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New design constructive feedback


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To my knowledge there hasn't been any data released demonstrating how many people like or dislike the new design. People posting on forums is not representative anywhere near the number of users of this site so making sweeping statements about most people disliking is not really based on anything that you actually know about.

And the same can be said for your argument, lack of people on the forums doesn't represent people liking it, either.


Nowhere have I posted opinion or data claiming that X% of users like the redesign. The idea that Nexus should post polls to see if the old design should stay or go or be replaced by the new site is audacious. The redesign of the new site has been in the works for some time, and Dark0ne has been courteous enough to actually share that redesign and what it will look like not just now but well over a year ago as well. Nowhere has the Admin of Nexus asked for opinions about whether the new site should be implemented. What has been asked for is feedback with bugs and features to get the thing going smoothly. It's pretty clear that the new site is made to work with all platforms and not just the pc. That is just good business sense clear and simple; particular when Dark0ne has been nice enough to tell us that a good chunk of browsers to the site (20%) are phone users.


This site represents a business that needs to make profits to keep the door open. To do that smartly in this day and age, it is sound business sense to make the site user friendly for all platforms, including phones and tablets. It is still perfectly usable for pc users as well, but now it is usable for other devises as well.


Have a kudos.

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Why fix something that's not broken? The old site was better in every single way.


Making something look "modern" doesn't make it look good. It looks absymal now.


Give me an option to change it back to the good layout.

Please see on page 19 of this thread:


We appreciate the strong feelings that many seem to be have here, but please try to refrain from argument. Apologies if we don't answer each post but I assure you the team is reading through these comments and taking note of what can be done. All of us are aware of the implications that come along with a website redesign, so you're not hurting our feelings by expressing your opinions about the new sites aesthetics, but we also do not need to be defended to the point of anger or misunderstanding. Please keep your posts civil, and most importantly, constructive.


Our intention for this redesign is certainly (and I think obviously), not to intentionally drive anyone away. While we felt that the site was long overdue for a visual overhaul, the most important work that's happened during this effort has been to ensure that our infrastructure can scale and provide consistent service now and in the future. That sort of restructuring would require significant effort to either recreate the old design to coincide with these new systems, or that same effort could be spent creating a new design, which we felt was more prudent.


Yes there have been many bumps in the road so-far. What's important to us now is ensuring that all site functionality that existed on the old site, works as intended on the new. Please continue to report bugs using the tab found at the bottom right of the site and the team will continue to fix them. Hundreds have been addressed already, so thank you to those that have submitted! After we feel confident that the new infrastructure is solid, we will revisit all that we can regarding user-experience, to hopefully address many of the concerns that are being raised in this thread.


I hope this alleviates at least some concern and allows you all to continue to give us your opinions in a reasonable fashion. Thank you for your support!

[emphasis added]

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You want feedback? You are getting it. THE ENTIRE LAYOUT OF THE NEW SITE SHOULD BE BURNED WITH MININUKES. I can easily read the posts, and a lot of them are saying they want the OLD LOOK back. You can keep the "iPad friendlyness" of it. I personally do not see the point of making Nexus mobile friendly when you can't even play most the games that you can mod on a freakin' ipad, let alone a mobile phone.


There. I'm done trying to say it as plainly as I can.

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To quote from the Redesign Launch 2 thread,


In response to post #55588629.

yourenotsupposedtobeinhere wrote:

I did mention in the private section that there is a way of having a site work on mobile phones without it looking like it was made specifically for mobile phones, which was my only issue. It still looks like it was made specifically for mobile phones and I haven't received a reply from you or any of your team in that regard. I can't assume that that you will act on my recommendation without any information replying to what I and a number of other mod authors posted. To clarify. I'm not opposed to change, but as a person who doesn't use cell phones and that avoids sites that are made primarily for cell phone users, knowing there is an effort to make it less obvious that it is cell phone centric would do a great deal to raise the moral and perhaps keep some of the modders who are leaving. I've kept an eye on these threads, your only mention was something about being listed as an a class by some internet website rating service. Internet website rating services are great I'm sure, but I would think that the opinion of the people that made your site a success would have more weight. I'm not suggesting that you and your people didn't go through a great deal of time and effort, but I am not interested in using a cell phone mod site for PC games. A number of people suggested keeping the PC version as an option, what is your reply? I have a premium account, it would be pretty nice if I was permitted to keep the site I offered $50.00 for. Why not allow supporters to keep the legacy version if they want, they have supported you and your site for years.

