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Net Neutrality - The End is the Beginning


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Anything George Soros and his cronies supports I am against. However he could just be false flagging to distract from all the other evil that man pertains.

Like throwing a piece of candy on the floor to make people think you are nice and then poison the rest before you throw out the crumbs.


You had two bad choices. But had you abstained from voting (as was suggested by some) Hillary Clinton would have won. And that woman is evil incarnate. Same with Obama, george bush and the rest of the globalist cabal.


Trump can certainly do better (notwithstanding the parties trying to block him) and deliver on his campaign promises instead of fiddling around in Syria to try to appease globalist agendas or upsetting the politics in the middle east further.

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Anything George Soros and his cronies supports I am against. However he could just be false flagging to distract from all the other evil that man pertains.

Like throwing a piece of candy on the floor to make people think you are nice and then poison the rest before you throw out the crumbs.


You had two bad choices. But had you abstained from voting (as was suggested by some) Hillary Clinton would have won. And that woman is evil incarnate. Same with Obama, george bush and the rest of the globalist cabal.


Trump can certainly do better (notwithstanding the parties trying to block him) and deliver on his campaign promises instead of fiddling around in Syria to try to appease globalist agendas or upsetting the politics in the middle east further.

He (Trump) promised to get us OUT of afghanistan, instead, he sent more troops there.


He was going to pull out of Syria, but, his generals talked him into sending more troops there as well......


In this particular aspect, he is exactly the same as his predecessors.

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The FCC is NOT fascist. Fascism is too light for them. They're communists, pure red communists. Only in communism you would see things like this happen.
I'm not from the USA, but i know that if the FCC manages to **** up with the internet, this will certainly affect the whole world.
And i don't want a Sozialistische Weltrepublik(Or Socialist World Republic, in English) to happen. and no, i'm not german. I Just took the name from a weird socialist video.
With civil war or not, this shall be avoided. The USA is corrupt, but at least it isn't worser than Latin America itself. The americans would get scared, if they decided to study a bit more about the Latin America's history. Brazil, for example, was a superpower until 1889, when a republican coup happened, making the country become what it is today. If that coup never happened, that country could've been controlling the world today, just like the actual superpowers. Just a single atom change is enough to create a new timeline.
I'm sure that the people won't stay quiet if the FCC(Fasci-Communist Coallition) manage to end up the Net Neutrality with whatever methods. This is just one step to the communism, and consequently, to a new cold war, because without free access to information, the people can be easily indoctrined and brainwashed(cough Cuba), and consequently, become just a chess piece in the table of the political world.
Even the smallest things can mean a lot for a country or for the world.

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KaikeKTH, I agree with most of that. As for your last point, if you're looking or hoping for some kind of popular Communist uprising in the U.S., you might want to consult the poll numbers. The Democrats couldn't even get a socialist nominated for our presidency last election (well the inside story is that Sanders was in fact the DNC's pick, until HRC pulled some oligarchy strings). But in any event, even accusing someone of being a Communist is grounds for immediate dismissal from our political process, virtually anywhere in our country aside from Berkeley CA and a handful of other hotbeds of universal victimhood.


Unfortunately the indoctrination and brainwashing have taken the form of other, currently legitimized and friendly-sounding things such as "personalized news" etc. The world's news producers including ours have discovered, as if they weren't already aware, that popular reaction to political stories (including outrage when it's appropriate), and even popular knowledge of news stories, can be played like a virtual violin, simply by controlling the extent and type of audiences for these stories. Trump's attempted destruction of net neutrality and Pai's decision are classic examples of this, it took exactly one day for the most brazen act of imposed federal fascism in U.S. history to disappear altogether from the front pages of every one of our dozen or so daily news sources. One day. And it hasn't reappeared since. So gee I guess nobody really cares about protecting net neutrality anyway.


Except here in California:




And the EU:




And New York,Virginia, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. And D.C.


I sincerely can't decide what disgusts me more, Trump's intentionally orchestrated imposed fascism, or the complete lack of accountability either by our Congress or even in our media for this unprecedented abomination. The same group of people who're turning their backs on net neutrality are the very ones (in fact close to the only ones) who stand to politically benefit from this despotic treason, if it could stand in our country. Our courts know better, let's see if they also turn their backs on 23 states and 90% of free Americans in the remaining 27 states. Somebody/anybody reading this is invited to offer opinions on what options would remain for us to save the internet from the exact same fate as cable TV and commercial radio, instead of properly recognize and protect it as the world's primary and most important common carrier of private two-way communications. Virtually the entire rest of the world has already done so, because nothing else remains to be done.

