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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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In response to post #55555733. #55556463 is also a reply to the same post.




Lollia wrote: The two words that best describe how I feel about the new design: sensory overload. Getting hit with a multitude of pictures from mods plus ad banners makes me want to download what I need and leave as fast as possible.
darksynth0 wrote: ^this, actually :sad:


but I want to stay on site longer.. but I have to use "old." workaround for every page I open :sad:

Literally this. I'd bet the sensory overload is 99% of why people don't like the new design, and it's the main reason I have to keep using the "old" site for as long as I can. The new one is literally painful to look at. Not figuratively, literally. Being autistic isn't fun.


But I expect the Powers That Be to take our concerns about as seriously as the FCC is taking the public's net neutrality concerns.



Sorry to hear you feel that way. If you had read the entire thread, and Robin's other announcements and posts, you'd perhaps be more aware that the admins are actively listening to us.


To whit, the complaints have thus far been centered around:


1. Search functionality

2. Contrast/color/flatness of the new site (which probably will be addressed once they get more comfortable with making changes)

3. The image boxes instead of a list or smaller boxes on one side similar in feel to what we had before due to the website itself being bigger and not utilizing space as efficiently as it could.


These issues are ones that will be refined as time goes on, we just have to be patient. Same thing with modding, right? We all didn't start modding by having a full 255 plugins, 800 mods, no script errors and no bugs. It took us time to learn the new system. Same thing with them.


Kudos to those of you actually providing specific examples as to things you like/don't like and making suggestions as this is constructive and doing so in a way where it's not just insults.

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In response to post #55555733. #55556463, #55562434 are all replies on the same post.

Lollia wrote: The two words that best describe how I feel about the new design: sensory overload. Getting hit with a multitude of pictures from mods plus ad banners makes me want to download what I need and leave as fast as possible.
darksynth0 wrote: ^this, actually :(

but I want to stay on site longer.. but I have to use "old." workaround for every page I open :(
n0sf3ratu wrote: Literally this. I'd bet the sensory overload is 99% of why people don't like the new design, and it's the main reason I have to keep using the "old" site for as long as I can. The new one is literally painful to look at. Not figuratively, literally. Being autistic isn't fun.

But I expect the Powers That Be to take our concerns about as seriously as the FCC is taking the public's net neutrality concerns.

Everytime I get here to look for mods I just close the browser again instantly, as it is just too god damn ugly and I move on to other stuff. It even makes me want to uninstall FO4, as it is unplayable without mods and having to look at this garbage is just not worth it.
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The layouts MUST be made optional.

Guaranteed a big loss of interest and desire from some of the best modders with this awful, awful layout and it's ad-based quirks. Do not mobile-ify it. It doesn't work. Not for desktops, which guaranteed 99% of the time people view the site on due to the simple fact that desktops run games... mods require these games... you get the jist.

But generally, and more personally, I find the layout god awful and confusing. Sure I will get used to it if forced, but I would ALWAYS prefer the old design. It really is close enough to perfect and a website design to be proud of. Do not remove it permanently from us. If you want me on my virtual knees, and begging, you have it. xD

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Please please PLEASE keep the new layout optional. The old version is convenient and has every bit of functionality cleanly labeled and easy to find. The new one appeals to mobile design sensibilities which IMHO are absolute garbage for desktop use -- and this site is one that will be used almost exclusively from an actual computer, because phones don't run, for example, Morrowind, let alone Skyrim. I cannot state strongly enough how much I utterly despise using mobile versions of sites on a desktop. If you want a mobile-friendly version, PLEASE keep it separate. The old layout is approximately perfect, and I am absolutely at a loss to understand what you think you could possibly gain from switching to a more mobile-esque layout. Plus it just looks...industrial. None of the charm of the old. Function over form, but you're losing BOTH!
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In response to post #55565719.

Christhulhu wrote: The new site is much better. People are just afraid of change. The convenience of the new features will overtake their nostalgia in time. Keep up the good work!

Uhh, no, it isn't, in fact I just now came in here because not only does it look like a mobile app, but it's also outright broken for me.

Change is good...when change is necessary. Change just for change's sake is a waste of everyone's time. And I'm not of the opinion that the Nexus site needed this redesign.
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Anyone else having issues with mod downloads...just not triggering? I'm trying to get Transfer Settlements to download and it doesn't want to pop up the box asking me permission to open the NMM link in NMM like it's supposed to do. It's done this on other mods, too, but I was able to F5 them and get it to work.


But not TS.


What gives? What is even the point of having that button if it doesn't work?


Also, any sort of information that would be displayed(Including a link to force the download if the script fails as it is doing to me) is obscured by the great big 'DONATE' box. This was annoying enough on the old nexus but it was just a matter of clicking through it. Here, it's obscuring every piece of text that might give me a reasonable idea of why the download script isn't firing properly.


This UI needs work. Setting aside the rather subjective points of how it looks, it doesn't work properly.


If it matters, I'm on the latest non-Quantum Firefox build, with a few really common addons. uBlock, Greasemonkey. And nothing more.



Old site worked fine. New one doesn't. Can we just get the old one back and not worry about the redesign? Old nexus wasn't broken...




Yah, the donate pane is the problem. I got in there with uBlock and nipped the pane. Soon as it disappeared I saw a warning for 'This mod requires x and y mods' and a button there for continuing the download. The donate pane was obscuring the basic functionality of the site.

Edited by KennyMcCormick315
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