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Net Neutrality - The End is the Beginning


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You keep misstating it as a revolution. I'm imagining it as the exact opposite of a revolution, simply a forced return to operation under our existing constitutional law. Which, regardless of any and all claims to the contrary by this same federal government, they haven't been doing for almost a half century now. Also you seem basically unable to grasp the reality that a government in de facto bankruptcy (e.g. the currency we print and spend today has no value whatsoever except as debt repaid by our grandchildren, and theoretically), is also a government in de facto illegitimacy. Given this continuing absurd and catastrophic forced competition between our free market capitalist economy and totalitarian Communism by our own feds, nothing else remains for the latter except decay into totalitarianism and (I was going to say eventual or incremental, but with this FCC decision it's neither of those any more) fascism. Let the stripping of rights begin, because virtually nothing else remains to be taken from the American people by this collapsed government.

It doesn't matter how you imagine it. If you are replacing everyone in government, even with the same government, that IS a revolution, and will be seen as such. The current folks in power (at the time) will call it 'terrorism' (accurately or not) and call the military out to defend the government.
If you honestly believe that, as I mentioned before, imo you really should try moving to China or another totalitarian country. If you seriously believe anyone in our federal government would or could brand a popular and organized march to DC a "terror attack" is beyond absurd and well into delusional.
From where I am sitting, thinking that staging a march into DC is going to prompt all of them just to give up their position because 'that's what the people want' is delusional..........
HeyYou, you are not the only American who was apparently never taught even the basics of our own government. It is not the place of our own paid federal employees to dictate to their own employers when their job performance is satisfactory, or even whether they are allowed to keep their jobs when they intentionally refuse to do them. Inside your head you already live in China, not America, so imo you might as well move the rest of your body there too. IMO you'd be much happier living in a country where power issues from the top down instead of from the bottom up.


Oh, don't get me wrong, I am very well versed on how it is SUPPOSED to work. I am also very well aware that it hasn't worked that way for quite some time. Something you yourself have been pointing out quite frequently in this thread. Denying reality doesn't change it.


I would also point out that, the american people have continuously put these people BACK IN OFFICE time and time again for the last several decades. And these are the folks that you are going to depend on to toss the bums out on their ear? And you think I am delusional? I think you should look in a mirror.

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A government in de facto bankruptcy is also a government in de facto illegitimacy. As long as every American man, woman and child is in debt almost $70,000, and increasing every day, with the only hopes of repayment being theoretical and 30-40 years in the future, it simply doesn't matter who we elect to our federal government if nobody can or will fix this terminal problem, and its own major underlying cause, the forced trade and competition between entirely incompatible economic systems and labor forces. And again I challenge anyone regardless of party to look at our charts and claim our situation is sustainable or healthy for our country. If neither major controlling party can do so we have not the right but the responsibility to abolish both parties and start over.


If this abomination from Trump's FCC is not reversed both entirely and permanently, we are left with two and only two choices: an officially fascist federal government, or an immediately and if necessary forcibly restaffed federal government. If someone can think of a third option please explain it. I refuse to live in a country where the reach of my world is artificially limited to keep Comcast artificially in business and to repay The Donald's campaign debts to Rupert Murdoch. Thus if our Congress fails to restore control of internet traffic to its only rightful owner (the FCC, not the FTC) I will help in organization efforts to march on and replace our own paid and currently proven traitor employees. We will do so publicly, openly and with full explanation to and cooperation from our state courts and law enforcement. I refuse to live in a fascist country and imo enough is enough.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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I think we have long passed the time when there was any chance of repayment....... The rest of the world is happy just collecting the interest off the money we owe them. And you are right, the current course is indeed unsustainable. But, we've known that for a decade or so as well..... Didn't stop Obama from almost doubling the national debt. (granted, he did inherit an economy that had just tanked in a major way.......)


Just the interest on the public debt (which doesn't include intergovernmental debt) is going to exceed 330 billion dollars for fiscal year 2018...... (just under 8% of the national budget) It will double by 2024 to over 680 billion dollars. (almost as much as we spend on the military...... around 770 billion)


Of course, that assumes our government stays on it's present course of 'deficits don't matter'. (Thanks Dick......) Seems a fair few folks actually buy into that.