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This Time article drives home the fact that the issue of net neutrality transcends political party, partisanship and even ideology:




Note the info on campaign contributions, especially Comcast and Google. Gotta wonder how much money they're currently throwing at our elected officials to fight the nationwide backlash from Pai's decision, and castration of end user rights for internet traffic in the U.S. With a single decision, the reach of America's internet was reduced from whatever exists in the world, to whatever sites your ISP wishes to bring you, in exchange for whatever extortion package you're paying for. Just like cable TV.


Also I again find myself shaking my head in disgust at Ted Cruz, the delusional senator from TX. If you've ever wondered how one person can be so fiercely on the corrupted and immoral side of an issue, regardless of what the issue might be, it's because stupidity is infinite punishment. A stupid person is precisely as stupid regardless of what he or she might be saying, doing or thinking about any subject.


For posterity's sake, i.e. our country's reputation in history books, not to mention what little might remain of Trump's and Pai's reputations, I hope one or both of them come clean and admit their concerted treason was simply the most efficient way to accomplish the inevitable. You know, for the good of the American people. Pai's decision will not age well, in fact it stunk like vinegar before the grapes were even crushed. It was easily the purest and most brazen act of orchestrated rights repression and thus treason in U.S. history.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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This Time article drives home the fact that the issue of net neutrality transcends political party, partisanship and even ideology:




Note the info on campaign contributions, especially Comcast and Google. Gotta wonder how much money they're currently throwing at our elected officials to fight the nationwide backlash from Pai's decision, and castration of end user rights for internet traffic in the U.S. With a single decision, the reach of America's internet was reduced from whatever exists in the world, to whatever sites your ISP wishes to bring you, in exchange for whatever extortion package you're paying for. Just like cable TV.


Also I again find myself shaking my head in disgust at Ted Cruz, the delusional senator from TX. If you've ever wondered how one person can be so fiercely on the corrupted and immoral side of an issue, regardless of what the issue might be, it's because stupidity is infinite punishment. A stupid person is precisely as stupid regardless of what he or she might be saying, doing or thinking about any subject.


For posterity's sake, i.e. our country's reputation in history books, not to mention what little might remain of Trump's and Pai's reputations, I hope one or both of them come clean and admit their concerted treason was simply the most efficient way to accomplish the inevitable. You know, for the good of the American people. Pai's decision will not age well, in fact it stunk like vinegar before the grapes were even crushed. It was easily the purest and most brazen act of orchestrated rights repression and thus treason in U.S. history.

This is only one more instance of our government doing what is best for the interests of business revenue, not what is best for the average american. Nothing new under the sun, and really shouldn't come as a surprise. ISPs have long wanted the ability to 'favor' one variety of traffic over another. Now they can. The can burn both ends of the candle, and not get burnt by hot wax. They can charge companies (netflex) to favor their traffic, then, turn around and bill their customers for 'preferred' packages, that favor streaming as well.


The "big" ISPs already pretty much have a monopoly in many areas, so, if customers there want broadband, they will be forced to pay what the ISP wants to charge. This is one of the reasons rates are so high in the US, as compared to just about everywhere else. I don't really count satellite internet as 'real' broadband.... simply due to unrealistic data caps.

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Related news today from Russia:




The current push of legitimized and legalized federal fascism is by no means limited to the U.S. These are simply the final gasps of already collapsed, illegitimate, amoral and bankrupt governments.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great news, we've reached the point of maximum genital waving from our fascist traitor president and his fascist traitor Sinclair hero FCC Chairman, Ajit Pai:




And America gets its first news story in THREE MONTHS about net neutrality. Simply to attempt to butter us up for the greatest implementation of federal fascism in U.S. history. The FCC not only attempted to repress our existing rights for internet traffic, they have actually done so. They are therefore proven traitors and illegitimate representatives of the American people. I can't even manage an imo on that statement, unless someone or anyone is willing to explain why this doesn't qualify as orchestrated treason against our Constitution. Our internet rights were sold to Sinclair Communications and Comcast and Rupert Murdoch. This same corrupted FCC that stripped internet traffic of its Title II utility protections, and proper classification as a communications network, apparently did so at the primary behest of a single megaconglomerate of last century's TV establishment called Sinclair COMMUNICATIONS. Simply beyond belief. This conflict of interest was obvious enough that it spawed an internal investigation within this same FCC into Pai's decision.


