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Net Neutrality - The End is the Beginning


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"In a time of universal deceit telling the truth becomes an act of rebellion."


George Orwell


Il est interdit d'interdire --05/68

I agree with that last part, but Orwell was delusional if he thought there's such a thing as a time of something other than universal deceit. My point is, we're dealing with human nature which never, ever changes over time. Ever. Not even for a little while. Truth is why Ed Snowden remains a refugee from his own employees. Truth is what got Sir Thomas More beheaded. Truth is what crucified Jesus of Nazareth. Truth has always been and will always remain rebellious.


So imo Ben Franklin not only nailed our current problem directly on the head, he predicted it 230 years ago. Because he understood human nature:


"In these sentiments, Sir, I agree to this Constitution with all its faults,

if they are such, because I think a general government necessary for us; ...

and believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a course of

years, and can only end in despotism, as other forms have done before it,

when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government,

being incapable of any other."


-- Benjamin Franklin, Speech before the Constitutional Convention, 9/17/1787


Note that he brilliantly and correctly predicted the PEOPLE would eventually become so corrupt, NOT the very federal government they were founding at the time. It's why my greatest fear, far beyond all others is that America itself is already dead and nothing remains to be defended or protected. If 300+ million Americans are willing to allow our own employees to start stripping our constitutional rights from us, the very people who pay their salaries and provide their offices, and these absolute levels of disenfranchisement and abject treason by our own government agencies, what exactly are we paying our own money to support? That's why Congress not only should but must and will restore the FCC's 2015 protections, in their entirety and permanently when this abomination from our currently Trumped FCC is published in the Federal Register. Because nothing short of it will fully protect our rights, and any foot in the door with regard to exceptions will eventually if not quickly result in us being back where we are today. And lastly because protection of internet traffic as a common carrier utility is inevitable anyway. Very close to the entire rest of the world has already done the same. For every piece of private postal mail sent and received in the U.S., 80 private emails are now sent and received. Has anyone anywhere in our federal government asked Trump's FCC to explain why then our postal mail should be protected as a common carrier utility, but not our internet traffic?


Take away their current bald-faced, self-serving and self-disproving lies about consumer choice, and what remains as an excuse for what they did is nothing other than an attempt to destroy both our internet, and even far more insidiously, destroy the American public's expectations of constitutional rights protection for internet traffic. THE VERY PEOPLE WHO CREATED AND PAID FOR THE INTERNET. It is therefore the purest and by far most brazen attempt at imposed fascism in our entire history, and just the thought of it makes my stomach churn. Regardless, it's what has happened and is still happening. Fascism is now not only legalized but institutionalized in my beloved country, strictly on behalf of last century's now obsolete cable TV and entertainment industries who're attempting to trade their own artificial continued survival for our constitutional rights. These companies are begged to review what happened to the L.A. Times in 1910, when they started predating on the God-given First Amendment and other rights of the American people. It wasn't pretty. The people burned their offices to the ground and according to the story even the police were ok with it. Not a single criminal charge was ever filed in the case. The above is meant entirely for information purposes not as any kind of threat. However imo somebody needs to explain what other option the American people will have to defend and protect our rights, if our Congress fails to do so for us, and even more importantly, what other eventuality our federal government believes is even possible if this FCC decision is not reversed. I simply don't understand what they're thinking. Are they seriously expecting the 300 million free Americans who are responsible and paid for the internet in the first place to simply say, "Oh well, we really weren't interested in our free speech and other rights for internet traffic anyway"? My point is, even the attempt at what they've already done has set a new standard in our country for brazen and absolute disenfranchisement of the people, and imposed fascism. Whether they get away with it, which isn't really even a question because only one eventuality is possible, is beside the point imo. Trump and our FCC have just and already proven themselves to be traitors to the American people and our Constitution, Trump for appointing an industry shill to a position of specific non-partisan public interest, and Trump's FCC for repaying our traitor president's campaign debts by selling our inherent and God-given constitutional rights to Comcast and Disney and Rupert Murdoch. It makes me want to vomit. Again.


Also, the whole concept of an "information service" is an entirely artificial fabrication, brought to us by the exact same federal government that has now just subjugated our constitutional rights for internet traffic to private industry. The term was carved by legislation from absolute nothingness, specifically to avoid or at least delay the inevitable communications utility protections for internet traffic in our country. I'm sorry to insult anyone's intelligence, but in case anyone isn't aware, the internet is, always has been and as long as breath still issues in me will always remain a two-way COMMUNICATIONS medium, therefore government jurisdiction for its traffic belongs to the FCC and only to the FCC. Not the FTC. From my reading Trump's sole or at least primary purpose of transferring control to the FTC was to usurp our states' rights to implement their own net neutrality laws. Again if this doesn't qualify as pure imposed fascism by our feds, somebody regardless of party needs to explain why it doesn't. With a single FCC decision the reach of our world has gone from what exists in it, to whatever Comcast and Disney and Rupert Murdoch wish to bring to us. As I mentioned elsewhere I firmly believe countless generations of future historians will read, and simply stare in amazed wonder and utter disbelief. Four men ended the entire internet as we know it in our country.


