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New Nexus Mods design launched


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To retype what I already had (stupid keyboard)...


1) I don't like that you can't hover the mouse pointer over the other trending files and get info on them. Having to click the file and go to that page seems like a) too many steps, and b) an underhanded way to load more ads/increase page view count by forcing the user to load another page rather than simply doing it the old way.


2) Why doesn't the "revert to the old style" button take you back to where you were (you know, just like using the "back" button)? Both the check out the new style and the "He** no take me back to the style I've spent years learning how to navigate so thoroughly that I can do it by reflex and without conscious thought style" take you to the main "pick your poison..err game" page. I don't know about anyone else but for me, I've got separate bookmarks that take me to the specific parts of the nexus I need for each individual game. (Ie, a bookmark for Fallout 4, one for Skyrim (old style), one for the new skyrim, Fallout 3, New Vegas, etc) being dumped into the "sort through this to find the game you're interested in" menu is a bit jarring.


3) I'm using a 55" 4k TV as a monitor (Hey, I'm old, my vision isn't what it used to be) and even so the fonts seem to be too narrow/thin to read well.


4) The layout is just weird. Why put the news all the way at the bottom? It's NEWS. Shouldn't it be a bit more prominent than say, "Media"? (Which is what? Users pics/videos?) Again, speaking strictly for myself, I come to the specific section, check the trending files, then click on the latest files link to see what's new/interesting. Easily done from the same screen, no scrolling needed. Want to see the master list of file categories? Links to the various points of interest for this part of the site? Look no further than the top of the page. Again, no need to scroll anywhere. Everything is conveniently placed on the screen for the user too see as soon as the page loads. Maybe it's just me, but it seems to me that you would want a site that easy for the users to use/navigate. This new layout adds several unnecessary steps and delays to the process.


So to echo what crimsonrider and many others have said, I'll stick with the old style until it is no longer available or an option and then...well, who knows.


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Oh dear, seems another group/system has fallen prey to the microsoft idea of trying to make everything work on mobile phones and tablets! This may be a good idea for some sites, but NOT this one.


I don't do serious (nexus required :) gaming on tablet or phone so do not want the touch type interfaces required by these devices on my PC, I can use a mouse and see a bit of detail on my 4k screen...


I've had a quick look, and the first, and so far most annoying aspect of the new design was having to click on each mod to get a picture and basic info (then using back button, really, to return to list) which old design shows by just hovering over the initial picture! much more efficient than new "way"


Hmm, all is not completely lost, have just tried the "browse all mods" (was using most recent, as usual)

this seems much better! :) still not as compact, lets see....

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In response to post #54661043. #54661363 is also a reply to the same post.

OlivierDoorenbos wrote: I like the old layout much more on desktop. Since this site covers PC games, not mobile games, could we keep the PC centric interface, not the mobile interface plz. Or at least offer both, long term.
2Mylent wrote: +1

Here Here!
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I suppose I can get used to it, and there are some aspects I like (such as largely having all the user areas under a single hub).. However, for what is supposed to be a clean, minimalist look, it's awfully cluttered and flashy. Moreover, as others have already stated, I dislike that you can't hover over a trending mod to glean a brief description.

If I'm going to be honest, I'd have much rather you spent time ameliorating the existing design while also improving things like the Search engine and fine-tuning the mod categories.

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