They ignored those that did, as well, so not surprised many haven't bothered

Sigh, how shameful, that's a straight up lie. We've already changed several things since the initial launch news post was made, based on user feedback.



And YNSTBIH, as a mod author, do you prefer helpful feedback? Or do you prefer ranting? Which is more productive to you as a mod author, and more productive for your mods' fans? A nice, encouraging comment with helpful suggestions? Or someone just ranting, doing their best to drag you down to their level of misery?

Just food for thought. :smile:

They're the same. I get both and other variants and I don't place value one over the other. One person who went out of their way to try to hurt my feelings made a 20 minute video attacking my mod. I used that as a tool to make my mod better. There have also been some super nice mod authors like Tamira who was very kind and helpful to me. I appreciate both perspectives. When the person tried to profit off of making fun of my mod I put an end to it though. It's one thing to have strong opinions and another to try and profit from being butthurt.

I've kept an eye on these threads, your only mention was something about being listed as an a class by some internet website rating service.

I think you're getting confused. The reference to an external rating was for the font readability. Nothing more.

The site is made with desktop and mobile in mind, not one or the other. That's the responsive nature of the site, where when you reduce the browser width it changes accordingly. When viewing at a width of 1200px or more, it's made for desktop and only desktop. When viewing below 1200px it's made to work better for tablets and mobile. That's modern web dev, and it's the cheapest and most efficient method moving forward for small development teams to be able to accommodate as many users on their various mediums and browsers as possible.

We'll certainly be reviewing how the site looks and functions based on the constructive feedback provided over the coming weeks and months, which is what we've been saying we'll do through this entire process. Frankly, the people saying we aren't listening or won't listen to feedback, and won't make changes where valid concerns are raised can really bite me. Some of the responses here and in other threads have been truly pathetic and I won't pander to the silliness being shown. If that makes it look like I'm "not listening" then I'll get over it and let the actions we take over the next few months do the speaking. Why waste my time?

A number of people suggested keeping the PC version as an option, what is your reply?

This was already answered in one of the news posts, so once again, this isn't a "they're not listening/they're ignoring us" issue. That's actually a "people aren't reading the news posts" issue!

It's not possible for two reasons. One, it would require double development time on our end when we change any functionality or add new functionality in the future, which just isn't feasible to do. And two, it would require mod authors to maintain two separate versions of their mod pages that work for the different site designs. Obviously that's not feasible either.


Thank you for that, Dark0ne. Now, back to our regularly-scheduled programming.


Let us all give proper thanks for the sheer amount of work that has been done in the background that we aren't aware of:



Kali ma, shakti de!





Thanks, Dark0ne, for all the work you do!

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I have tried to see what this so-called "Vortex" looks like, and guess what.....NOTHING COMES UP. Only things that come up are a SELECT FEW will be able to alpha test it soon then alpha will be out for the public. But guess what? Those select few are going to be the ones that ALREADY like it. So the results are already biased.


As for the new design, yeah it's out there now, but the majority of the people didn't even get to play around with it BEFORE you already put it in place. There was NO POLL, NO public opinion what so ever. If there was, then you would have been told from the start that the changes had been a bad idea from the start. And if Vortex is a copy of what we are getting from the "New" site design, I can tell it's going to flop hard.


Instead of picking and choosing who you want to test it, put it out there for EVERYONE all at once to try. DON'T make it replace NMM at the start, but give everyone the OPTION. This way you can hear the TRUE feedback about it BEFORE it does it's thing.


We may have lost the website to a junk filled, incomprehensible, unintuitive, Windows 8 copy, but we as the modders and gamers shouldn't have to lose NMM.

Wow. Let me parse this a few times so I know where to begin.


