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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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In response to post #55647331.

Ganjolfio wrote: Not an improvement. Chaotic, ugly and not even as far intuitive like the old one was. My eyes are bleeding. Now let me cry properly the old site. Cya.

+666. i hope that main admin/s here are not stinky retards as many others done such or so redesign and will keep the old layout in some way... (as old site or an option in setting or other method)
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In response to post #55647331. #55649666 is also a reply to the same post.

Ganjolfio wrote: Not an improvement. Chaotic, ugly and not even as far intuitive like the old one was. My eyes are bleeding. Now let me cry properly the old site. Cya.
SilentWarriorr wrote: +666. i hope that main admin/s here are not stinky retards as many others done such or so redesign and will keep the old layout in some way... (as old site or an option in setting or other method)

Well, do you have a constructive and positive feedback so they can improve what you obviously see it is "ugly" or are you just crying and whining like a baby ? Go ahead, give us your feedback and if it is something valid, I am pretty sure the Nexus staff will include it in their to-do-list. Any valid feedback? Your brain does not tick any idea? Sayonara then !!
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In response to post #55626551. #55630901, #55633596, #55633931, #55641576, #55645616 are all replies on the same post.

Eolhin wrote: The new layout is cluttered, and hard to find things on, but hopefully it can be refined with time. Thank you for putting the red outlines back around the sticky posts, so it is easy to see when you get to the end of them. It is a terrible color of pale red, the dark red from before was much better, but at least the functionality is back. When I look at my "Updates" (took me the longest time to figure out that is where all the alerts/notifications are hiding, many of which are not updates at all), the number of new ones does not clear, like it did before. So, for instance, it shows "8" for 8 new notifications, I look at the list, and close it. That used to clear the number of new notifications, but it no longer does so. Please don't tell me I have to actually open the page of ever one of those links, in order to clear the number of "new" notifications? At the very least, have the option to mark them as seen, so that you can get back to them later, but they don't hinder seeing actually NEW new notifications. There are many things I want to save for later when I do my next wave up updates (for instance), but don't want to deal with right away.

Edit: Okay, the Skyrim SE sight has slightly different coloring then vanilla Skyrim, that is good (more difference would be better, still a bit close). And it is a really lovely shade of periwinkle-purple, a beautiful color... but it really just does not feel appropriate for Skyrim SE. *wry smile*

Edit2: So in an effort to clear some of the "New" items from my list of notifications ("Updates", which most aren't), I went and viewed the pages that the links lead to... and that still does not clear the "New" items from my count of New under "Updates", nor does it grey out the link as it should once it has been seen.

Edit3: How come there is no description on mouse-over for the mods on the hot list under the top two giant ones? That is really necessary, in order to see what those mods are about.
Eolhin wrote: Perhaps add the option to minimize certain elements of the page for a mod, like the Tags section, and the thumbnails (things a returning user likely won't be so interested in, after using them once), in order to actually have the text visible without excessive scrolling? That would give people the option to reduce the clutter somewhat on their own view of a page.
Eolhin wrote: The Mods of the Month no longer seem to appear on the front page of the game at all, even scrolling all the way down. What is the point of having mods of the month, if the list isn't somewhere visible on the front page?
Eolhin wrote: I had marked "Hide Adult Content", and I am still seeing mods that are very much not safe for work. I had found the hidden link to the Mods of the month, and both September and October have explicit pictures as the image for mods from those months. When I say "Hide Adult Content", I expect it to be hidden, no matter whether it was chosen as a mod of the month or not! The adult content filter is something that really needs to work correctly! (Specifically, the image for the mod 'Harem - 18 followers'.)
Eolhin wrote: Adding to the above... The tagging system doesn't extend to the thumbnails, from what I can tell. And many of the thumbnails are very much NSFW. I remember that on the old site, if I had those settings on (Hide Adult Content, blocking all of the tags for SEXY/SKIMPY, NOT SAFE FOR WORK, NUDITY)(excuse the caps, that was copy/paste), I would not be seeing even the thumbnails for the mods that should be being filtered out. Because the thumbnails are still, obviously, NSFW. In the old layout, the Mods of the Month were in a list format, without thumbnails, so it was never an issue there. It is now.
noxvulpes wrote: I was wondering about where the Mods of the Month section was too.
If I want to check on the Mods of the Month, I now have to access the page through the Mods dropdown menu. Doesn't make sense to me at all. :/

(EDIT: Sorry, this was supposed to be a direct reply to your MotM comment, but I guess comments don't nest that far anymore?)

Yeah, the Mods of the Month are never going to get voted on where they have it now. Seeing it on the front page would remind me to check out the contenders, and vote.
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Stage 2 is moving the nexusmods.com domain over to the new design so by default, users will be on the new design. During this time we're still allowing users to access the old website design via https://old.nexusmods.com.

