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The request was aborted: no secure SSL / TLS channel could be created


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Hi there :D


I downloaded the manager without any problems. But if i start it, the following error message appears:


The request was aborted: no secure SSL / TLS channel could be created


Please help me. I dont know much about programs, so please try to formulate the answer as easy as you can. :D

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I do not use Windows 10, for a whole lot of reasons ... but * IF * you are using Windows 10, this seems to be a some what common ' error ' and no, I don't have an answer.


But hopefully this might give you some beginning points to search, * IF * you have Win 10?


I have a few friends that I've seen post this " error lamentations " after they went to Win 10.

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I'm having the same situation on my Win 10 pc. Are there any hints to fix this?


The details show:

System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: no secure SSL / TLS channel could be created..
with System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
with System.Net.WebClient.GetWebResponse(WebRequest request, IAsyncResult result)
with System.Net.WebClient.DownloadBitsResponseCallback(IAsyncResult result)

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  • 3 years later...

WHAT!?!? ARE YOU INCOMPETENTS KIDDING ME?? Literally EVERYONE who plays modern games including Fallout 4 uses Windows 10! I mean DUH! You want us to try & play new games like RDR2 & RTX enabled games on Windows 7, Vista or XP?? Because u CANT! These games REQUIRE Win 10! & BTW, HOW is Nexusmods so seemingly "useless" that they cant even help fix their OWN Mod Manager issue which is the only reason as to why NONE of us can even run the Fallout Mod Manager? AKA the program that ALL mods have a download option to download & install with??

The Other error I keep getting for some retarded & VERY annoying reason is: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\kid_r\AppData\Local\Fallout4\plugins.txt'.

So I think its saying it cant find some "plugins.txt" file, BUT, my Fallout 4 install is a FRESH install from a brand new hard drive, in fact its a brand new PC build since I last played F4 so this file missing or not being found makes NO sense does it??

Is there ANYONE even on Nexusmods Forums who actually has a BRAIN & common sense to actually answer this question/thread that several people are having this issue with?? Honestly I'm shocked that NOBODY has not only solved this issues, but not even TRIED to fix/solve it when I thought this is where the Nexus Mod Manager comes from??

OR, are u ALL saying you created a website/forum without even having ANY knowledge about Fallout 4 or your own "supposed" mod manager??? If someone asks me a question (let alone multiple people, pleading for help on an obviously common issue) about something I own, built myself or know about, I answer them, instead of saying literally the DUMBEST thing I may have ever heard that you should NOT use Windows 10, AKA the ONLY operating system that will even run most modern games! Its like having a problem with your car & a mechanic saying "well, I myself, I don't drive a car, so have you tried walking 20 miles everyday instead?" "or better yet, have u tried driving a boat to work on the road?" Seriously? WTF is wrong with this site/forum & the Mod Manager not working? GIVE US AN ACTUAL ANSWER THAT ISNT THE SILLIEST THING EVER SAID PLEASE!

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Um, maybe post in the forum for Vortex, not Fallout 4? Vortex Support I mean I don't know about you, but I'd think if I was having trouble with Nexus' mod manager I'd ask for help someplace dedicated to helping problems with the mod manager itself, rather than a specific game.



Are there any hints to fix this?


What it's telling you is that it can't establish a secure connection with the Nexus servers. Run Windows Update, then reinstall Vortex. If you still get the problem try adding an exception for Vortex in Windows Firewall.



Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\kid_r\AppData\Local\Fallout4\plugins.txt'. So I think its saying it cant find some "plugins.txt" file,


1. Did you check to see if that directory and file exist?


2. That's not "some plugins.txt file". That file is how Fallout knows which plugins are installed. It then uses "loadorder.txt" from the same directory to know which order to load them in. If your mod manager isn't finding them the usual cause is YOU not launching the game through Steam so that Windows registry entries get properly updated. You must launch through Steam at least once so that game paths and folder permissions are properly set. You don't have to play the game, but you need to launch up until the main menu. THEN you can launch the game through the mod manager.

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Keep in mind, the AppData folder is a hidden folder, Need to tell windows to show hidden folder in order to see it in explorer.


Also, you need to launch the game at least once in order for a bunch of those files to be generated/placed. Don't have to actually PLAY, but, do need to fire off the game.

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Numerous "incompetents" have responded to and answered this issue in the Vortex support forums. However, you can save time by reading the two comments above mine, which contain the answers you would find in the Vortex forums.

Edited by AugustaCalidia
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Keep in mind, the AppData folder is a hidden folder, Need to tell windows to show hidden folder in order to see it in explorer.


Also, you need to launch the game at least once in order for a bunch of those files to be generated/placed. Don't have to actually PLAY, but, do need to fire off the game.


You don't actually need to unhide it. Click on the address box at the top of File Explorer and type in %appdata%. That takes you to AppData\Roaming, and you can use the little up arrow to get to AppData, then double click Local, etc. Windows will let you go to hidden folders if you know the address, or in this case address shortcut. There's a shortcut that will take you straight to Local too but I can never remember it, so I go to Roaming and then work my way over.


And I already said the second part! :P

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