (they gutted that game's site, don't know if they meant to), but I can look at Skyrim SE and Stardew Valley mods just fine in the old layout. For Fallout, I cannot click on links OR download mods, which leaves me with the impression it wasn't on purpose. I can do both with the other games.
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