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IS SSE More Stable than LE?


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I am starting this thread just to get a feel for how others have experienced SSE. I have been huge into modding for skyrim but thought I would give SSE a shot on the theory that the 64bit system would be more stable than LE's 32bit.

I love LE Skyrim and generally dislike the changes bethesda made with SSE but so far it has been a LOT more stable for me. Anyone disagree? If so, how did you get LE to be stable with 200+ mods?

I ran it with an enb, have the anti-crash mods, etc and it gets to the point sometimes (like now) where I can't even start a new game without ctd. I would love to go back to using it if it could be stable but I have to say, since I've been playing the SSE version it has been nice not randomly crashing to desktop every ten minutes or so.

I am not trying to troubleshoot a mod conflict or anything so Im not putting all my specs and load order up here, Im just genuinely curious what others experiences have been.

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Yes, in my own experience SSE was more stable and ran better than LE. I quit Skyrim around 3 years ago due to the nonstop tedium of crashes, and came back to try SSE a few months ago. Played with it a month, and while it was stable, the modding landscape felt spartan so I went back to LE.


With the tools and knowledge available today, I was finally able to get LE stable at 91 active esp. Even 3 years back, my crashes had nothing to do with the much maligned scripts, it was almost all due to memory allocation issues. When I look back, I wished we had the tools we have now like Crash Fixes, DynDOLOD, SKSE memory patch, OneTweak, and Wrye Bash (we had this back then, but I was ignorant).


Back then, so many people focused on mod conflicts and scripts, but it was really mostly memory issues that caused crashes, and the occasional corrupt mesh which was extremely difficult to diagnose, and even more tedious to fix.


It's a bit off topic, but oldrim ENB is just so much more powerful. When I played SSE, it ran like butter, but the indirect lighting and AO of oldrim ENB just looked so much better. It's one of the main reason why I went back to LE.

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Like Roentgens says, if you do research and build your load order carefully, LE can look quite a bit better than SE. However, with SKSE being developed for SE, you can expect a LOT more mods to be ported and/or updated for SE. I believe the time that SE will equal LE in mod availability and appearance is rapidly approaching. Also, more current long-range mods are going to SE and will not be developed any further for LE. (Bruma is available for both LE and SE, but the rest of Cyrodil will only be released for SE.) So my advice is to go for SE. It's only going to improve with time and the stability is already there without having to spend tons of time to get it.

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ok, Im glad Im not the only one with this experience. I agree about the mod availability being too spartan though. I am considering knocking my LE mod list down to nothing and rebuilding from the ground up (knowing now what I didn't know then). I agree that LE looks better than SSE. Its crazy how much better it looks.

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I tried SSE and went back - only because the mod scene is so far behind.

Skyrim LE is rock stable for me with 741 mods, 240 active esp's (and up to four ENBHosts....) and it just works. SSE feels a bit smoother though, sadly I don't give much for SKSE to SSE. Its been in development for a year now and nothing has come out yet (I don't count an alpha). As with Beyond Skyrim, it takes too long to keep my interest.

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Stable is not the word, smoother would be more like it, I play both, but because I mod LE more often I'm on it more. SSE is not that hard to mod, I think the reason the modding is so far behind is because the CK is more of a pain in the arse, cleaner but much more annoying.

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