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No same sex flirting mod removed?


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Before anyone gets triggered to the moon and back let me make this perfectly clear, I am not homophobic in any way shape or form, it just weirded me out and gave me the feeling that i was going to be kidnapped and forced to take part in some imminent Prison "party" when ever a big burly nord man walked past and mentioned i was single in a lewd tone. Now that that's out of the way, This mod is pretty self explanatory as to what it did (removing same sex marriage and flirting), but its removal from nexus has left me wondering why? the entire point of a mod is that it is optional, you don't have to download it. The only reason i can think of as to why it was taken down is because a select minority would think it offensive... If anyone is offended by such a mod surely they can just steer clear of it. I don't understand why Nexus thinks it was necessary to take down the mod entirely. Feel free to share your thoughts on this development, and if you know more than i do about the situation, enlighten me.

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I'm not homophobic, I just buy into homophobic stereotypes and find gay flirting scary.

i'm not homophobic... in fact i'm good friends with a lesbian couple, however i also am not gay, therefore it is slightly disturbing hearing a big nord ask if i'm single. I'm sure i'm not alone in this.

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just port it over. the reason it was taken down was probably due to lack of permissions or something. you didnt provide a link to it so i cant look at the reason given

that is indeed probably the reason as that is the same mod that was taken down from SE. I assume you talking about a link to the SE mod, here's the link though i don't know how you will get any info from it https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13174/?

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I'm not homophobic, I just buy into homophobic stereotypes and find gay flirting scary.

i'm not homophobic... in fact i'm good friends with a lesbian couple, however i also am not gay, therefore it is slightly disturbing hearing a big nord ask if i'm single. I'm sure i'm not alone in this.

Edit by zcul: deleted


will do

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