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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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I like the upgrade, glad to see the site staying viable and active. Yes the new design is a bit busy, but once i found how to minimize the thumbnails it worked for me better, I'll get used to the rest and perhaps they will tweak stuff later on. I did balk at the membership costs for subscription, a bit steep imo, the lifetime is a good value but to be honest not sure how many gaming yrs i have left. lol i would have liked to see a cheaper annual/biannual option. anyways, cheers

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I can live with the redesign but is there a way to have the default mod sorting set to most recent like the last format had? That is, loading the mods page and having the most recently added mods be displayed first instead of the most popular? Edited by Assassinborn
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When will site owners finally understand that no-one [Edit: I don't] wants their new designs...

Probably about the same time people stop making blanket statements. I don't know who "no-one" is, but I don't mind it too much, and I fully expect it to get better.


new layout is so messy - cant find anything now

Have you spent more than five minutes trying? And is there anything that you do like about the new site?


Hate it the old site was quick and easy to use this new one is terrible a complete DOWNGRADE

Great. Anything you like? Any ideas for making it better?


This new design just terrible, can we get old style?

No. Stop asking. Start reading the posts. And if you really want to be pro-active, how about making a suggestion or two about things that could be changed that might make it better in your humble opinion?



In response to post #55626541.




GoodWayfarer wrote: This new design just terrible, can we get old style?

I agree totally... this new design make my eyes bleeding. If smbd needs "this" - just make this new style by checkable option in settings. Why the heck you're enforcing ALL to use it if they don't want to...?


Again, blanket statement. They're not forcing me. I can choose to leave at any time and not come back. For all we know, the other site's formatting could be obsolete and getting the dustbin, forcing the site owner to have to choose another site host.



In response to post #55626541. #55627156 is also a reply to the same post.




GoodWayfarer wrote: This new design just terrible, can we get old style?
SilentWarriorr wrote: I agree totally... this new design make my eyes bleeding. If smbd needs "this" - just make this new style by checkable option in settings. Why the heck you're enforcing ALL to use it if they don't want to...?

Are your eyes bleeding? are they really? Maybe we should call Vatican, we might have some mutant stigmata on our hands..


Ha! Ethreon, you never fail to crack me up, even when I'm the target of your acerbic barbs! lmao :P


"how to kill a website"

Step 1: ???

Step 2: Profit


Now, anything you care to add about what you do like about it? Or what you think could use some change that would make it better for all?


Dreadful new design. Another site ruined.

Ruined? Really? Did it crash? Ruined compared to what? I see admins attempting to walk a line between necessary change and keeping everyone happy, and doing a fine job of attempting to stay ahead of the eight ball.


The problem, I believe, is that it feels like the web designers Dark0ne hired have never played Skyrim before, and thus don't appreciate our needs organically the way someone who plays and mods Skyrim would. If that makes sense.

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In response to post #55626666. #55627476, #55627586, #55628076, #55628326, #55628511 are all replies on the same post.

Niborino9409 wrote:

The new design is downright horrible, honestly. Not only does it look outdated, but it's also a counterintuitive mess as compared to the old design, not to mention a big "screw you" to my (and apparently thousands of other users') muscle memory. I hope I'll be able to revert the unasked-for changes once and for all, rather than having to bookmark every old.nexusmods.com/title I'm used to. Having a corresponding setting in one's profile would be great. And I still fail to comprehend the mindset of people who are eager to fix what isn't broken.

They aren't keeping the old site. The old.nexusmods won't be around forever. As for muscle memory, it can be rewired.

Silbervogel wrote: > They aren't keeping the old site

That's the problem. I wouldn't mind the new design as long as there would be an option to revert to the old one, but I guess it's too much to ask for :\ A shame, really.
Ethreon wrote: You ready to support the whole costs of maintaining a secondary website aspect just for a few people?
Silbervogel wrote: Judging by this thread, there's not so few of them. Those who like the new layout are actually a minority. The question is not "are you ready to maintain a secondary website?", but rather "is there a point in making unnecessary changes?", and that's where the problems begin.
Ethreon wrote: More like "bunch of folks can't stand change and they're very vocal while the majority just use the website and mind their daily lives".

There's already an article explaining why the website aspect is being changed. Nobody's problem you don't feel like reading.
Silbervogel wrote: More like "bunch of folks can't stand a change they never asked for and which makes browsing the site extremely uncomfortable". And I don't really care about the reasons behind this all new design thing. All I see is a poor attempt at fixing something that was working flawlessly... until the final decision was made to turn this site into a mobile-like abomination.

My statement stands. It's you trying to blanket this opinion upon everyone, that the update is not needed. Since you don't care to know the reasons, nobody has to care about your opinions.
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In response to post #55629476. #55629726 is also a reply to the same post.

bhsup wrote: What in the world happened to the changelog for mods? I don't see it anywhere on mod pages anymore.

It looks like it is under "Logs", just after Posts and Forum, from what I can tell.
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