What REALLY amazes me is: If a private citizen ran their budget as poorly as our government, they would be in prison by now........

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We don't have debtor prisons in our country. Wait a few years, our fake Republican "leadership" is working on it. Along with disposal of other corporate inconveniences like child labor laws and environmental laws etc. You know, that evil nasty government regulation and all.


With the appointment of Trump by our Electoral College and with multinational traitors in control of our House pursestrings, the sellout and destruction of our country by our own federal employees is hereby complete. My recurring dream is that the American people have marched on DC and have rounded up all 544 of our federal employees, and one by one each is dragged in front of a firing squad and asked a single question:


"Please explain how it's possible, even in theory, for free market capitalism to successfully compete with totalitarian Communism."


And one by one nothing whatsoever is heard, since NO ANSWER IS POSSIBLE, and the ears of 320 million actual Americans are greeted with the bittersweet sound of yet another proven prostituted human garbage traitor being permanently removed from our country. It's been going on for almost a half century and my only astonishment is that it took this long for the inevitable to happen.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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Uh, no, that was actually just repealed yesterday. Dreaming is now punishable by death, or five years and $10,000 fine.




And here's the soundtrack for the corporate take-over:

Edited by twowolves80
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Our CDC are no longer "allowed" to use the word fetus in any of their reporting. It's proving to be a bit of a problem for our fetal research scientists and programs.


If our Congress fails to reverse this FCC decision and do so entirely and permanently the collapse of our federal government is already wholesale, and I refuse to even state that as an opinion. It's abject treason justified by bald-faced and entirely self-serving lies from the same (in fact the ONLY) establishment that has been pushing for repeal of our net neutrality protections from the very beginning, and was doomed to obsolescence and eventual extinction by the internet.


Pai calls this a victory for consumer choice. So we should welcome him to a future where history books will forever record that Ajit Pai claimed repeal of net neutrality was a victory for consumer choice. I sincerely don't know how this traitor even faces his own family and friends, assuming he has any outside of Verizon.


I'll keep repeating this simply because it is true: with a single decision the reach of our world has gone from where we wish to go, to only where our ISPs wish to take us. It is thus by far the biggest, clearest and most brazen act of imposed fascism in our entire 240-year history.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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Our CDC are no longer "allowed" to use the word fetus in any of their reporting. It's proving to be a bit of a problem for our fetal research scientists and programs.


If our Congress fails to reverse this FCC decision and do so entirely and permanently the collapse of our federal government is already wholesale, and I refuse to even state that as an opinion. It's abject treason justified by bald-faced and entirely self-serving lies from the same (in fact the ONLY) establishment that has been pushing for repeal of our net neutrality protections from the very beginning, and was doomed to obsolescence and eventual extinction by the internet.


I'll keep repeating this simply because it is true: with a single decision the reach of our world has gone from where we wish to go, to only where our ISPs wish to take us. It is thus by far the biggest, clearest and most brazen act of imposed fascism in our entire 240-year history.

And this is most certainly not the first time our government has sold us down the river either. Each and every 'free trade' agreement is just another coffin nail for the middle class. Both parties have been doing it for decades. Some are just louder about it. Obama signed his late at night, with no press, and no fanfare, as he KNEW it wasn't going to be popular. Oh gee, I can't imagine why.......

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Truth be told I cried the first time I picked up a bag of Hershey's candy labelled Made in Mexico. We can't even make our own flipping candy any more.


Also my now two year-old and still unmet challenge is still on: find a single set of stainless steel kitchen measuring cups that are still made anywhere in the United States.


After 45 years of bloodletting virtually nothing remains to save in our former country. We're already destroyed and the only question is how long it will take for us to acknowledge that reality and start to rebuild. Because nothing else remains to be done imo. A few visits from the IMF which are also inevitable will greatly speed the recognition process, along with our current president who continues redefining incompetence, mismanagement and arrogance every day. At this point he's got everyone from Rex Tillerson (who called him a moron) to AIPAC (due to the Jerusalem debacle, which we're still not sure was unintentional) looking at him like he's from Mars, while according to one news story Mike Pence faithfully issues at least 12 compliments to Mr. Trump every 16 minutes, or whatever the exact numbers were. How much lower can we go? We've elected a fascist king complete with a queen.

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