Okay, first of all, the admins, and Dark0ne in particular, has taken pains to keep us all apprised of the release date for Vortex, and how it will be released. Everything goes through alpha testing (and did you stop to think, this could be one possible reason why the new site isn't being developed as fast as some of us would like it?), so of course, Dark0ne is going to only release it to a few alpha-testers. And I guarantee those alpha testers are going to be the brightest that NexusMods has to offer. Why wouldn't he pick only the best? He needs people with a lot of technical know-how. That ain't me. Probably ain't you. Probably ain't 95% of the people on Nexus. Robin has already said that Vortex will get a beta release in the Spring. This isn't the only thread he posts in, and this thread and the other have a lot of pages, so it's understandable that you may have missed it.


Second, what good would a poll have done? I don't think it would have gone the way you think it would have, and even if it had, so what? We're not the owners of the site. We have no right to dictate demands to Dark0ne, or any of the other admins, regardless of whether we are paying members or not. It is a privilege to use this website, and be a part of this amazing community. That privilege is one I am grateful for and willing to give the admins the benefit of the doubt--they've never steered us wrong before, and I don't think Dark0ne is merely building something crappy to simply alienate users. Any polls would be at the whim of the admins and not subject to "rights." I don't know where people think they get "rights" from by simply being a member. I'm glad I don't have to make boardroom decisions--I don't have anywhere near the technical know-how to even begin to offer any insightful advice. Also, Dark0ne had posted a thread way back when before the new site was put in place, asking for feedback. Barely anyone responded. That was your one chance, and you either missed it because you weren't a member, or you missed it because you weren't paying attention. I know I missed it because I wasn't paying attention, but that's okay. I'm willing to put my faith in the admins and trust that they know what they are doing because they are privy to information we, the public, are not.


And are you really advocating keeping NMM? Pffff. That mod manager has gone about as far as it can. Most people (and this is an opinion based on those I've talked to) seem to be looking forward to Vortex because it will offer some kind of virtualization that Dark0ne has declined to go into detail about, which is his right as the site owner (probably the only person on the entire site who can be said to have "rights" on the site). Vortex is designed to address a lot of the flaws and shortcomings of both NMM and MO. You'll just have to be patient like the rest of us and wait and see. I choose to simply look at it like a delayed Christmas present; I can't wait to unwrap the gift being given to the community by the devs.


As for the new design for the site, There has been people, not including myself, who has taken the timeout to at least try it and try to like and since October, it does not resonate very well. I personally have taken almost the ENTIRE month of November to try and like the new design. The ENTIRE layout and how everything works is just slapping me in the face compared to the old design. Everything looks like it was done with MS Paint with all the design of the old changed to boxes. The layout and the design of the old design was really designed for ease of use even for newbies. They could easily just go in, set filters, and search for mods to their hearts content and not have to worry about filters not staying after backing one screen up. Unlike the new layout, while searching through the mods, the search functions ALWAYS stayed at the right hand side of the screen so you change the search parameters from ANY page. Pulling up a mod, if I want to see A picture, All I had to was click it. Once I was done, just click the pic again and it goes away. Now we have to deal with a mini Windows image viewer which pulls up ALL the pictures.


While browsing, if I click on list, I get 2 rows instead of the normal 1 row. The mods no longer have a nice definition that separates the from one another. they look more like they are part of ONE big long mod. Gone are the green title card for EACH mod.


Also gone are the "Search Attributes" that was set when you browsed for mods. I have certain attributes set up so when I browsed through the mods, the ones not checked will NOT show up.



Look, I already sure you guys have had more than enough people complaining about how terrible the "New deign" looks, so I won't continue to hammer in the coffin nails for the dead horse. I will say this, Change just for the sake of change will lead to ruin. Want an example? Star Trek Online has made changes just for the sake of making changes just because the devs didn't like them. Now they have actually lost over HALF of their player base and the numbers are still dropping. Don't go the way of the dodo and not listen to the users. The users can either make you or break you.


This horse is quite alive, I assure you, and is definitely a horse of a different color for those members who still prefer the old layout. But why did you wait to get this specific with your feedback? This is the stuff that actually helps the devs because it specifically identifies the issues that you feel are in need of addressing. That's all this thread asks of us--give the devs the details so they know what to improve/work on. And again, as SirSalami said earlier, and Dark0ne has said over and over and over, the new site has functionality that allows them to scale up the services while maintaining site functionality to prepare for the release of Vortex and make sure that everything is integrated in a way that will be easier for users.