All of the current abject corruption and positioning doesn't really concern me long-term, as only one eventuality exists for internet traffic. What worries me far more is the remote prospect of our federal courts laying down along with our Congress when they're asked to defend and protect our Constitutional rights. I'll settle for my state doing the same, and God help our country if our federal courts attempt to justify this imposed fascism. Pai handed over our rights for the very same traffic WE REMAIN LEGALLY LIABLE FOR. I ask any and all free Americans to consider what this means, and why these actions by Trump's intentionally corrupted FCC are beyond reprehensible. It is, quite literally, the equivalent of giving our phone companies the power to either route or not route our calls, depending on whom the companies like. Or giving our USPS control over which of our mail is delivered, depending on whether recipients like Donald Trump.


Absolutely outrageous, and I refuse to live in a fascist country. Note the final quote in this article, I can't wait until the court decisions start and this airhead meets our state's Public Utilities Commission. This is the unprecedented rise of hardcore legitimized fascism in the United States of America and bluntly, if it's allowed to stand by anyone, no country remains to save and I will find a free country to live in. Many still exist you know.


Also this CNN article is horribly uninformed, not accidentally imo but whatever. Major cable TV companies (who unfortunately and temporarily are still allowed to provide internet service in our country) have existing net neutrality obligations, according to their various purchase contracts of last century's media and entertainment establishment (Comcast bought NBC, Disney bought ABC, etc). Comcast's net neutrality obligation doesn't end until September of this year, Charter Communications' legal obligation to net neutrality doesn't expire until 2025. Etc. Again the article makes absolutely no mention of any of these facts, so even the title qualifies as misleading at best. It's typical CNN flame bait that is far more propaganda than news.


I don't wish to see the machine taken down with the abomination it appears to support, but 320 million free Americans will not stand for this regardless of the delusion levels amongst our current set of federal employees, or news editors. What the FCC did, according not to my opinion but to our Constitution, justifies their immediate removal from office by any means necessary. The same applies to Congress or any other federal employee who fails to remedy this rights repression and predation, or attempts to stop the states from doing likewise. Pai and his enabler have already become caricatures of themselves, and I offer my apologies to all future generations who will read our history and simply stare in utter disbelief. Four traitors managed to come closer than anyone in human history to actually eliminating our God-given and inherent Constitutional rights. They have already proven themselves more effective and powerful than 19 men with box cutters.

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We were expecting defense and protection of our constitutional rights, what our Congress gave us was copyright protection for musicians who blabbered into microphones before 1972 and are still demanding royalties. And the major chunk of the pathetic little that remained of my former country's culture, that could be freely accessed by the American people, has been stripped from the public domain and put behind locked gates and lost forever to legal contracts and attorney groups:




"Goodlatte, a driving force and co-author of the original legislation resulting in this bill, introduced the MMA in the House Judiciary Committee where it received unanimous passage on April 11. In positioning it for the full vote, he couched it in terms of economic hardship, stating the problems and failures in our nation's music laws have imposed real financial costs upon artists and creators."


What the article fails to mention are the new felony crimes being defined by this same government, for attempting to bypass or interfere with copyright protection on streaming media, i.e. internet traffic. Thus our government, predictably and inevitably, has been converted into a copyright police force for private industry. The same industry not coincidentally that is practically responsible for raising and electing this same government. Isn't that a hoot? Meanwhile a billion and a half Chinese are giggling (again) at both Orrin Hatch and our entire concept of copyright law. I can only hope this is Mr. Hatch's final stab at the American people before retiring to his moron heaven. And again I hang my head in shame at this collapsed government and pray fervently for its replacement.


One last note about this latest mass and literal sellout of the American people, according to everyone from Neil Young to Paul McCartney even most musicians look with utter disdain on this infinite greed model for entertainment in our country. Hip-hop artists are paid $40 million a year to grunt into microphones about killing cops, while our cops are paid $40,000 a year to be shot at and killed. For the sake of some semblance of morality please try and remember it as you read the whine and dine from our Congress about poor starving musicians. The simple and self-evident reality imo is that our Congress and the legislation it produces have collapsed into a wholesale free-for-all for industry and special interests, to the complete exclusion of the best interests of our country as a whole. According to this vote, disenfranchisement is absolute now, at least in our House and regardless of party.


The other half made me laugh, the claim was that Eric Carmen finally ran out of residuals from "All By Myself" after 40 years and was forced to move from Hollywood back to his hometown, and has been making desperate appeals to Congress ever since. :D I know at least most of that is actually true.

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