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Reduced the size to 80%, looks a lot better.


That was the first thing I did.



Right now, you can't click on someone's profile in the forums, then click on Nexus Profile. Doing so returns a blank page. You have to go to the main splash page for the new site, and then search the mod author's name.


Yeah, we're aware of that one, for now take "/games" out of the site profile url when switching from the forum side.

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Some criticism and suggestions for the new forum layout.

Maybe some of my points are not valid for people with a fast internet connection, but I am probably not the only one who has to cope with a mediocre bandwidth.
I am mainly interested in Skyrim, and skip the site main page, and jump directly to the nexus/skyrim page.
And yes, the new site is no fun when you visit it for the first time, and find out everything has changed, but if the old functionality is there somewhere, it just takes time to learn how to get things done.

But some things are beyond my control to learn/change.
My internet bandwidth is one of them.
The new site loads a lot more images, which takes (too much) time.
Also this tile based representation makes interpreting the page more difficult for me.
But lets go to the 'www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/' page section by section:

I have no big problems with the top part, the pop up menu bar, except that I like to click for actions, and not get an immediate 'pop over' when my cursor hits something.

'HOT MODS' : No problems with that' part.

I have more problems with the tile based page sections.
I am someone who sets in the windows file explorer the view immediately to 'details', because it shows the items in a vertical list, and as bonus, you get more information in a lot less screen space than any icon/tile view can ever give you.

Suggestion : make an option in the users profile which selects a 'windows file explorer' details like page view. That Would be very nice for low bandwidth connections victims.

'MORE MODS' : I am OK with the 20 other mods, if they were arranged in a list view with none, or much smaller images.

'MEDIA' : I have zero interest in screenshots, so this is all wasted on me and my bandwidth. (a deselect option in the user profile would be nice)

'NEWS & UPDATES' : 20 items covering almost a year, that is silly, limit it to the news of the last one or two months, or 5 news items at most.

Then over to the next thing I used to do on the old site, browse categories or selective mod lists etc.
Lets take from the 'mods' drop down, the 'categories'.

You get a big and space consuming list with some info on the left, and nothing to the right.
Suggestion: put the 'new files added etc.' not on the next line below the category name, but to the right on the same line.

Lets select a category : 'Quests and Adventures'
You get a two column list with tiles. and a start of the description of the mod which is only partly readable because of the fading.
Unfortunately, only the creation/upload date is shown, not the last time the mod is updated, to check that, you have to select the mod (meaning: more hourglass watching...).
Again, here I would like a list view which gives more information with less screen and bandwidth usage.

I have no problems with the individual mod description/download pages.

That is enough text for one post, so now I stop.

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Reduced the size to 80%, looks a lot better.


That was the first thing I did.



Right now, you can't click on someone's profile in the forums, then click on Nexus Profile. Doing so returns a blank page. You have to go to the main splash page for the new site, and then search the mod author's name.


Yeah, we're aware of that one, for now take "/games" out of the site profile url when switching from the forum side.


Ah, okay! Thanks, Dante! :D


See? Told you they were listening.



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Reduced the size to 80%, looks a lot better.


That was the first thing I did.



Right now, you can't click on someone's profile in the forums, then click on Nexus Profile. Doing so returns a blank page. You have to go to the main splash page for the new site, and then search the mod author's name.


Yeah, we're aware of that one, for now take "/games" out of the site profile url when switching from the forum side.


But this is not a solution for people who have bad vision. You reduce the page and yeah the pictures are easier but now all the site text is too small.

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Reduced the size to 80%, looks a lot better.


That was the first thing I did.



Right now, you can't click on someone's profile in the forums, then click on Nexus Profile. Doing so returns a blank page. You have to go to the main splash page for the new site, and then search the mod author's name.


Yeah, we're aware of that one, for now take "/games" out of the site profile url when switching from the forum side.


But this is not a solution for people who have bad vision. You reduce the page and yeah the pictures are easier but now all the site text is too small.


Particularly dosent help when, as i mentioned back in my bigger feedback post on page 11, the contrast ratio in short descriptions is low. Combine the smaller than standard text from zooming out with low contrast ratio text and you have a recipe for extreme eye strain even if you dont have vision problems.

Edited by ironpenguin1337
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I'm having a hard time finding Advanced Search on the new website, is it even there anymore?

I'd usually just click search > advanced search without having to type anything in.


Type something in the search box, search, then you can refine the results. Hopefully this behaviour gets changed.

The search box is almost invisible, could use a way to differentiate it as well.

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What I'd like to see changed, based on my own struggles with the site:


1. Between Mods and Images at the top add a Search drop down with an Advanced Search function there.


2. Cut the More Mods images in half with descriptions in the hover. Limit to two or three rows.


3. Add a File of the Month section below the More Mods. Because it's buried somewhere else, I don't even bother to vote or look at it now.


4. Resize Media section images to one quarter or whatever they were before. Limit to only one row.


5. Limit News and Updates to one or two rows and completely remove images as they just don't seem to be necessary for this content.


6. On the mod pages themselves, I keep comparing them to the old and trying to figure out what can be trimmed because my eyes are just taking too much in before even seeing the description. The small green boxes at the top are much easier on the eyes than the big blue, white and grey boxes. Maybe stick with two colors there and make them smaller.


7. Remove the symbols before Endorsements, Total Downloads, etc. Just keep the text. It's adding to the overly busy look.

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