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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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And YNSTBIH, as a mod author, do you prefer helpful feedback? Or do you prefer ranting? Which is more productive to you as a mod author, and more productive for your mods' fans? A nice, encouraging comment with helpful suggestions? Or someone just ranting, doing their best to drag you down to their level of misery?


Just food for thought. :smile:


They're the same. I get both and other variants and I don't place value one over the other. One person who went out of their way to try to hurt my feelings made a 20 minute video attacking my mod. I used that as a tool to make my mod better. There have also been some super nice mod authors like Tamira who was very kind and helpful to me. I appreciate both perspectives. When the person tried to profit off of making fun of my mod I put an end to it though. It's one thing to have strong opinions and another to try and profit from being butthurt.


Really? If it was me, and this is just my opinion, I'd appreciate people that took the extra five seconds to find something they liked and posted it along with the feedback over those who just want a forum to parade around acting butt-hurt.


Either way, you're okay by me, and your point is well-taken. :)

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Okay, I've read some other comments and had a browse of the new site, and I think I can see the biggest problem of all: it's too wide. The old site had a lot of just background artwork on the left and right of a central column of information, which was really good at drawing in the eyes. This new version has barely any artwork at the sides and the eyes are forced to look all over the place. It doesn't help that the buttons for things like Files or Forums on a mod page are now far more rectangular and bright blue numbers clash hideously. The site will probably work when the team's done with it, but for Akatosh's sake slim it down!
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In response to post #55588629.

yourenotsupposedtobeinhere wrote:


They ignored those that did, as well, so not surprised many haven't bothered

Sigh, how shameful, that's a straight up lie. We've already changed several things since the initial launch news post was made, based on user feedback.


I did mention in the private section that there is a way of having a site work on mobile phones without it looking like it was made specifically for mobile phones, which was my only issue. It still looks like it was made specifically for mobile phones and I haven't received a reply from you or any of your team in that regard. I can't assume that that you will act on my recommendation without any information replying to what I and a number of other mod authors posted. To clarify. I'm not opposed to change, but as a person who doesn't use cell phones and that avoids sites that are made primarily for cell phone users, knowing there is an effort to make it less obvious that it is cell phone centric would do a great deal to raise the moral and perhaps keep some of the modders who are leaving. I've kept an eye on these threads, your only mention was something about being listed as an a class by some internet website rating service. Internet website rating services are great I'm sure, but I would think that the opinion of the people that made your site a success would have more weight. I'm not suggesting that you and your people didn't go through a great deal of time and effort, but I am not interested in using a cell phone mod site for PC games. A number of people suggested keeping the PC version as an option, what is your reply? I have a premium account, it would be pretty nice if I was permitted to keep the site I offered $50.00 for. Why not allow supporters to keep the legacy version if they want, they have supported you and your site for years.




And YNSTBIH, as a mod author, do you prefer helpful feedback? Or do you prefer ranting? Which is more productive to you as a mod author, and more productive for your mods' fans? A nice, encouraging comment with helpful suggestions? Or someone just ranting, doing their best to drag you down to their level of misery?

Just food for thought. :smile:


They're the same. I get both and other variants and I don't place value one over the other. One person who went out of their way to try to hurt my feelings made a 20 minute video attacking my mod. I used that as a tool to make my mod better. There have also been some super nice mod authors like Tamira who was very kind and helpful to me. I appreciate both perspectives. When the person tried to profit off of making fun of my mod I put an end to it though. It's one thing to have strong opinions and another to try and profit from being butthurt.

I've kept an eye on these threads, your only mention was something about being listed as an a class by some internet website rating service.

I think you're getting confused. The reference to an external rating was for the font readability. Nothing more.

The site is made with desktop and mobile in mind, not one or the other. That's the responsive nature of the site, where when you reduce the browser width it changes accordingly. When viewing at a width of 1200px or more, it's made for desktop and only desktop. When viewing below 1200px it's made to work better for tablets and mobile. That's modern web dev, and it's the cheapest and most efficient method moving forward for small development teams to be able to accommodate as many users on their various mediums and browsers as possible.

We'll certainly be reviewing how the site looks and functions based on the constructive feedback provided over the coming weeks and months, which is what we've been saying we'll do through this entire process. Frankly, the people saying we aren't listening or won't listen to feedback, and won't make changes where valid concerns are raised can really bite me. Some of the responses here and in other threads have been truly pathetic and I won't pander to the silliness being shown. If that makes it look like I'm "not listening" then I'll get over it and let the actions we take over the next few months do the speaking. Why waste my time?

