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I fully understand that this isn't the thread for Vortex, but since the website doesn't seem like it's going to change the looks and function from the junk we already got, I figured why not discuss this. Also since Vortex might be integrated into the site so you might be able to "shop from your phone" then when you get home, start up Vortex and it'll start the download of the mods you chose, maybe that puts it WITH the site, if that it is where it's going.


All in all, integrating Vortex to the site doesn't seem like a very good idea. Might as well just say that the entire site of the nexus is going to download and install automatically throwing every mod onto your computer. People's harddrives are going to be so crammed full, they won't be able to install official updates to the games.

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I fully understand that this isn't the thread for Vortex, but since the website doesn't seem like it's going to change the looks and function from the junk we already got, I figured why not discuss this. Also since Vortex might be integrated into the site so you might be able to "shop from your phone" then when you get home, start up Vortex and it'll start the download of the mods you chose, maybe that puts it WITH the site, if that it is where it's going.


All in all, integrating Vortex to the site doesn't seem like a very good idea. Might as well just say that the entire site of the nexus is going to download and install automatically throwing every mod onto your computer. People's harddrives are going to be so crammed full, they won't be able to install official updates to the games.

First of all, junk? Really? That seems a bit harsh. The more I use the site, the more I've come to like it, especially the search function. Much better than it was before.


Second of all, you can't just arbitrarily change a thread. This thread isn't yours, it's Dark0ne's, and it's for his web dev, Kit, to look through for feedback about the site. Vortex will mean nothing to her by the time she turns her attention to the site. The goal of this thread was to have everything in one place.




And that is how I imagine it integrating. Sort of tying into your own nexus profile, so it just saves the mod until you connect, and only downloads what is in your queue. If you read the description in that link I posted, Dark0ne talks about the link system that Vortex will be using, so it's not mods, per se, it's links.



Edited by twowolves80
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I fully understand that this isn't the thread for Vortex, but since the website doesn't seem like it's going to change the looks and function from the junk we already got, I figured why not discuss this. Also since Vortex might be integrated into the site so you might be able to "shop from your phone" then when you get home, start up Vortex and it'll start the download of the mods you chose, maybe that puts it WITH the site, if that it is where it's going.


All in all, integrating Vortex to the site doesn't seem like a very good idea. Might as well just say that the entire site of the nexus is going to download and install automatically throwing every mod onto your computer. People's harddrives are going to be so crammed full, they won't be able to install official updates to the games.


You realize NMM is integrated with the site too , right? And stop posting about unrelated stuff in threads. While there, stop making up doom scenarios.. nobody likes those.

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Some feedback on uploading mod images using the new site format...

I’ve just uploaded my first mod using the new site format and wanted to offer some feedback on the functionality of the new site in this regard.

Overall, I didn’t really notice much difference then the upload process front the old site (not necessarily a bad thing) but did feel it offered a much cleaner and logical progression through the process. The progress tabs/icons at the top of the page will likely be helpful to first-time uploaders to get a sense of how far they are from completion.

The one thing I struggled with was image uploading and and setup. The actual upload process seemed to be much smother and faster, and the instructions were clearer than the old site.

My beef is with how the new site handles arranging the images you add to the mod page. I tend to add lots of images to my mod pages and want arrange them in a very specific order after uploading. The new site makes that extremely difficult and tedious.

Previously, I would have been able to click-shift on a range of images and drag and drop to arrange them on the screen simultaneously. That functionality seems to be missing. My muscle memory action of attempting to shift-click on a range of images to drag them instead opens it in a new browser window.

If there is a way to rearrange multiple images simultaneously that differs from the method the old site, it would be helpful to have that added to the top of the page.

It would also be helpful if the “View Image” function of the thumbnail on the media page for a mod was removed and replaced with the multiple select/move functionality of the old site. The new thumbnails are large enough in size that if you are adding images to your mod page you can get a good sense of what the image is without needed to open it in a new window. The “View Image” function in this instance seems redundant to me.