I also firmly believe votes against the full and permanent restoration of our rights will with absolute certainty translate into eternally and extremely bad reputations in our history books. Not that our current White House and FCC, currently controlled and occupied by bald-faced lying and utterly prostituted traitors, give a crap about our history books. As evidenced by Thursday's vote a majority don't care about their own constitutional rights, those of the American people or even those of their own families. So what comes after absolute prostitution and abject treason? I choose my words carefully and when I call people human garbage it's not because I have personal grudges against them, or even know them personally. It's because my conscience can't comprehend the levels of treason and absolute disregard of public will that's now occurring in our federal government. It's close to wholesale at this point as evidenced most recently by this decision. And the Republican's new tax structure. Come hell or high water they made sure the very bottom tax rate was raised from 10 to 12%, while they slashed by a third their own megaprofits made from collapsed free market capitalism. Their solution to the catastrophes of Nixon's treason (his self-legitimizing of his own covert and illegal relationships with the PRC etc), our federal government's subsequent bestowal of Most Favored Nation trade status on a country of totalitarian Communists who recognize no civil or human rights whatsoever for its own citizens, etc etc etc ad nauseam since 1971, not to mention Trump's campaign promises to fix our China problem, he and the Republicans' most recent solution to this unprecedented disaster was to completely eliminate our existing corporate tax on overseas production. Apparently they've introduced a new tax to replace it, so they can continue pretending it's possible even in theory for free market capitalism to compete with totalitarian Communism. Traitors the lot.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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The problem is, liberals think permisiveness is freedom. I think it's time to get out of Babylon. Every empire is cyclical. It ascends, it peaks, it falls into despotism, and then into chaos until a new government emerges. Then, rinse and repeat.


I hear the Caribbean is nice this time of year...

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The federal government hasn't worked for the american people for decades. Sure, our taxes make their paychecks, but, that's where it ends. They make more money from their campaign contributors, speaking fees, and various other forms of legal bribery than their annual salary. They know which side of the bread gets buttered, so, they cater to their big donors, as that's what keeps them on the gravy train. (in public office.....) Ever notice that a newbie congressman may not be rich when he gets elected to office, but, he sure as shootin' is by the end of his first term...... Why do you think term-limits for congress have never gotten off the ground? Lots of presidents have talked about it, but, that's all its ever been. Talk. There is no way such a bill would ever pass.


Remember the 'line-item veto'? It gave the president the ability to mark out specific provisions of a bill, before he signed it into law. It was put in place toward the end of a republican presidency, and very shortly thereafter, when a dem won the presidency, it was suddenly deemed 'unconstitutional'...... Amazing, huh?

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The problem is, liberals think permisiveness is freedom. I think it's time to get out of Babylon. Every empire is cyclical. It ascends, it peaks, it falls into despotism, and then into chaos until a new government emerges. Then, rinse and repeat.

Ronald Reagan promised us a New American Century while he and Nixon spent the major bulk of their time creating a New Chinese Century out of treason and on behalf of the mutinationals. And the Republican Party in its authentic or at least original form has not been seen in our country since.


As for "liberals", that term has also been intentionally corrupted to mean big government, tax-and-spend socialism, which in all other parts of the world except ours is the precise opposite of the word's true meaning.

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This is why I'm a registered libertarian, a term which also has been corrupted--in this case, to mean anarchy and no law, when what it actually is is less government and more self-responsibility. Honestly, the government (not Federal--that term is not what the forefathers had in mind--they wanted only the minimum laws on the books as possible) exists for very narrow purposes, primarily, to police interstate commerce, raise armies in times of war to defend the country, and to mint coinage of absolute sum certain values, not abrogate their oath of office and delegate that responsibility to a private organization (yes, the Federal Reserve is a private organization) to print fiat money and control our country by controlling our currency.

Interesting point of fact. The United States of America is defined as a federal CORPORATION in the Federal Code (28 USC 3002 (a) (15)). Also, see here.


Welcome to the new age.


The only hope is that they crumble from within without causing too many casualties when it happens.

Beginning to feel more and more like this is a meme we'll be seeing more of:


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The only hope is that they crumble from within without causing too many casualties when it happens.

