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IS SSE More Stable than LE?


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How can you call it stable when it updates every Wk & some of your mods quit working?

A bit hyperbolic, but you do have a point. SSE is more stable on paper, but for a modded playthrough, you do have to worry about the Creation Club updates breaking a lot. Between that, the fact that a lot of mods from Oldrim still haven't made it over yet and may never come, the fact that SKSE64 is still in early development as mentioned (I think it's awesome that the team even bothered to come back and do this for us, can't give them enough credit), there's still a strong argument to be made for just staying on Oldrim, even if things are relatively less stable there. You can do things to reduce crashes to basically nothing in that version.

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  • 4 months later...

Legendary Edition is just the last bundle of Oldrim with all of the DLCs.


SE is definitely more stable for me. No way I could feel safe running something like Wet n Cold/Footprints/fighting a lot of NPCs at once on LE. On SE I don't even think about it. At a certain point, LE starts feeling like a house of cards.. and then I CTD eventually.

Edited by kthompsen
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  • 7 months later...

For me personally 10 times more stable.


Better performance -> less Vram, Ram overflow, less physics problems

No need for extra Enb Vram/Ram software which destroyed my files a lot of times.

Less crashes overall

Less Oc needed

BC7 > DXT5


LE might have more mods, but SE also already has some mods LE lacks. Give it time and SE has more of everything.

SE only lacks Parallax

Edited by Pfuscher
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  • 3 months later...
Guest deleted6419983

Well from my Prespective yes it is more Stable and i think it is looking better than LE Well Actually on LE i had no other way than to just add an ENB to make the game look better but now all i need is a good weather mod and some Textures and the game look awesome that is my opinon and i run everytime around 230 mods and the game Never crash the only time when it Crashes was because of wrong load order or i was missing a patch or any of this stupid mistakes otherwise i did not have any problem except one and that is when i have over 200 mods it take a while for the game to actually load like minute or so. But it is mostly because of my harddisk i think i have SSD on system and old harddisk for Games it needs upgrade but im sure with SSD it would be pretty much stable and run fast and at all time at 60 FPS even with a lot of Textures. So definetly SE is a lot more stable the only downside is that there was some great mods on LE that are missing on SSE but there are still plenty of them that even some do a better job than those for LE :smile: and biggest downside is LE had more patches for mods to make them work together on SE it is sometimes hard to find a patch you need to make a stable load order

Edited by MilanKokyCZ
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Guest deleted6419983

And also i think that the Comunity shoud now focus more on making mods work together like patch most of them instead of creating Skimpy armor and CBBE and unp stupid stuff ;) :D

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