A related function that could use some improvement is the inability for the page to scroll when dragging an image from the bottom to the top of the page. With the old site, when an image(s) was( were) selected they could be moved up and down the page easily and the page would scroll accordingly. This did not happen for me with the new site. I had several images I wanted to move from the bottom of the page to the upper rows. I was forced to move each one individually as far to the top of the page as I could, then release the mouse button to temporarily put it into a new position so I could scroll the page up to move it again. In all cases, I would loose track of the thumbnail and had to go hunting for it so I could continue to scroll it up the page one screen length at a time. This was an extremely time consuming and frustrating process. What would have taken me seconds on the old site took a good five minutes on the new one.

Since I was doing all this early this morning prior to having coffee, it’s entirely possible I just stumbled past all of this functionality and would be happy to be admonished for missing it. If however, the functionality I mentioned is indeed missing, I hope the dev team would consider adding it back as the new design is refined and tweaked.

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It would also be helpful if the “View Image” function of the thumbnail on the media page for a mod was removed and replaced with the multiple select/move functionality of the old site. The new thumbnails are large enough in size that if you are adding images to your mod page you can get a good sense of what the image is without needed to open it in a new window. The “View Image” function in this instance seems redundant to me.

+1. Even though for me the site still loads the page fast, it would be nice to see a zoomed-in preview, and then, if we like what we see, click on it to open the page so we can comment or like it or whatever.

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So i have read through several pages of this forum now (I am not reading all 26 pages, that is silly) and I have come to this conclusion. A large amount of us want things to go back to how they were, a slightly smaller group sticks to the admins side and says new is better, and the admins do not want criticism that states that the older version is better. I think at this point it is safe to assume that a sum of money was spent to get our new version of nexus, and that the likelihood of it going back to the old version is next to zero.


So I would say the following:


1. To the old group who wants to keep the old format (I am included in this group) give the admin a chance to show us what the new format can do. There are a lot of examples in history that show that people fight against the new and unfimiliar until they realize it is better. Maybe this is an occasion such as this. I personally do not like the new direction the site has gone into, but I also realize my bias as I have been using this site since early 2005ish. Give it a shot and if it doesn't work we can riot then. After we have tried though. Nothing worse than a bunch of rioters that are unsure why they are rioting. ( I am not good at analogies)


2. To the group that likes the change. I cannot speak for you but can ask of you that if you like this format be the ambassadors for it. No ambassador would poke fun at or laugh at a person in their care (once again analogies, not my strong point) So be the bigger person and herald the change for our Admin Overlords. Repeatedly stating that something is better or you like it better than the old one is no better than us who like the old one saying its better. Have patience with those of us who cannot see the program the same way as you and share stories or insight to how this new format is better.


3. Admin. Whooo boy! I know from personal experience that trying to give a group of people something vastly different from what they are used to is difficult. I worked with doctors in the Air Force and trying to tell a Lt Col who was also a PhD that we were changing everything they were used to doing to something else was frustrating. You opened it up for feedback on the new system and got a lot of flak for it. A few suggestions if I may. Asking for feedback and receiving requests to change it back to the old format IS a form of criticism. Yes there was an investment made to change to something new, but ignoring or dismissing people because they don't want the thing you are providing is frustrating for everyone. Show parallels between the old and the new. When people state they want the old back find out what it is about the old format they like. Name calling and swearing makes little progress at the end of the day, and it seems that a few admin have felt frustrated enough to resort to that level of behavior. At the end of the day it is your decision as to what the format of this site will be, but it will be the decision of the users of the site how successful and profitable it will be. At the end of the day all feedback should be looked at.


If the new format is here to stay I have little choice but to use it. I can say that I will give it a fair shot. I just ask my concerns and issues be treated the same as anyone elses.

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Honestly as a user i dislike the new site layout and am looking if there is any way to go back. In the skyrim area when browasing mods the "Time" and "Sort By" don't work. when looking for mods i found looking at the most endorsed was always a GOOD starting point then checking the last updated tab next to see who has been updating there work.


Outside the Searching options i think the "Mod" pages are nice. I like the new options to click on somehting have the more Tag was a good touch and the information about the mod's are presented well if not better then before. Simple.

Edited by jchaosmaster
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