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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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Edit; So yeah this is so much garbage. I happen to have an old tab open. Where are the search parameters? How do I search in one mod area and not another. The lack of space for descriptions of the mod is SO MUCH Worse than I thought! The idea of tiles when someone needs detailed information is beyond stupid. Are you trying to make this Mobile friendly? Why in the world would anyone use a phone to look all mods?


Are you trying to appease Googles search perimeters? WHY?! You're like Steam or Amazon.


So overall the new site is so much worse than the old. Instead of a logical linear order with generous room for describing what the mod does we have a bingo card with room for 2 sentences and an image size that covers the same area. 50% of the time I don't need an image (new guns, armor, etc I do, but again that's only half the mods.). I need to know how the mod affects the game behind the scene. A single long sentence or two short ones is disastrous.


Plus sometimes I'm not on the site for a week or more, so when I come back to it I like to start at page 1 and work my way back until I recognize a mod I've seen before. This was right at the front and always the first thing I would click on when starting Nexus. Now I can't find the most useful link anywhere.


Looking up a mod author is a mess and the mod authors page is laid out poorly.


I don't care about media or videos and there's no way to turn them off or hide them, but tracked mods are off screen. WTF!


Whom ever you hired for this hatchet job doesn't seem to be a modder or know what we want. TRY AGAIN! Mean while give us access back to the old lay out.


Why when I type "race" into the search bar at the top do I get results from not just Fallout 4, which is the sub-site I'm on, do I get results FROM GAMES I DON'T EVEN OWN! What The F### did you do to the search?!!!

Edited by Cameron71
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In response to post #55456908.

lasse1001 wrote: What's the point of having the 'Back to top' directly besides the usual browser scrollbar? It should be at the left side to be somewhat useful, and also have a 'Jump to bottom' -button to easy reach the "My download history" and "Tracking centre" which is now waaay down. (My scrollfinger hurts and I lose seconds of my life)

Most websites I've seen that have a back to top are usually exactly where it is here, never seen it anywhere else. I do agree with doing a bottom button or making a button for tracking center/download history.
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I think the old interface was unique and great. The new interface makes the Nexus look like a gazillion other websites, just built on some template. The new interface sux. That's my honest opinion. And I'm sure I will spend less time here, browsing mods etc. when the new interface becomes the only option. Sad :(
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In response to post #55385813. #55403098, #55424833, #55429343, #55431058, #55452048, #55453283, #55453953, #55454268 are all replies on the same post.

TheKlingonHamlet wrote: Flat design (in general) is the worst visual cancer humankind has ever invented.
I can't tell what's a button and what is not, and can't fix my eyes on anything, making using the site really difficult for me. It basically looks like one monolithic mess.
I don't understand why you had to make the redesign this way.
Dreizopf wrote: This!

"I can't tell what's a button and what is not"

This is the problem of all smartphone app layouts and should not be used on desktops.
Eolhin wrote: I have to agree with this apt description of the problem telling buttons from things that are not.
Pushkatu wrote: I'm also not a very big fan of the new design. OP said it all, but I'm sure things will get better in the future, you guys always have a way of doing things that in the end, turn out to be great. Keep up the good work!
Hekkaryk wrote: Well I'm loving it so far :) Then again, I love Windows 10 design too...
Eolhin wrote: Ah, I could not set the Win 10 desktop back to the legacy Windows desktop fast enough. Thank the gods they had that option.
GlassDeviant wrote: The more I use the new layout, the more I dislike it.

Flat design used to be standard a long time ago, I mean a loooong time, like back when forums were first invented. There was a reason we (by we I mean every fracking forum on the planet, practically) moved *away* from the flat model. Now it seems the latest fad is to go back to flat, and it's just a horrid, messy waste of screen space, especially with so many people moving to small screens, but even for those of us who keep moving to larger and larger screens. I get larger screens to display *more* information, not so forums can waste even more of my screen space with emptiness or filler.

I hope at the very least we can select another theme that does not have the putrid pastel colour scheme.
blevins9109 wrote: Couldn't agree more. This went from one of the most navigable websites I use to one of the least navigable.
davidsalter wrote: i just spent 5 minutes on this new layout trying to find scrap mods for fallout 4, and i got so many skyrim and oblivion mods in the list especially ones that didnt even have scrap in the name that i just gave up.
can i have the old layout back?

I wholeheartedly agree with you!
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In response to post #55461293.

Anthedon wrote:

Is there no longer a way to limit searching to a particular game? The search function in the new layout turns up results from all games. Which makes it almost useless.

There is a way to limit searching to a particular game. First click on the "game" tab and select the particular game whose mods you want to search. Then enter your search word(s) and proceed with the search. If you don't select a particular game, then indeed you will search the entire Nexus game library. You can select a game either through the favorites menu (if you've already set that up) or from the list of all games included in the Nexus library. Edited by Augusta Calidia
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Just for the record, the way this site was before was just fine, I don't understand why you all found the need to change it. I HATE this new setup. The search function is just plain horrible....mods from games I've never heard of show up...makes no sense. The old setup worked great, and made searching for mods on here fun. Now it's just a huge chore. I know what I'm saying here probably means very little, to nothing, but I BEG you...please put the old site back up. You've just totally ruined this. Edited by strider59
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Search is a clusterf*#@, even when I spell out the entire mod's name most just do not show up. I have to go other mods pages where I know they have a direct link on their page description to be able to access the mods I was looking for.

I am not commenting on the design because, as my grandma always said, "tastes are like opinions, everyone has one". But I honestly did not see the need for a change. Just fix the search please, it is not working as it should.

Also not commenting on the 1mb/s limit for free users. It is what it is.

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