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Election Year Debate


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I apologize Aurielius for opening my Warren Buffett thread without first checking the board. I believe yours is a much better one which will go further towards delving into some of what he had to say and so much more.


May I first say that I agree with your response to our Canadian friend. I believe that the American people whilst occasionally somewhat fuzzy headed (probably 'cause so many of us are starving and/or out of work :blush: ), have a bit more savvy than he is giving them credit for. We are in the midst of a huge economic crisis at home and have had enough negative experience with "war for wars' sake" to know when enough is enough. I also think we've learned that lending a hand is one thing and losing three or four fingers in the process is quite another.


I agree almost word for word with what Sukeban had to say in his post; especially, but not exclusively about Mr. Bush and those days. But more importantly I am concerned by the fact that we have not found any likely candidates out there from any party who seem to get it. Why does it always seem so easy for some of us to point out what is needed (note I did not just say what is "wrong"), and yet those running for office continue to find it necessary to engage in the usual political bafflegab that no one cares about. Is there no one who is willing to take the plunge and go for the gusto.


I really believe that Mr. Obama was doing that, and in fact to a very limited extent I think it was working. But I think he was overrun by more politically astute adversaries and felt the need to back off when he shouldn't and stay the course when it wasn't necessary. I have been disappointed in some but not all of his decisions. However the bottom line is that we are still in a quagmire. But I do not think we are worse off than we were under GW. But that does not seem to matter much at this point, does it???


One last thing, back to the beginning of my post, it would probably do us no harm at all to look into some of Mr Buffett's suggestions regarding ways to reform Congress overall. That could perhaps help us to enable our government to perhaps function a bit more smoothly


That is enough nattering from me for now.....:turned:


Edit: Aurielius I am now chagrined to learn that I owe you a second apology; as MB has so kindly (well actually not very kindly) reminded me that you already opened a thread with the very same Warren Buffett quote as the one that I opened today. So please just ignore me completely today...... Having a bad memory week....:blush:

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@ A


Grrr I am just so hot under the collar right now and its got nothing to do with you or any esteem like sentiments for American voters .I haven't posted really anything of any substance in a really long time and I was working on something that I had been at for over an hour , maybe 2 , cause I was gonna make sure my i 's were dotted and my t 's were crossed and along comes Windows update asking to reboot , Good God no not now , hit that postpone button , then continuing on I proceed to put the finishing touches on it and as I'm nearly finished when someone here has something that I must get up and go deal with (at least in their mind) and when I come back damn machine is in reboot update. Now I'm spent and can only say at least you got the Great right in Great White North . lol


Wait a minute... Election thread ... Windows.... Microsoft..... American Corporation..... reboot .... lost post ...... I smell a conspiracy of suppression.

Edited by Harbringe
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@ A


Grrr I am just so hot under the collar right now and its got nothing to do with you or any esteem like sentiments for American voters .I haven't posted really anything of any substance in a really long time and I was working on something that I had been at for over an hour , maybe 2 , cause I was gonna make sure my i 's were dotted and my t 's were crossed and along comes Windows update asking to reboot , Good God no not now , hit that postpone button , then continuing on I proceed to put the finishing touches on it and as I'm nearly finished when someone here has something that I must get up and go deal with (at least in their mind) and when I come back damn machine is in reboot update. Now I'm spent and can only say at least you got the Great right in Great White North . lol


Wait a minute... Election thread ... Windows.... Microsoft..... American Corporation..... reboot .... lost post ...... I smell a conspiracy of suppression.


Well, with that said, here's what I think:


America is a basic conspiracy theory. Everyone comes up with something new, that is always false.


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@ A


Grrr I am just so hot under the collar right now and its got nothing to do with you or any esteem like sentiments for American voters .I haven't posted really anything of any substance in a really long time and I was working on something that I had been at for over an hour , maybe 2 , cause I was gonna make sure my i 's were dotted and my t 's were crossed and along comes Windows update asking to reboot , Good God no not now , hit that postpone button , then continuing on I proceed to put the finishing touches on it and as I'm nearly finished when someone here has something that I must get up and go deal with (at least in their mind) and when I come back damn machine is in reboot update. Now I'm spent and can only say at least you got the Great right in Great White North . lol


Wait a minute... Election thread ... Windows.... Microsoft..... American Corporation..... reboot .... lost post ...... I smell a conspiracy of suppression.

Maybe it's the universe's way of telling you it's time for a LaBatt Blue or an O'Keefe. :whistling:

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I am not in favor of many of Obama's policies either, but the Republicans do not offer any serious alternatives. Republican debates are cartoonish bacchanals of conditioned jingoism, barely concealed racism, and the worst that voodoo economics has to offer. Only the good Dr. Paul brings cogent arguments to bear, but he is largely dismissed or shouted down by the surly crowd without even an attempt at moderation by the hosting authority. I might have taken Romney seriously once, before he emerged from his moderate Massachusetts cocoon as a disingenuous, utterly incredible (in the literal sense) born-again right-winger. If people gave John Kerry grief for being a flip-flopper, good god, this man is a veritable chameleon.


Cross-replying to this from the other thread.


Your remarks about the Republican party are why I tend not to waste my time getting into debates of this nature. Especially when people begin throwing around the racism card. All the pretty charts mean nothing now since you decided to play that card yourself. What that tells me is that you've got no argument, and whether that's what you intended or not, that's the result you've created.


Ron Paul? Sorry, I wouldn't trust that man to be president. I'd sooner vote for Obama over him. Delusional isolationists have no place in today's world, and his foreign policy approach frankly scares the crap out of me. Yes, I'd rather re-elect Obama and KNOW what I'm getting, than elect someone who comes across as a madman and have no idea what I'm getting. Domestically, sure, he's probably a better choice. I'd gladly put him in charge of the Treasury and let him go to town on the Federal Reserve.


Romney is a RINO. He talks the talk, but the fact is, he's as liberal as they come, so he can't walk the walk. I'm not convinced that he's the right choice for our party, and he has definitely flip-flopped almost as much as John Kerry did. Chameleon more or less nails it.


I think if you've been following the primaries and caucuses, you can see that we as a party are not generally satisfied with the 3 front runners. The leftist media is salivating over the very real possibility of a brokered convention in August. That would be bad. BAD BAD BAD.


Sadly the one guy I was actually excited for got trashed by the media for absolutely no valid reason. Going so far as to attack his family and everything. He didn't deserve that, and I am totally convinced they did it to him out of genuine fear that his policy ideas were taking root with the public. If it came to a brokered convention, I'd hope the party delegates have the sense enough to nominate him. Somehow I don't see that happening.


This is a long documentary but do watch it all . Because it highlights a good point for this debate which is : Does your vote really count?

Heh, I don't need to watch 2 hours of liberal lies and propaganda to answer this either: No. It doesn't really count. Mainly because I live in California and hell would have to freeze over before the people in this state would wise up and elect a conservative.

Edited by Arthmoor
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