A number of people suggested keeping the PC version as an option, what is your reply?

This was already answered in one of the news posts, so once again, this isn't a "they're not listening/they're ignoring us" issue. That's actually a "people aren't reading the news posts" issue!

It's not possible for two reasons. One, it would require double development time on our end when we change any functionality or add new functionality in the future, which just isn't feasible to do. And two, it would require mod authors to maintain two separate versions of their mod pages that work for the different site designs. Obviously that's not feasible either. Edited by Dark0ne
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In response to post #55588629.
This was already answered in one of the news posts, so once again, this isn't a "they're not listening/they're ignoring us" issue. That's actually a "people aren't reading the news posts" issue!


It's not possible for two reasons. One, it would require double development time on our end when we change any functionality or add new functionality in the future, which just isn't feasible to do. And two, it would require mod authors to maintain two separate versions of their mod pages that work for the different site designs. Obviously that's not feasible either.


I get ya. Also I never said "they're not listening/they're ignoring us" I just replied to it stating that you never replied to me directly, you have now so my observation is no longer valid.

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Ok. People seem to get upset at others over how they express their opinion on the new site. So, I will clarify why I do not like the new design.

1. The tiles are not nice when it comes to a 4k 32-inch display set at 3480 x 2160 resolution. The tiles are blurred. The fonts are fuzzy.

2. It is very hard to navigate a design when things aren't clear and crisp.

3. The new design seems to be more for portable devices than a pc.

In general, I don't have a problem with what Dark0ne wants. It's his site and can turn it into whatever he prefers. I think it would be beneficial if the old layout was kept as a choice. Forcing the new design onto people who have issues with it, isn't beneficial. As anyone can see just by reading this entire thread, there's a huge division happening among members. We have the Yays and the Nays. The percentage of the division seems to be an equal split. With a small percent who has no opinion either way.

Again, this is just my thoughts on the matter. I just feel this should be a choice. Every thing these days seems to me, that choice has become overrated. Microsoft, Apple and even some Linux Distros are now forcing their decisions down everyone's throats. Choice has become a thing of the past. But, if the old site isn't given as a choice, then, I only have one choice and that's to permanently leave. I'm sticking around for now, just to see where this all goes.

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I can't get around the fact that people contemplate leaving due to a site update. It's up to each person of course, but I just can't understand it. It's still the same community but with a redesigned site.

Edited by Niborino9409
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In response to post #55588629.




yourenotsupposedtobeinhere wrote:

They ignored those that did, as well, so not surprised many haven't bothered

Sigh, how shameful, that's a straight up lie. We've already changed several things since the initial launch news post was made, based on user feedback.

I did mention in the private section that there is a way of having a site work on mobile phones without it looking like it was made specifically for mobile phones, which was my only issue. It still looks like it was made specifically for mobile phones and I haven't received a reply from you or any of your team in that regard. I can't assume that that you will act on my recommendation without any information replying to what I and a number of other mod authors posted. To clarify. I'm not opposed to change, but as a person who doesn't use cell phones and that avoids sites that are made primarily for cell phone users, knowing there is an effort to make it less obvious that it is cell phone centric would do a great deal to raise the moral and perhaps keep some of the modders who are leaving. I've kept an eye on these threads, your only mention was something about being listed as an a class by some internet website rating service. Internet website rating services are great I'm sure, but I would think that the opinion of the people that made your site a success would have more weight. I'm not suggesting that you and your people didn't go through a great deal of time and effort, but I am not interested in using a cell phone mod site for PC games. A number of people suggested keeping the PC version as an option, what is your reply? I have a premium account, it would be pretty nice if I was permitted to keep the site I offered $50.00 for. Why not allow supporters to keep the legacy version if they want, they have supported you and your site for years.



And YNSTBIH, as a mod author, do you prefer helpful feedback? Or do you prefer ranting? Which is more productive to you as a mod author, and more productive for your mods' fans? A nice, encouraging comment with helpful suggestions? Or someone just ranting, doing their best to drag you down to their level of misery?