Quoted from Dark0ne's first post in case anyone missed it.

Edited by Niborino9409
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In response to post #55647331. #55649666, #55650366 are all replies on the same post.

Ganjolfio wrote: Not an improvement. Chaotic, ugly and not even as far intuitive like the old one was. My eyes are bleeding. Now let me cry properly the old site. Cya.
SilentWarriorr wrote: +666. i hope that main admin/s here are not stinky retards as many others done such or so redesign and will keep the old layout in some way... (as old site or an option in setting or other method)
sopmac45 wrote: Well, do you have a constructive and positive feedback so they can improve what you obviously see it is "ugly" or are you just crying and whining like a baby ? Go ahead, give us your feedback and if it is something valid, I am pretty sure the Nexus staff will include it in their to-do-list. Any valid feedback? Your brain does not tick any idea? Sayonara then !!

Constructive and positive feedback is that the old layout is an improvement on the new. What's not hard to understandard about that?
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In response to post #55647331. #55649666, #55650366 are all replies on the same post.




Ganjolfio wrote: Not an improvement. Chaotic, ugly and not even as far intuitive like the old one was. My eyes are bleeding. Now let me cry properly the old site. Cya.
SilentWarriorr wrote: +666. i hope that main admin/s here are not stinky retards as many others done such or so redesign and will keep the old layout in some way... (as old site or an option in setting or other method)
sopmac45 wrote: Well, do you have a constructive and positive feedback so they can improve what you obviously see it is "ugly" or are you just crying and whining like a baby ? Go ahead, give us your feedback and if it is something valid, I am pretty sure the Nexus staff will include it in their to-do-list. Any valid feedback? Your brain does not tick any idea? Sayonara then !!

Constructive and positive feedback is that the old layout is an improvement on the new. What's not hard to understandard about that?


That people don't like it we've heard. It's more the way they do it I believe. Just writing: "Site sux" doesn't really do much since you don't know what it is they dislike. But not to say that everyone does that, some do bring up valid points to why they don't like it as well. :smile: Most of the ones I see are: "I can't stand this new design! Bring back the old or I will die on the spot".

Edited by Niborino9409
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Sizing, contrast, and page space suggestions:


I know, for various reasons, the new layout is here to stay, but is there any reason it can't have the sharp edges sanded down, and colors and format adjusted to make everyone happier?


Width: I get it, the background image for a mod scales now, and it can get huge if the browser window is wide. But I don't want the background image taking up half the page, so that no content is visible below.


Possible solutions: Either restrict the scaling, so that the background image does not expand beyond a certain point to take up half the screen (and it gets all fuzzy, as it was not meant to be that size originally), or make it so that a user can minimize the background image, the Tags section, and the Thumbnails section. If someone is coming back to a much loved mod to read comments, they don't need those elements, they want to see the comments.



Width 2: The width of the text area is too large for comfortable reading. The human eye does not want to track that far from one side to another for each line and it causes eye-strain.


Possible solutions: The maximum width of the text area should be restricted further. There is a reason columns of text usually are not that wide. Yes, the user can squash their browser window to force the text into a more comfortable column, but I, and most others, have other tabs open on other web sites that need the wider format. (YouTube videos, for instance.) Confining the width of the columns for text a bit more, along with being able to minimize overly-large and currently unneeded elements on a page would go a long way to calm the complaints about things being huge/over-sized. Also, the reason the user-icon and information was to the left of the text field of a post before was both to better use space (reduce height of post) and to help reduce the width of the text field to something more readable.



Contrast: Shades of Grey is good, I like shades of grey, but the background for much of the text (the replies, specifically) has gotten brighter then it was, which makes reading light text over that background harder, and more of a strain on the eyes. Also, the light-grey utility bars going across the pages in various places are TOO light. The contrast with the rest of the nice darker page is painful. The buttons and banner with the custom colors for the various games have varying degrees of brightness. The change in colors from game to game is good, but some of those colors are too bright, like the light periwinkle purple for Skyrim SE. Highly distracting. The blue for Skyrim is nice, but still a little too bright.


Possible solutions: Just darken things down a bit all across the board. There is a reason the contrast levels were set to where they were on the old layout. It was comfortable on the eyes.



Overall: If you adjusted the width and space taken up by those elements, as described, and darkened down some of the glaringly bright elements, I bet you a lot of the people complaining would meet you halfway, and be better able to accept the new layout. Allowing categories of things to be minimized, along with reducing brightness, would go a long way to calm the complaints of things being unbearably cluttered, huge, and hard to read.


Hopefully my suggestions are of some help.

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