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New Nexus Mods design launched


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I've tried out the new layout for a couple of days. I like some things, will get used to others that I'm not crazy about and miss or prefer other things. I can see and appreciate all the hard work everyone put into the new design. For me, it is 'mostly good' and in some ways very good, but there are some things I would really like to see changed back.


Particularly Like:

1. In Browse List Mode: I like the wide angle images

2. In Browse Mode: I like being able to easily choose from 2 tiles sizes, the list mode and the length of list. My own preference is List Mode with the longest number of files.

3. In Mod view: I like the size of the images when using the < > keys and the 'stream' of images below


Will get used to if I have to:

1. The drop down menu design, but it is clunky, less professional looking and not as nice as the old style of ovals with smaller text inside

2. In the Update drop down menu: The absence of the 'x' for deleting the file in the list

3. I like the single column of files in browse mode with the background image on either side. It gives the atmosphere of the game and makes the layout special to Nexus.


Needs a tweak:

1. On the front page, if I choose 'Today's Mods', it would be much better to have a consistent format showing the mods like they are in Browse Mode with pictures and descriptions. Because you have the newest files first in Browse Mode, it is easy enough to see what is newest and I wouldn't use this feature.

2.In 'Today's Mods' and 'Recent Activity' I like the separate lists of updated files. However, if a file is being tracked, the info is in the Update drop down list, so I'm not sure how folks use the info provided in this way.


Miss a lot! Please change!:

1. Front page: The flyover info on the 'hot files'

2. In Browse Mode: the mode name in a title bar above the file image and description! It is Much harder to go through the list in the new layout. This is my biggest dislike. I might even say 'hate'. It does my head.

3. In List Mode: the smaller image size! Yes, I have a nice big screen, but not the biggest. I wonder how many folks are using smallish screens.

4: In Mod view: the icons for description, file, etc.! Icons break up the page view in a helpful way and make it easier to take in what is on the page.


Overall criticism: The old website was less fussy and much easier to use. I tried it out on my Priv and I can see where the pages are much easier to see on my phone, but this is a PC (yes, and xbox) game, not a phone game and the mods are downloaded on to my PC, not my phone, so why all the emphasis on making it phone friendly? Please go back to making the pages 'PC friendly' rather than phone friendly. Please avoid the unhappiness we have in Skyrim where Beth made the interface xbox friendly instead of making 2 interfaces.


In response to aogara, I've added comparison images in my dropbox. These are small jpg files. If they are too small, I can submit larger files.








Thank you for all your hard work.

Edited by Tamara
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The new design is really nice.

But, i find that the file tab is a bit less efficient that the previous one. I think that it uses too much vertical space and not enough vertical space.

Here are 2 of the alternatives i've worked on that may be more efficient and ease for the eye/brain.

a) File display alternative A

b) File display alternative B


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In response to post #54764608.

  Reveal hidden contents

+1 on
> "Needs a tweak"
> "Miss a lot! Please change!"

+ "Drop down menu design"
More visual references would be nice in drop down menus (x, icons, ...). For exemple: the Update or the Manage drop down menus ( 'x' for deleting, ...). The actual version require more attention and brain focus -should I say too much ?-; but ok I'll manage that too if I have to.

Edited by aogara
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In response to post #54751878. #54752393 is also a reply to the same post.

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It was not there at first but now is, and some files show as unendorsed by me when I clearly clicked them. Bugs probably
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In response to post #54761748.

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Amen to that. "Old" site design is functionally and aesthetically perfect. Please redirect your efforts into depressingly outdated mess called 'Nexus Forums'.
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In response to post #54751878. #54752393, #54765313 are all replies on the same post.

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How the f*#@ does a website layout "trigger your anxiety"? I'm not taking the piss, just genuinely curious.
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Just a drop in an ocean of opinions, but I totally dislike the new layout redesign.

The old layout was beautiful, concise and looked smart as hell. I actually held it up as an example to other sites on proper design. The old design is much more pleasant to view than this new layout... by far.

Sorry guys/gals, I know you are, and continue to work hard on the site, and it's yours to do with as you please for sure.... but sometimes, modernization is not a good thing.

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