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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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I don't like this new design at all. The almost monochromic colours (grey, black and white) coupled with the absence of clear borders between elements, zoomed in fonts and huge tiles make it extremely difficult to differentiate the elements and clunky to navigate. Everything seems to be square and flat, what's the point in zooming everything whereas there's so much blank space ? For me, it decreases the readability a lot. Dezooming a bit helps a bit for me, but I miss the rounded elements.

Of course, it's only my opinion, I hope I wasn't too harsh, I'm trying to be constructive in my criticism even if english's not my first language (please excuse the eventual typos and grammar errors).

I wish nexusmods' staff the best of luck in improving the current design.

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When arriving to a page on the old nexus site, you knew you were on Nexus. The design flowed, was concise where necessary and easily searchable with nice drill down capabilities. It also functioned well across a multitued of browsers and resolutions.


The new site drives me batty. My main monitor is 3440 x 1440, running browser at 1920. I am either scrolling constantly or manually resizing to get the text to lay nicely, like this article for example.


The elements blend together and hard to distinguish

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Hello Dark0ne. My name is Nevada.

I'm an insane yakuza samurai high elf babe, and I have been on the nexus for a long time............:hurr:

However, this new webpage design, I truly have to say is waay to complicated.

I just dont really like it, I tried so hard, but I failed miserably :(


You see the main problem is that EVERYTHING is large (font, images, links) they're just too big.

With all of the largeness and closeness of how everything apprars, it makes me very dizzy looking at it. I'm actually not able to stare at the page for too long, because of this unpleasant side-effect.


I did like the old version better because it's smaller and in my opinion more legible. The closeness and lack of value in the widgets and prompts is what's giving the site that 'flat' look. It seems like you were trying to make the site more compatible with phones :confused: I would still appreciate an easier access back to the old site layout to please remain.



A concerned insane high elf yakuza samurai hot babe that don't make no sense, but does here though

Edited by lefttounge
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The two words that best describe how I feel about the new design: sensory overload. Getting hit with a multitude of pictures from mods plus ad banners makes me want to download what I need and leave as fast as possible.
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Really hate this new design, very monochromatic, as well as being oversized for what it is supposed to be doing. It feels very awkward and clumsy, everything just has way to much space around it, can you please keep the option to stick with the old design. If this new design is where the nexus is headed I'm not sure I'll keep coming here, it sort of breaks the site for me.
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I there any html script that will be redirecting me to old.nexusmods everytime I click on the nexus links?



+now tab icon for SSE on the new layout is same (or looks almost the same) as for oldrim.

confusing AF.

I preferred old light orange one..

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In response to post #55555733.

Lollia wrote: The two words that best describe how I feel about the new design: sensory overload. Getting hit with a multitude of pictures from mods plus ad banners makes me want to download what I need and leave as fast as possible.

^this, actually :(

but I want to stay on site longer.. but I have to use "old." workaround for every page I open :(
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In response to post #55554728.

endgameaddiction wrote:

I cringe when I see the need to add more banner ads on the nu design. As if Nexus is standing on one leg here in maintaining itself.

The site has the same amount of banner ads. One is bigger, but we've deliberately put them in their own, separate section because we hate websites that put ads in between all the content in the hopes you'll misclick them.
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