No one is saying you don't have a right to feel however you feel about the site; the only thing we, the other members of the community, want you to see is just be specific like you just were. That's all.


The "new look" is a mess, complicated and user-hostile. All to be...."edgy" looking. I don't care about edgy looks, new window designs etc..I think I speak for a lot of people when we just want simple to navigate, easy to use and not have to click a bunch of things to just see an image or download, post comments, or w/e. Too many windows, boxes, places to click, a cumbersome, "in your face" design....it's not very sexy. It's a mess of clicking, scrolling, and then your NMM opens....like, what??


I speak for many: the previous was the best. And if it ain't broke; don't fix it. But, w/e...it's your site and these are our voices.




Sorry, you don't speak for the many because I am one of the many that likes the new direction of the site and while I may have some qualms (what the hell are qualms, anyway? :tongue: ), I'm willing to have a little faith in the admins. The more I use the site, the more I like it. I'm finding new features the old site didn't have daily. My unsolicited advice? Just be patient. Good things are around the corner.


Man, if only I knew the devs to kiss their ass. Maybe I'd get my own personal front page where I could advertise my special brand donuts.

I'll take a dozen. No, make that two dozen.




To my knowledge there hasn't been any data released demonstrating how many people like or dislike the new design. People posting on forums is not representative anywhere near the number of users of this site so making sweeping statements about most people disliking is not really based on anything that you actually know about.

Thank you.


Sweeping generalities are generally not helpful. It's okay to say, I don't like something, but short of being able to pull up collated data tables and statistics, we can't make such statements and expect it to help. Just use "I" statements and refrain from "you" statements.




It's funny how you respond with zero facts that you claim to have, use numerous memes that you made yourself, and try and dissolve what I stated by saying I was "edgy". What is edgy about critiquing something? Are you triggered because your precious new look you like is criticized? If so, stop being so edgy. It's cringey. Stop.


I don't have to have facts when your argument is flawed from jump street. In order for something to be factual, it has to be logical. I've been offering feedback for weeks on this thread and have been trying to keep people on point with specifics. Why? Because I give a damn? No, not really. I don't care if you want to sit there and do nothing but rant. Just don't do it here. I do this because I actually give a damn about the site, and don't want to see the loud-mouthed ravings of the malcontent few tear down what the majority seems to be enjoying. You have a total of maybe a couple hundred people saying, Boo, (mind you, after the fact since Dark0ne gave us all a chance to chip in feedback before the site went live and most didn't) and the majority is silent because they simply download the mods and go about their day. I'm here because I'd like to be a more active contributor, and since I can't monetarily support Robin right now, I sure as hell can support him by backing his decisions.


Also, I've made one meme on here, and it was quite spot-on. Dark0ne has my permission to post it right on the front page if he likes since it's so apropo. The only reason I posted the 4chan meme is because I found your use of the word, "edgy" to be funny and a rather witty attempt at light-hearted jest. However, your sweeping statement about the "majority" needed addressing. You don't speak for me, and I am one of those you tried lumping together. And your last statement I whole-heartedly agree with, so what's the problem? Why did you feel the need to use me as your jump-off point to try to validate your point of argument? There are tens of thousands of users on this site. 2.794% of that population doesn't like it (according to a random straw poll I just made up), so that's not really a majority.


What? I can't make up numbers? Pfff. Why not? How about if I just say a tiny portion? Too general? Hmm...wait, don't tell me I can't actually say that unless I have actual numbers...dammit. How am I supposed to make my brilliantly-witty observations based solely upon conjecture?!


Oh nos!




Yes, you did make a meme...so you understood what I stated. Good. Now that we have that out of the way; I wasn't addressing you in my reply. Oh noes!!

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You want feedback? You are getting it. THE ENTIRE LAYOUT OF THE NEW SITE SHOULD BE BURNED WITH MININUKES. I can easily read the posts, and a lot of them are saying they want the OLD LOOK back. You can keep the "iPad friendlyness" of it. I personally do not see the point of making Nexus mobile friendly when you can't even play most the games that you can mod on a freakin' ipad, let alone a mobile phone.


There. I'm done trying to say it as plainly as I can.

https://old.nexusmods.com/fallout4/? : )

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Why fix something that's not broken? The old site was better in every single way.