Just food for thought. :smile:

They're the same. I get both and other variants and I don't place value one over the other. One person who went out of their way to try to hurt my feelings made a 20 minute video attacking my mod. I used that as a tool to make my mod better. There have also been some super nice mod authors like Tamira who was very kind and helpful to me. I appreciate both perspectives. When the person tried to profit off of making fun of my mod I put an end to it though. It's one thing to have strong opinions and another to try and profit from being butthurt.

I've kept an eye on these threads, your only mention was something about being listed as an a class by some internet website rating service.

I think you're getting confused. The reference to an external rating was for the font readability. Nothing more.


The site is made with desktop and mobile in mind, not one or the other. That's the responsive nature of the site, where when you reduce the browser width it changes accordingly. When viewing at a width of 1200px or more, it's made for desktop and only desktop. When viewing below 1200px it's made to work better for tablets and mobile. That's modern web dev, and it's the cheapest and most efficient method moving forward for small development teams to be able to accommodate as many users on their various mediums and browsers as possible.


We'll certainly be reviewing how the site looks and functions based on the constructive feedback provided over the coming weeks and months, which is what we've been saying we'll do through this entire process. Frankly, the people saying we aren't listening or won't listen to feedback, and won't make changes where valid concerns are raised can really bite me. Some of the responses here and in other threads have been truly pathetic and I won't pander to the silliness being shown. If that makes it look like I'm "not listening" then I'll get over it and let the actions we take over the next few months do the speaking. Why waste my time?


A number of people suggested keeping the PC version as an option, what is your reply?

This was already answered in one of the news posts, so once again, this isn't a "they're not listening/they're ignoring us" issue. That's actually a "people aren't reading the news posts" issue!


It's not possible for two reasons. One, it would require double development time on our end when we change any functionality or add new functionality in the future, which just isn't feasible to do. And two, it would require mod authors to maintain two separate versions of their mod pages that work for the different site designs. Obviously that's not feasible either.


Well, I missed this. Not feasible? Not possible? Understood, Dark0ne. But, I fail to understand HOW it's not feasible and not possible. But, As I said, this is your site. I have been around for many years and I will miss the Nexus. Thank you for a great many years of pleasure. I will take my leave now.

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Forgive me stepping in, here, NCR--I just wanted to suggest a possible reason why it might not be feasible. It could be two completely different sets of coding/site functionality, and that's why mod authors would have to have two separate pages and the admins would have to juggle two separate sets of functions. Sort of like google has gmail and yahoo has...yahoo. Yes, they're similar in function, but execution of design may be drastically different. What might be easy to do in one (change the fonts, colors, etc) might not be easy (yet) to do in the other just from a lack of familiarity.

And as Dark0ne pointed out, it's cheaper and more efficient to have only one site to have to deal with. I'm guessing the new site probably offers quite a bit more "bang for the buck," as it were; they just need time to figure out how to use everything and get everything ported over that absolutely is critical. That is why I stressed being a a little more patient. Just like when we first started modding, oftentimes, we needed things explained to us patiently for us to get it.

Now, pass the ale and kick the bard--we ain't payin' him to sleep. The community will stay the same--only the interface is changing. To quote that immortal bard, "A rose by any other name..."


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Forgive me stepping in, here, NCR--I just wanted to suggest a possible reason why it might not be feasible. It could be two completely different sets of coding/site functionality, and that's why mod authors would have to have two separate pages and the admins would have to juggle two separate sets of functions. Sort of like google has gmail and yahoo has...yahoo. Yes, they're similar in function, but execution of design may be drastically different. What might be easy to do in one (change the fonts, colors, etc) might not be easy (yet) to do in the other just from a lack of familiarity.


And as Dark0ne pointed out, it's cheaper and more efficient to have only one site to have to deal with. I'm guessing the new site probably offers quite a bit more "bang for the buck," as it were; they just need time to figure out how to use everything and get everything ported over that absolutely is critical. That is why I stressed being a a little more patient. Just like when we first started modding, oftentimes, we needed things explained to us patiently for us to get it.


Now, pass the ale and kick the bard--we ain't payin' him to sleep. The community will stay the same--only the interface is changing. To quote that immortal bard, "A rose by any other name..."



You must first appreciate the beauty and fragrance of the rose. I do not appreciate the beauty of this rose and the fragrance has also changed. So, I will leave this here. I bid you adieu.


If you enjoy the fragrance of a rose, you must accept the thorns which it bears. ~Isaac Hayes

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