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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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In response to post #55312758. #55315588, #55315883, #55321803, #55322298 are all replies on the same post.

kestrelhawk wrote: To be honest, I'm not crazy about the new design, mostly because it seems more difficult to read for me. The one thing that I truly dislike is the Updates tab. Move your cursor just the wrong way and everything in the list collapses again, so that I am constantly having to re-open it. Opening and having it stay open until the user closes it him/herself, like the old one, is vastly preferable!
lasse1001 wrote: Exactly. I'm so tired of all the 'Mouseover' -things on the internet. Don't we like to click on anything nowadays? Also, the default Update list is way too short. At least double it
kestrelhawk wrote: I agree with you on that too.
remus101 wrote: I'm with you I can't find anything I want half the time. Very much prefer the old one.
pacfish wrote: I think the problem with the click vs mouse over options are hard, because there are so many links on the page now that finding a place to click to close the menu can be troublesome.

The readability thing have been brought up and well kinda ignored. Even siting creditable arguments to it like https://stackoverflow.com/questions/578059/studies-on-optimal-code-width
The best solution for this actually lies with resizing the window to provide a friendlier environment on your eyes. At least that was Dark's response to the problem. But that causes problems with formatting that a mod author might go through to get around this re-design. A lot of them are very good at finding what is appealing to the eye so it would stand to reason that they may do some fancy stuff to get around this. Another issue it causes is that content that can tell you what game you're viewing at just a glance is no longer visable which is a problem for mod authors who don't take the time to change the links from their oldrim mods when porting them to SSE which I've run into with two different authors but caught it after I had already spent a good 20 minutes continuing to view and download content that would crash my game.
And with the new layout SSE and Oldrim don't even have a different background anymore while on the old site, you can still clearly see the difference.

Sure, I can re-size the window, and have, but, for my eyes at least, it's more a combination of new fonts and so much more information crowded onto the page. I don't expect that will make a difference to the Nexus devs, it's their site after all, but it bothers me. After flipping back and forth between old and new pages for a week or so now, the old is just better for me. And again, the mouse-overs are a major pain. As for finding a place to click on, if I can manage it with the way Steam shows on my screen, I can manage it here, lol. I'll use the old Nexus for as long as I can, then hope for the best...

Yes, a lot of links I have saved will doubtless be an issue. I hadn't thought about that. *sigh*
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I hate the new design. Tried to use it but i regretted my decision almost immediately




Jesus, it's not rocket science, people! Are you seriously going to sit there and claim you've never been on a forum board before and therefore have no idea how it works?


"I hate the new design. Tried to use it but i [sic] regretted my decision almost immediately"


Why? What about it? What would you change? What did you like? What worked for you? What didn't work for you?


I don't care if you don't like the new design, or if you think the new design is absolutely tits. Either way, the point is to publicly speak and say what works and what doesn't--that is what this thread is about so that they can cull ideas and fix/address your complaints/suggestions. A simple negatory statement with no context is not helpful. Swear to God, it's Forum-speak, 101.



In response to post #55297103. #55305533, #55307703, #55310663 are all replies on the same post.




twowolves80 wrote:

If it's a bad link, screen shots of the link and the button leading you there, along with the link address would help. What were you doing at the time?




Remember, the more detail, the better.


Hmm...that's not a bad gif, actually...*yoink*


Here's another example of good feedback:


Guys, I think you should update the NMM runtime button at the top of the splash page (it still says 0.63.14, not the final version of 0.63.17). That would be helpful so we don't have to dig for 0.63.17. Thanks for the work you do behind the scenes. :smile:

pacfish wrote: Why isn't this fixed yet?! It's been three and a half hours for a typo that was pointed out. And still during believable working hours!
Sulhir wrote: cant-tell-if-serious-or-just-joking.jpg
pacfish wrote: 100% serious. Everything on the internet is true.


Just because sarcasm is difficult to understand on the internet. The github repo clearly states 63.17



And you. Great job on pointing that out, but that rises to a bit more than a typo. And most noobs, and people who have never modded before wouldn't know to go looking for 0.63.17, which is the final version of NMM until Vortex comes out, and if you think using an older version is going to generate rainbows and sparkles and magic fun that flies out of your butt, you've been sadly mislead. It's not a big deal to fix, and it's one I'm sure they'll get around to when they have a moment to breathe from all the other stuff they're hurrying up with trying to complete to satisfy a bunch of self-entitled masses hell-bent on stating explicitly that they don't like something, yet who consistently fail to provide useful information that could better the site for themselves, and for everyone.


Also, I've noticed all your double posts. Double-posting is also considered a forum no-no. Triple-posting is even worse. Quadruple posting activates Armageddon and the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse: Staff, Admins, Moderators, and behold, the Pale Horse, it's rider is the Ban-hammer.


And lastly, your assertion that github may have the correct version is misleading, because when you click on the NMM download button, it attempts to download 0.63.14, not 0.63.17. The Nexus page doesn't link to github. That's the equivalent of saying, "If your car needs a new battery, the factory puts them in." Uh, great. Kudos for them. That doesn't help put the battery in the car. Has nothing to do with driving over to NAPA where the battery should be, and isn't--yet.


Here is proof. I have full faith that they will get around to it before the changeover to Nexus. As I said in earlier posts, they're probably more worried about making sure the site is secure and runs right than the finer details. I am okay with this. I am okay if it doesn't get changed--I did my part by pointing it out, and it's been noted. That is how you are supposed to work with the staff to get them to make the site better for everyone because if you think the most enjoyable part of their day comes from coming home after a long day of work after putting up with the general idiocy there, only to come to the Nexus and find a bunch of people whining about the fact that they hate the new site, but who haven't expressed anything constructive in their "criticism," you are clearly deluded.