Making something look "modern" doesn't make it look good. It looks absymal now.


Give me an option to change it back to the good layout.

Please see on page 19 of this thread:


We appreciate the strong feelings that many seem to be have here, but please try to refrain from argument. Apologies if we don't answer each post but I assure you the team is reading through these comments and taking note of what can be done. All of us are aware of the implications that come along with a website redesign, so you're not hurting our feelings by expressing your opinions about the new sites aesthetics, but we also do not need to be defended to the point of anger or misunderstanding. Please keep your posts civil, and most importantly, constructive.


Our intention for this redesign is certainly (and I think obviously), not to intentionally drive anyone away. While we felt that the site was long overdue for a visual overhaul, the most important work that's happened during this effort has been to ensure that our infrastructure can scale and provide consistent service now and in the future. That sort of restructuring would require significant effort to either recreate the old design to coincide with these new systems, or that same effort could be spent creating a new design, which we felt was more prudent.


Yes there have been many bumps in the road so-far. What's important to us now is ensuring that all site functionality that existed on the old site, works as intended on the new. Please continue to report bugs using the tab found at the bottom right of the site and the team will continue to fix them. Hundreds have been addressed already, so thank you to those that have submitted! After we feel confident that the new infrastructure is solid, we will revisit all that we can regarding user-experience, to hopefully address many of the concerns that are being raised in this thread.


I hope this alleviates at least some concern and allows you all to continue to give us your opinions in a reasonable fashion. Thank you for your support!

[emphasis added]


So, you're looking for an ass kissing from the Admins, or something? Why are you so triggered by oppressing thoughts and viewpoints? Insecurity loves company, I see...

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Yes, you did make a meme...so you understood what I stated. Good. Now that we have that out of the way; I wasn't addressing you in my reply. Oh noes!!


Then I apologize. My point still stands--people probably should refrain from trying to say they speak for the masses


So, you're looking for an ass kissing from the Admins, or something? Why are you so triggered by oppressing thoughts and viewpoints? Insecurity loves company, I see...




No, really. Bahahahahaha! I'm the last person that would get anything from the admins. Oh, my friend, if you only knew how funny that was in an ironic sort of way, we'd both laugh until we cried. Yeah, I may not have any warnings on my card, but I have the distinct impression I'm not even on their radar, which, ironically, is also a good thing as I like to stay out of their way.


The reason I quoted SirSalami was because his post answered the same questions we see over and over and over. And rather than me saying it, I figured it would be helpful to bring that post forward again to serve as a touch-stone for what the admins intentions really are--straight from the horse's mouth, as it were. It's not opposing thoughts that bother me. It's repetitious whining (and that's all the "Waah! I want the old site back!" posts amount to) over questions that have already been answered that people are failing to read.


It's not hard to filter to see admin responses in this thread--that's what the little search box is for. Type in Dark0ne and see what comes up. I'll wait. There's all his responses that answer the same questions being asked by people who can't take five minutes to actually read a bit.


As Dark0ne says above (in the post you didn't quote): "We've already changed several things since the initial launch news post was made, based on user feedback...Frankly, the people saying we aren't listening or won't listen to feedback, and won't make changes where valid concerns are raised can really bite me." Right on, Dark0ne.


As for opposing views, again, it's just not the time or place for "I hate this site, it sux ballz, go back to old site," type posts (which are actually a violation of the ToS as Dark0ne himself stated) because they're not helpful. Which is why I quoted SirSalami: "After we feel confident that the new infrastructure is solid, we will revisit all that we can regarding user-experience, to hopefully address many of the concerns that are being raised in this thread."


So, my point is, let them finish getting the infrastructure in place before we start criticizing the site. Aesthetics feedback is fine--it's just not likely to be acted upon immediately, so be patient. Right now, their core concern seems to be making sure the site is stable. Not a single person posting here can say they know the reasons why Dark0ne chose to go this route, but it's got to be something akin to wanting to make sure his Skyrim game was stable before adding a lot of texture replacing mods. Yeah, it's probably not the greatest comparison, but I think it's accurate.


If that makes me some admin toady, then give me my frog suit.


Post format fixed. Might want to edit out some of the quotation chains in future - TVD.

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