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New Nexus Mods design launched


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You know there exists this website that boasts about how it makes Wikipedia looks "modern" and tells people to use it to view Wikipedia articles despite the fact that its "modern" look feels like the single most dated thing in the world? That's what this redesign looks like.


It's a pain in the ass because it uses big images and tiles instead of providing information succinctly. It's an eyesore because there's this great white search bar at the top and grey tabs that clash with the aesthetic of the rest of the site.


It's cramped and busy and assumes that for whatever reason I'm going to be using this website full screen instead of browsing through it in a window while I do other things. Which also means those adspaces (three now instead of two) take up a good not-insignificant chunk of my valuable screenspace. Not to mention the atrocious overuse of tiles and images.


I think you should go back to this "professional" you guys hired and get your money back because this feels like it was designed to feel "professional." I.E. a bunch of checkboxes on how to look sleek over being functional.



Also why do you have a whole montior's worth of space dedicated to media? The only time I go to look at images on this website is to see if there's any WIP photos of new mods and that's in Top Images and if I wanted to see videos on Youtube I'd just go to Youtube.

Edited by Spart117MC
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1) buttons at the bottom of the thread don't scroll you up like they used to.

2) jump drop down doesn't work

3) searching for mods without specifying a game breaks after you specify a game in the filter.

4) using the forum site and clicking on a link that is for a mod (the first post of a mod forum) sends you to the homepage (no game selected)

5) No way to give kudos to individuals through the new website.

6) Didn't think about the target audience (we are PC users, if you want a mobile site, have one built dynamically when m.game.nexusmods.com/mods/# has a request. From a security standpoint, limit the number of requests that ip can have on the mobile side like you do with the number of threads a user can create. Force them to login to reduce the time restraint or have them use the non-mobile site.

6) It's hard to tell where a conversation ends with the new page. The new page seems to have a very thin boarder and very similar colors to be able to tell the difference quickly.

7) Confirmed bias from Dark. He's in favor of the new site.

8) Bug tracker is on github. Gotta make another account to post bugs (or at least try and remember my password)

9) Roughly 1 page of bugs that I can replicate on github, 1.5 pages of suggestions, and half a page of questions that I didn't read in the first 8 hours.

10) Not easy to read long drawn out sentences on a wider resolution because the eye doesn't want to travel that far across the page to some ridiculously lengthy piece reading material that would have been better on a 1/2 x resolution to begin with, but at least ultrawides don't quite have this problem. RIGHT? Gotta turn off all my scaling modifiers because I can't see so I can read this.

11) Confirmed biases of new members. Very similar. Coincidence? Nah 7 is 11!

12) Lists that are intended to go across the screen now go down. This is a reported bug already but things have extra spaces in them.

13) Skyrim Special edition is missing it's special edition logo.


Edited by pacfish
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I'm sorry but I really don't understand what this new design is supposed to accomplish. It feels like it's designed for mobile compatibility which is meaningless to this site's purpose. The vast majority of the games here aren't on mobile and certainly all the most popular ones aren't. Why reduce functionality for PC - where people will actually USE the site - for the sake of mobile? What are you going to do here on mobile? Post on the forums I guess? Otherwise it's just window shopping, you can browse through mods but you'll just have to come back on PC to actually download them.

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In response to post #54678698.

LordiAnders wrote: I really do not like the new design. At all.

I seriously prefer the old design, because it is much easier to use, access, and navigate. With the new design, you have to scroll way, Way, WAY too much in order to get to stuff.
Previously you were able to view new images, files, news, and tracked file updates on a game's page at almost the same level of scrolling, whereas now you have to scroll through almost the entire page just to get to the thing you are looking for, news and mod updates being a good example.

With the search function, you have to scroll all the way to the top of the page in order to adjust the filters, whereas before you could access the filters with, yet again, less scrolling.

Everything also feels really big, particularly the banners on mod pages, as they fill almost half of the screen. Mod descriptions are also harder to look at because of the page's width, forcing my eyes to adjust more.

All of this. And it isn't intuitive. Edited by daedriccat
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not bad, mods shown could be more descriptive, but that is me. and sorry to bring this up, but i use nmm 63.14. new site does work with it atm, however i saw more games you guys support listed then what the rescan games on nmm button listed. like for example i saw divinity original sin 1 and 2, as well as dungeon siege 2 as well as a few other games like jade empire, which i had physical copies of not through steam. so was wondering if this rescan option will be in new mod manager for more games, not just steam ones. anyway overall nice job on site.


again sorry to bring this up, feel free to forward or whatever it is you do to vortex or whatever team you are using for mod manager. bookmarked the new site for now.

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In response to post #54678793.

pacfish wrote: 1) buttons at the bottom of the thread don't scroll you up like they used to.
2) jump drop down doesn't work
3) searching for mods without specifying a game breaks after you specify a game in the filter.
4) using the forum site and clicking on a link that is for a mod (the first post of a mod forum) sends you to the homepage (no game selected)
5) No way to give kudos to individuals through the new website.
6) Didn't think about the target audience (we are PC users, if you want a mobile site, have one built dynamically when m.game.nexusmods.com/mods/# has a request. From a security standpoint, limit the number of requests that ip can have on the mobile side like you do with the number of threads a user can create. Force them to login to reduce the time restraint or have them use the non-mobile site.
6) It's hard to tell where a conversation ends with the new page. The new page seems to have a very thin boarder and very similar colors to be able to tell the difference quickly.
7) Confirmed bias from Dark. He's in favor of the new site.
8) Bug tracker is on github. Gotta make another account to post bugs (or at least try and remember my password)
9) Roughly 1 page of bugs that I can replicate on github, 1.5 pages of suggestions, and half a page of questions that I didn't read in the first 8 hours.
10) Not easy to read long drawn out sentences on a wider resolution because the eye doesn't want to travel that far across the page to some ridiculously lengthy piece reading material that would have been better on a 1/2 x resolution to begin with, but at least ultrawides don't quite have this problem. RIGHT? Gotta turn off all my scaling modifiers because I can't see so I can read this.
11) Confirmed biases of new members. Very similar. Coincidence? Nah 7 is 11!
12) Lists that are intended to go across the screen now go down. This is a reported bug already but things have extra spaces in them.
13) Skyrim Special edition is missing it's special edition logo.

I agree with all of this, minus the kudos bit. I gave someone kudos not more than an hour ago on the new site.
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In response to post #54676808. #54678143 is also a reply to the same post.

skepticck wrote: Everything is so big, this seems made for mobile devices and touch screens more than PC screens, the new Nexus looks like Bethesda.net and that's not a good thing.
So much scrolling to get to the relevant information, everything is now in big blocs, big images, big text etc... the compact and smaller design of old nexus was much more efficient imo.
I don't hate it and again this is just my opinion but modern is not always better.
moisturehead wrote: Agreed. Seems like there's a lot of underutilized space on the site now.

It's like Google news. All this white space...

Except I didn't pay google for the privilege of being ignored.
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I like it so far, always checking this site on my Galaxy S8 when im at work and the new layout works perfect for mobile screen but i am usually mostly on my PC and i am finding the new layout pretty cool so far but going to take a while to get use to after using the old layout for so long. Keep up the good work
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