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New Design - Sorting the Download History


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Pretty straightforward: Please enable us to sort the download history. The columns themselves are already pretty useful, but it turns into a chore to look through 73 pages (see screenshot below) and check every single "Updated" entry. I know there's a tracking function, but you have to activate it for every single mod individually, and the FSM's mercy upon you if you forget about that function and download hundreds of mods, and THEN remember it. Since it would render the tracking centre completely obsolete (at least for me), I do understand if you make this some premium functionality. Purchased that anyway.


In addition to that: A by-game filter for the history would also come in handy when managing not only hundreds of mods, but hundreds of mods from each of your half dozen games.


Unrelated to the request: The function to endorse downloaded mods from the download history is just awesome. :smile: Having to open each mod on an individual page to endorse them is what kept me from endorsing most mods before the new design was implemented. Now it's more like "You get a thumbs up! And you get a thumbs up! Everybody gets a thumbs up!"


Edit: Maybe also let us remove specific entries from that list (for mods you don't use anymore, etc.), and/or purge it (for a fresh game installation, for example).



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Okay, now that I think of it, this would basically turn the download history into the tracking centre. Maybe it's easier to just add an option to automatically track every downloaded mod, and an option to retroactively add all downloaded mods to the tracking centre. (+ a purge option to the tracking centre? Tickboxes for selective removal :P)

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In addition to that: A by-game filter for the history would also come in handy when managing not only hundreds of mods, but hundreds of mods from each of your half dozen games.


Yeah, why'd you shove every downloaded mod on the same one page with this new design? Was fine before.




On the top of the mod page, the fall down menu "Mods", there u can see "activity" with download history for that specific game and the tracking center for that game.


Right, should read a few messages before posting. My bad.

Edited by jesusristus
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