And that brings up another point--Robin, perhaps we could post in big 72 point letters a warning dialogue box that comes up anytime someone accesses the forums with a few helpful points in it that they have to check off before being allowed to use the forum--


1. All feedback must consist of something actionable--i.e., tell us what you would do differently, or how you might change something to give us an idea of what things people like to see, the features they like to use, etc. Failure to do so will result in dwarves stomping your choobies into a fine paste.


2. Double posting is illegal, and will be prosecuted by tying the offender up in front of the nearest death claw lair and leaving them to whatever fate awaits them within. Triple posting will result in the aforementioned occurring during mating season.


3. Remember that you, the forum member, do have a voice that is listened to, if you post useful information, but you have to be patient for it to work through the system. Someone somewhere has noted it, rest assured. Failure to do so will result in you being hog-tied to the chair while stinking bandits drink the last of your Nordic ale in front of you, then burn through your skooma stash without sharing any with you, all while whining about taking arrows to the knee over and over and repeatedly asking you what the matter is--did someone steal your sweetroll?



Nothing to see here, move along, people.

Edited by twowolves80
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In response to post #55327268.

axonis wrote: Here's the ABP blocking rule to deal with animated GIFs posted by annoying users:


Aw come on!
For one this is bad information, as it removes all gifs not just the animated ones.
And if it's really that bad you can just browse the forum site on Lynx.
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In response to post #55305648. #55306153, #55309998, #55314643 are all replies on the same post.

VulpesHilarianus wrote:

Did some searching using a couple of different metrics. According to Alexa, SimilarWeb, and Quantcast Nexus Mods had a major traffic decrease when the website redesign launched. Also according to Alexa and Quantcast only 44% of users are switching to the new layout. Many are choosing old.nexusmods.com to use the site. For the Wayback Machine in the months of October and November the most popular saved versions were the old Nexus layout, with less than 1/3 being the new layout. People don't like it. I urge you, please, delay the launch of the redesign until the usability issues are sorted out. The massive amounts of wasted space, lack of contrasts, abhorrent element sizing, and focus on mobile for a PC-centric website are making people uncomfortable and having them avoid the site.

EDIT: Also the forums are screwing up and not letting me post the entire comment.

pacfish wrote: I'm one of the 44% that are using the new site and don't like it. But I'm trying to make it better with feedback. I also want to point out that the old site is the default. "nexusmods.com" is the old version and doesn't force the user to switch. There is an annoying button at the top that even the old.nexusmods.com has plastered on it.

I don't think they'll release an unfinished product, they don't have a publishing company racing to make a return on the investment... But then there's Fallout 4 which took 5 years and is plagued with bugs, Starcraft 2 which is mostly bug free but has a limited game engine (supporting very small files in comparison to other games) and took 10 years, and HalfLife 3 which according to a Fallout 4 cartoon, is still in development in 2077.
HomicidalGrouse wrote: Pretty much all links spread all over the internet lead back to the normal nexusmods domain.

Of course the vast majority of people who visit the site will be using that one, and not the rd domain used to preview the new site.
Dark0ne wrote:
According to Alexa, SimilarWeb, and Quantcast Nexus Mods had a major traffic decrease when the website redesign launched

Uh...? I'm looking at Alexa (which you take with a big pinch of salt as it only tracks people who have installed their toolbar), where there's been a steady decline since January of this year and SimilarWeb (whose tracking code we don't use, so is wildly inaccurate) is showing an uptick in September and October compared to previous months.

Of the three, Quantcast is the only one that tracks accurately and the tracking code for Quantcast isn't tracking the redesign site right now (seriously, check the site source code. No tracking code on rd.nexusmods.com for quantcast). As such, anyone using the redesign is not being tracked on Quantcast, which is a lot of traffic. So yeah, there's going to be a downtick compared to previous months.

Inspite of this, October 2017 still had 18m page views more than October 2016 according to Quantcast, despite declining traffic on the back of Fallout 4 getting older and despite the fact RD isn't being tracked on Quantcast yet.

So when you say "major traffic decrease" I don't know WTF you're talking about, but it renders everything else you're saying as moot when the stats you're basing it off are just plain wrong.

You're wasting your time bro. Don't you know the customer is always wrong?
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In response to post #55327268. #55327833 is also a reply to the same post.

axonis wrote: Here's the ABP blocking rule to deal with animated GIFs posted by annoying users:


pacfish wrote: Aw come on!
For one this is bad information, as it removes all gifs not just the animated ones.
And if it's really that bad you can just browse the forum site on Lynx.

All gifs from external sites is practically all animated gifs.

This site is not compatible with Lynx because it requires Javascript.
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Why can we not collapse sections? If all I want is news and mods, I don't want to have to scroll through a bunch of photos to get to the news. Also the mouse over menus are nice, but being able to collapse them so I don't open a huge thing every time I try and search for a mod would be absolutely amazing.
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First of all, thank you for fixing image placement on the new design. :thumbsup:


Just a couple of questions:


Will mod authors be given the option of uploading a new background picture for the Mod info header? Since the one I have right now is all fubar.


The expanded files download section is rather clunky. Personally, I think it would be better if the virus report (safe to use, etc) was next to the file download options as it was in the old design, rather than above it as it is in the new one. It's not like there's not room for it; there's an acre of space.


In the logs section there is also a list of people who endorse. Is this something only I see as the mod author? Or does everyone see this? If the latter then this is really going to clog up a section that should be about updates to the mod and not who has liked it, because presumably it is meant to take the place of the old "uploaded on Xdate" "last updated on Xdate" information?


I like the new larger default font! Can someone tell me what it is so I can use it?


Edit: Also, how long have you been renaming my file downloads for? Are you making any other automatic changes to my files?

Edited by menathradiel
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