It crumbled in 1971. The casualties were our economy, labor force, middle class, way of life, currency value, Republican Party and federal government.


If you haven't already, read Tim Weiner's book on the history of our FBI. The agency's #1 concern for our national security during Reagan's two terms, or at least much of that time was in fact Reagan himself. He regularly hosted groups subsequently called "influence peddlers" (I'm old enough to remember this first-hand) in our White House, representatives from the PRC and other countries who were there to negotiate the permanent and global sellout of our country's labor force to the multinationals. Etc. The treason extends to this very day, as evidenced by our most recent tax changes and FCC decision.


Republicans? No. Traitors? Most definitely. If you think any or all of this is CT nonsense please read Weiner's book. As far as I know nobody has ever denied or even disputed this established and by all accounts (including mine, and I'm not an easy customer to please in this department) exhaustively researched history. At many points it reads like a fiction novel. But it isn't. It's the documented collapse of our federal government.

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I just want to ask.


Is anyone posting in this thread or the leader of the post White Supremacists?


I just want to know, so I don't insult any of my friends or family who have German lineage by repeating some of the similarities I am seeing here that suggest a very hard core mindset.


If any of you are white supremacists I want to apologize for my German Mother, because I found out I didn't have any German DNA when I got tested to see what neighborhood my DNA was from. I was doing a follow up for our families genealogy for my Dad who, has always said he was some other nationality than Mom was.


I mean, the weirdest thing to was to find out that the people who first offered DNA tests turned out to be Native American's. Some of them now call themselves, "The First People".


I found out from the tests sent back to me showing me I had no German genealogical connections. I challenged the findings without disclosing I had the genealogy done by a Great Great Great Great Grandmother and, (the people who were doing my tests didn't know I was white) I challenged the findings only to have the reader send me a note saying that that person looked closer, discovered a smug his machine made, ran it out again and saw that I definitely was Finnish.


I'd rather not share thoughts if all the thoughts are leading me back to what my older siblings who were just babies and made a lot of comments about stuff being talked about, before they were 12 years of age. They made up rhymes to share, about what used to get talk about around the neighborhood. Some of it was terrible stuff.


If I am in a post group that resembles the way white supremacists I will make no further comments here.


For I would certainly feel I was punishing anyone without knowing the reasons why. Just with some of their, not all white haired blued eyed brought to life using Adolf Hitler's gene's behave like the ones in history movies and made up theater movies. There are some human beings in that kind that I knew who I don't have one bad thing to say about them.


I'm for being smart and not repeating what my older siblings used to sing song to hopscotch and skipping rope. They said stuff I'm sure would set off some people like those people who went postal, who would lose it and go killing people just because they are white supremacists and they've had enough of people slandering all the people who only want to live out the rest of their lives in Peace.


I would only be repeating what the older children said without ever finding out if any of what their sing song rhymes meant and I would rather not since it might make anyone uncomfortable in this 21st Century.


So. Are any of you posters or the lead poster members of the white supremacists?

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Pagafyr, my two choices are to complain to this site's mods about your relentless threadshitting, or simply add you to my ignore bin. So welcome to my ignore bin. I wish I could say nothing personal, but imo your posts are beyond bizarre and well into indicative of mental illness. I hope you someday learn or are able to communicate coherently with the outside world.


As a parting shot and to answer your question, I'm pushing 60 and so far I've yet to meet a single human being who was either white or black. All races are shades of brown and pink, and all the rest is stupidity. In formal clinical studies racism is consistently either the or one of the most reliable and accurate indicators of low intelligence in humans. And unfortunately a certain percentage of any country or population fall into this low intelligence category, so the presence of racism is a given anywhere in the world. Speaking of Germany, their own racism problem never really went away entirely after WWII, just as ours didn't after our Civil War etc. And it never does, anywhere or at any time. Because you really can't fix stupid.

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I am learning. Your last post confirms I have a different way of seeing life and thinking about it in your opinion. Illness? Is what you think so clear to others that they could not conceive that you have an illness?


I done trying to find someone with the powers to find out how I really see life and think. At times I wish I was an Alien with a spaceship so I could go back to whatever planet I came from. I didn't give up looking for a way to learn to communicate, even after several people became tired of what it is that make me who I am.


Maybe what all the different people I have talked to have in common is this. What they have shared with me suggests they over complicate the way they live. Since they don't want to stop and see what I describe as that type of life I have no friends. Maybe I think everyone is being irrational for fun. I join in and now I find what is often irrational to my thinking is of some importance to others ways of thinking.


From my views while learning to live in the city I live in, life seems a lot easier to me, than so called wise people describe how living in the city is from their point of views. Each time they went away, or dropped me off I did what I do and returned to where I was told I was supposed to be.


So long!

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